Principal's Law

[259] The favorite female teacher

Principal Zhou calculated the time and said, "Why don't you come over next Monday, there will be a parents' meeting, I will do my homework first, and then you will publicize it, and pay the textbook fee and accommodation fee on the spot, and the matter will be settled."

"okay, thank you."

Yang Yimin was very satisfied with today's trip. He got into the car and drove for a while. Feng Min said, "Principal Yang, let me drive. You're drinking."

Feng Min didn't drink at noon, and always used tea instead of wine. Yang Yimin also pushed a lot of glasses because he said that he would go to other schools. Although he was drunk at this time, he was not drunk. This kind of road policeman will definitely not have it. But drinking and driving is really not safe.

"Okay, Feng Min, how is your craft?"

"Principal Yang, don't worry, I will definitely send you home."

"Who said going home, we have to go to a school."

According to Yang Yimin's request, Feng Min opened another elementary school. The result was similar to that of Linfeng Primary School, but Yang Yimin, an excellent student in this school, knew something about it. Went to the experimental middle school, there are still a few who have gone to the nearest sub-district town to apply, only five people did not sign up, Yang Yimin reached an agreement with the principal, these five excellent students must be sent to the suburban middle school for registration.

For those sent over, Yang Yimin promised to reimburse the travel expenses of the principal and the students, and the principal would pay a contact fee of [-] yuan for each eugenic student. Although this trick is not much money, the effect is very significant.

Yang Yimin ran for four days in a row and visited ten schools. The number of eugenics initially achieved reached more than 70. Later, Yang Yimin called the principal of the other party, some asked the teacher to go to the school to register and pay, and some asked the school principal to send it to the school. .

Soon, more than 60 eugenics came, and at the same time, there were more than 20 students who were not eugenics. This made Yang Yimin embarrassed, so he decided to charge a small part of the fee according to the level of the proficiency test. Unexpectedly, perhaps the principals of these schools did a solid job, and these parents handed over the money readily.

Feng Min followed Yang Yimin to school most of the time, because she was the only one who was relatively free, and the school administrator and teachers saw that Yang Yimin ran away for a few days, and the effect of publicity was much better than that of other teachers. Seeing the increase in the number of students, later I actually received the fee, and I really had a strong hope in my heart.

Yang Yimin ran down this time and found excellent teachers. He thought three of them were very good teachers; and he also checked the working conditions of the third-year teachers who were sent to the countryside to recruit students last time. More than half of the teachers were just going through the motions. The poor effect has a lot to do with the teacher's unsteady style.

The achievements of Lu Yuan, a third-year teacher who went to the farthest town from the city, caught the attention of Yang Yimin. Yang Yimin did not go to this school, but more than ten students came. Yang Yimin called to express his gratitude to the principal of the other school, and the other party smiled. It is said that Lu Yuan's work is meticulous, it is all due to his credit.

Yang Yimin learned that Lu Yuan extracted the students' information from the school during the publicity, first found the school leader at the school, then the head teacher of the graduating class, and then called the eugenics' home. After repeated communication, the parents were relieved. So more than a dozen eugenics came to the school to register within a few days.

In addition to the planned enrollment quota, Yang Yimin's situation is gratifying. He can organize classes according to the number of six classes. He will organize the students recruited from the township into two classes separately. These students are related to the fate of future enrollment. He intends to make the best possible configuration.

During this period of time, Yang Yimin received more and more congratulatory text messages and phone calls, and more people invited him to eat and play, but he pushed them all, saying that he was too busy now, and everyone knew that he was here to fight the fire, so listen to him. He said he was busy, so he didn't want to ask too many questions, he just said that he would make an appointment later.

It hurts Li Yan's heart. Every day she waits for Yang Yimin to go back at home, and then takes care of him to rest. Yang Yimin sometimes feels that Li Yan is a child, but takes such care of him, and he always feels sorry for her.

Fang Xiaoyu is earnestly completing Yang Yimin's task. Luo Mingying is the only one in the hospital now. She still insists on going to accompany her for a few hours every day. will be discharged.

The enrollment ended, the school was close to the holiday, and the teachers began to study politics. The school arranged for three days. Yang Yimin didn't pay much attention to this kind of practical things that had to be done, but now he thinks that for the teachers of the suburban middle schools, this is very important. But it is too important, I have to seize this time to institutionalize my management philosophy.

After work in the afternoon, Yang Yimin came to the bureau office. He told Huang Liang that he wanted to find Director Li. Huang Liang smiled and said, "Just say no."

"What's the matter, Director Huang, the leader will definitely criticize me for not knowing the rules."

Huang Liang knew that Yang Yimin was looking for Li Xinghui, and because of their relationship, he had to report in time, so he didn't put on airs, and went directly to the director's office.

Soon, Huang Liang came out and asked Yang Yimin to come over. Yang Yimin came to Li Xinghui's office. Li Xinghui got up from the desk, held Yang Yimin's hand, shook it, then pointed to the sofa and said, "Xiao Yang, sit down."

Huang Liang came in with a glass of water, brought it in front of Yang Yimin, and said, "Principal Yang, drink water."

Yang Yimin nodded his thanks. Li Xinghui sat opposite Yang Yimin and asked, "Xiao Yang, how is the school work going?"

"Director Li, until today, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, so he hurried over to report."

"Don't worry, I'll ask Director Xie to come over as well. Let her know something." It seems that Li Xinghui is really handing over power.

Director Xie saw Yang Yimin as soon as he entered the door. Yang Yimin got up early. Director Xie smiled and said, "Xiao Yang, thank you for your hard work."

The three sat down, and Yang Yimin said: "Both leaders, I will report the recent situation. In some aspects, I have to ask the leaders for policy support."

The two nodded, and Yang Yimin said: "So far, this incident can only be said to be basically smooth, and it will also involve the treatment and possible expenses of three seriously injured students. The money will cost tens of thousands, and I found a lot of contacts, solved the media reports, and asked people to delete the bad publicity on the Internet, which also cost a lot of money, but the money cannot be made public, so I have to ask the leader for help."

Li Xinghui was very calm, "For the cost of the student's injury, 5 yuan will be allocated to the student by the Planning and Finance Unit. This money must be completely used to solve this matter, and it can only use so much money; the total amount of money you get from friends for help is [-] yuan. How much, I let the office squeeze out of the office's funds."

Yang Yimin knows that the office asks big schools or institutions to turn in part of the money for the bureau’s office expenses every year. To put it bluntly, it is the leader’s small treasury, and it is also the source of funds for dealing with things that cannot be made public. According to Huang Jian, the first middle school paid it last year. Fifty thousand, it can be seen that this money is indeed a lot.

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