Principal's Law

[250] Assumption

Back in Xiang Hongmei's office, Principal Chen was already sitting on the sofa, and he brought a new notebook and pen to Yang Yimin. Yang Yimin said "thank you" and sat on the sofa.

Xiang Hongmei got up quickly, "Principal Yang, come and sit here, I'll sit on the sofa." The sofa is relatively low, while the desk and chair are much higher, so Xiang Hongmei is naturally not comfortable sitting on the sofa by herself. There.

Yang Yimin didn't sit on it either, and said, "Then let's sit on the sofa and talk."

Xiang Hongmei handed him a glass of water, and he and Principal Chen sat on the three-seater sofa, while Yang Yimin sat on the single sofa, the sofa was at a vertical corner against the wall, Yang Yimin put the cup on the bar coffee table, and said : "Now the end of the term is coming, I mainly want to hear what the end-of-term arrangement is like."

Principal Chen mainly introduced the final exam and the enrollment of primary and junior high schools, while Xiang Hongmei focused on the arrangement of class teachers and the construction of campus culture.

Middle schools and junior high schools in the suburbs are not good, but elementary schools are still relatively famous, because in Pingchuan County, in recent years, more people have gone out to work and buy properties in the county. It is difficult to relocate the old city, so the developer focused on the suburbs. The selected location was close to Yangming City, and another option was to be close to the school, and the suburban middle school happened to be in this location.

Therefore, the number of primary school students has increased rapidly in recent years. In order to integrate resources, the Education Bureau merged the nearby suburban primary schools into suburban middle schools with better conditions but poor student resources. However, the management of primary schools and junior high schools did not achieve integration, and Once the students get better grades and graduate from elementary school, they immediately go to find a better junior high school. The quality of junior high school has been unable to improve, because the school can't even keep its own students.

Yang Yimin listened to the introduction of the school by the two vice principals, and thought about the problems himself, because only by finding out the problems is the breakthrough in his work. When a new official takes office, no matter whether there are three fires or not, changes are necessary. Chengjiao Middle School This school may be the place where I work for a long time, so I have to think long-term.

After listening to the introductions of the two principals, everything seemed to be going on normally, but everything seemed to be on the surface again, Yang Yimin said: "It's the end of the term, and at this time, something like this happened in the school, it must be very difficult for the bureau to get back on track. Other parties have supported us, and everything depends on ourselves, especially funding, which is related to the bonuses of teachers, and we have to think carefully about it.”

"I have an idea. One is the issue of enrollment. There is a charge for cross-section enrollment in elementary schools. This has to determine a standard. The other is enrollment in junior high schools. Isn't the teacher in the graduating class of the third year of junior high school taking a break? Let them go to elementary schools near the urban area. Find some good seedlings and let them come to our school to study. Some townships are also allowed, as long as they have good grades. We can use the grades of the primary school graduation level test to draw a line. The quality of students can be improved."

Principal Chen interjected: "Principal Yang, this is easy to say, but difficult to do, especially for junior high schools. Now when it comes to middle schools in the suburbs, who will come to our school except for those who can't find a way to recruit students because of fragmentation. Reading, not to mention good seedlings."

"Do we have spare student dormitories?" Yang Yimin asked.

"Yes, it's okay to add 200 people. Principal Yang, I agree with you. Principal Chen, Principal Yang is very famous. I think we can use his fame to promote. The advantages of school education resources in the city are obvious. Yes, in fact, many parents still want their children to study in the city, the main reason is that they are not at ease, if we strengthen management, I believe it will definitely change." Xiang Hongmei now knows very well that she has to firmly stand by Yang Yimin's side.

Principal Chen nodded, and Yang Yimin continued: "Principal Chen will arrange this matter immediately. First, we will make publicity materials and make them as quickly as possible. Let junior three teachers set up a school for each person, and try to send them to students during the elementary school level exam." In addition, there is a special person responsible for making contact, so we must try to dig out good seedlings.”

Xiang Hongmei suddenly asked: "Principal Yang, what if other junior high school principals are dissatisfied with this way of poaching students?"

"Dissatisfaction is an afterthought. As long as we poach the student, he can't change it if he wants to. I also think that it would be better if we can recruit some students who are better in the second year of junior high school. Teachers have relatives and friends who have good grades, and they can be transferred to our school to study, but this has to be done quietly, because it is definitely not allowed in the bureau.”

Yang Yimin paused and said: "No matter whether the enrollment is good or bad this year, I hope we will do our best. This is the most difficult period for the school. We must work together. Another point is that all students who enter abnormally this year must be determined by me. Approve it personally, and Principal Chen will make a note in a uniform format."

This sentence made the two vice-principals nervous all of a sudden. This is obviously a power takeover, because in the past few years, the school’s enrollment management has been very chaotic. As long as relatives and friends greet each other, some give gifts, and some teachers come to find leaders, everyone I felt that the school was not prosperous, so I closed them all, and the school teachers and administrators more or less got some benefits from it.

We can't say it clearly, everyone knows it well, now that Yang Yimin has made such a regulation, all the passages are blocked, including the two vice principals, and if they want to let the related households in, they have to go through Yang Yimin's hands.

But the two of them definitely wouldn't object, and whoever objected meant that someone had a ghost in his heart, and it was difficult for anyone to want to spend money to read it, so although the two felt a little uncomfortable, they both nodded in agreement.

"Principal Chen will be in charge of the final exam and enrollment. Principal Xiang, you must check the safety hazards of the school carefully, print the safety knowledge into a book and distribute it to the students, and work with the office to do a good job of the class teacher, class teacher and office staff. In the assessment of personnel, the quality and price of food in the small shopping department of the cafeteria are strictly controlled, and there must be no problems."

"I will come to think about the funding issue. I will go to the General Affairs Office later to find out about the school's funding situation."

Yang Yimin has always believed that for school teachers, motivating everyone with bonuses is the most important means, but this means is not equalitarianism without distinction, but must have a considerable gap to touch everyone.

Teachers in the city are different from those in Shimen. Not only do they have higher incomes, but some teachers may also have second jobs. These situations have widened the balance among teachers, and teachers who devote themselves to teaching often do not get much benefit. The idea of ​​communism will restrict the development of the school to the greatest extent.

However, Yang Yimin took up the post temporarily at the end of the semester, and he could not make large-scale changes to the bonus distribution of this semester, so he considered only expressing his ideas in a targeted manner, and institutionalized some reform measures at the teacher meeting at the end of the semester, so that it is convenient for the next semester. semester work.

After the meeting, the three of them finally decided to hold a faculty meeting in the afternoon to pass on the latest arrangements of the school to everyone. This is also Yang Yimin's first real meeting that reflects his working ideas after he took office.

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