Principal's Law

[264] The good thing about the female director

He called Pu Hongxia, and Yang Yimin asked the other party's phone number during the last class exchange. Although Pu Hongxia was a little reluctant, she finally gave Yang Yimin her own phone number.

The phone rang for a long time before the other party answered it. After the call was connected, the other party asked, "Who are you looking for?"

Yang Yimin recognized Pu Hongxia's voice immediately, so he asked, "Director Pu, I'm Yang Yimin from Chengjiao Middle School."

The other party seemed to hesitate slightly, "Oh, Principal Yang, didn't Principal Zhou bring all the students there for you?"

"Yes, I still have to thank Lin Feng Primary School for its support, but I have other business with you."

"Other things, what?"

"Where are you?"

"I, I have only been in the city for a while, and I just came home."

Yang Yimin looked at the time and said, "Well, I'll treat you to dinner at noon, now you find a place, and I'll talk to you about things."

"Principal Yang, what can't be said on the phone, you can say it."

Yang Yimin thought for a while, maybe the other party didn't trust him very much. He had never dated a girl before, so how to make the other party agree to his invitation was really learned.

Yang Yimin quickly thought about finding a reason. It is definitely not good to talk about the transfer on the phone, and the other party may misunderstand it. Finally, he came up with an idea, "Director Pu, our school wants to transfer some primary school teachers. I'm afraid that the teachers in our school will know the assessment method in advance, so I can only ask teachers from other schools for help. I thought about it for a long time, and I think you are the most suitable, but I really can't discuss this matter on the phone."

The other party pondered for a long time and said, "Do you know Guanghua Tea House? I'll wait for you in the tea house."

"Okay, I'll be right over." Yang Yimin didn't know about Guanghua Tea House, but the taxi definitely knew about it.

There were only taxis in Pingchuan County in the past two years, so there were not many taxis. Yang Yimin waited for a long time before he got a taxi. After getting in the taxi, he turned around many small streets. The driver pointed to a sign and said, "It's here."

Yang Yimin has never been to this street. It used to be a downtown area, but after years of reconstruction in the county, it has become the oldest street. However, this teahouse is very distinctive, simple and elegant, standing in the downtown area, but without any Noisy feeling.

Entering the door, there is a patio first, which is a square open yard. There are some tea tables and seats under the trees, surrounded by wooden rooms full of classic flavor, and each room is a tea seat.

Under a big tree at the far side of the outer courtyard, Pu Hongxia was sitting next to a tea table with a glass of boiled water on it. When Yang Yimin came in, she stretched out her hand and shook it, and she put it down when she saw Yang Yimin approaching.

Yang Yimin walked to the coffee table and said, "Director Pu, how are you?"

"Principal Yang, let's not be so formal, you can just call me Xiao Pu."

"Okay, but how do you call me, Brother Yang?"

Pu Hongxia smiled faintly, "Okay, Brother Yang, would you like some tea?"

"I drink green tea." Yang Yimin turned to the waiter not far away and said, "Have a cup of green tea."

Yang Yimin was not in a hurry to talk, what he hoped most at this moment was to know more about Pu Hongxia, so that he could decide his next step.

Seeing that Yang Yimin and Pu Hongxia didn't speak, the two drank tea quietly for a few minutes. Yang Yimin looked at Pu Hongxia, and finally asked, "Xiao Pu, is your house nearby?"

"Yes, my house is not far from here."

"I've never been to this place. I don't know there is such a good place to drink tea."

"This place used to be an academy. Later, the family of the academy went to the provincial capital. This place was bought by a businessman and rented out to others to open a teahouse. This place was my favorite place to come when I was young."

"The environment here is very good, and it feels like it can purify the soul." Yang Yimin said looking at the tall old trees and ancient buildings.

"Yeah, I also like this place now, only here, I feel that I am living in my own world, living in a happy world."

"Xiao Pu, you are so young, is there only one space for happiness? You have to feel the same happiness outside, and there are many kinds of happiness, you have to experience it."

Pu Hongxia smiled slightly and said, "Brother Yang, we are not discussing this issue, are we talking about your business?"

"No, I want to discuss it. I listened to your class and felt that your affectionate love for children is moving. Your teaching process is in place and the effect is very good, but why does this happen in real life? What's your idea?"

"Children are pure, and it is my responsibility to let them grow up healthily. Real life is too dark. I don't want to be in it. I just want to be with children."

"Then why did you become the teaching director? Isn't this position very realistic?"

"I want more teachers to love and care about children. As a director, I can realize good teaching methods and teaching concepts and benefit more children."

"But management is also an art. Thought and love cannot completely solve the problem."

"Yeah, I'm also struggling, so I want to sit here because I want to keep my heart pure."

Yang Yimin carefully analyzed Pu Hongxia's words. In fact, she was a little too heavy, maybe because she suffered more setbacks, but many of her thoughts were similar to his own.

"Xiao Pu, let me get down to business. Help me formulate this plan. I'll take a look at it tomorrow. Besides, you will be the judge."

The other party looked at Yang Yimin in amazement, feeling incomprehensible, yes, Yang Yimin asked her for help, but the tone now was to let her do things directly, which really made her a little unbearable.

"What's the matter, Xiao Pu, you don't want to?"

"I don't want to, and I can't. I am a teacher in a remote elementary school. How dare I be the judge of your school's examination personnel. I can't pass the examination myself?"

"You are such an excellent teacher and manager, shouldn't you be assessed in the same way as ordinary teachers?"

"Brother Yang, please leave an email address. I will help you prepare a plan and send it to you in the afternoon. I really can't help you with other things. This plan is for reference only. You don't have to mock me. I have a good impression of you, so I help you, but you Saying that like this hurts me a bit." Pu Hongxia's face turned cold.

"How could I be sarcastic about you? This is my sincere words." He was afraid that the other party would have further misunderstandings if he continued like this, so he turned to the main topic, "Xiao Pu, if I want to invite you to the suburban middle school, would you like it?"

Pu Hongxia's face changed from surprise to excitement, and then from excitement to coldness, "Principal Yang, we little people have to take the exam if we want to enter the city, and we have to rely on relationships. If we have relationships, we have to figure out how to do them well. How to do it well? It's just a rule, you are the principal, you know more than me, I don't have extravagant expectations, if your school has a place, I might come to take the exam, so how dare I let you invite me."

"But I'm just asking you? I need you to express your opinion."

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