Principal's Law

[293] Goodbye, starting point

After Yang Yimin finished washing, he put on the coat that Li Yan had found for him, and started to call Li Xiaoping, asking her to prepare and go back to Shimen with her, and asked her to ask Fang Xiaoyu if he wanted to go home, and if he wanted to go back together.

When Li Yan drove the car to the gate of her community, she didn't go in. Instead, she let Li Xiaoping out, and Fang Xiaoyu followed. Li Yan's mother, Yang Lijuan, followed behind with two bags of soybean milk and deep-fried dough sticks.

Perhaps only this kind of love is the most selfless, Yang Yimin said movedly: "Mom, thank you."

He took all the things, and handed the fried dough stick bag to Li Yan, "Yanzi, eat some first, and shout for soy milk."

Li Yan originally wanted to complain that her mother was too troublesome, but seeing Yang Yimin's sincere shouts and caring for her, she became happy in her heart. She took the food bag, smiled and ate while watching Li Xiaoping and Fang Xiaoyu got into the car.

Along the way, Xiaoyu kept talking, which just solved Yang Yimin's mood change today, because he left early, and Li Yan's driving skills are very good, and he is quite familiar with the road. After eleven o'clock in the morning, the car arrived at Fang At the door of Xiaoyu's house, Ren Chengda's family was standing at the door. Ren Chengda asked, "Principal Yang, will you come over for dinner later?"

"You don't have to think about it, Yanzi will come after sending me to school, just prepare her food."

"Brother Yimin, we have to have a drink, not at noon, we must arrange to come over at night."

"Look, there is plenty of time to drink, so don't worry." Yang Yimin returned to Shimen, feeling much better. Here, the place where he worked 20 days ago brought him a career prospect.

The gate guard Old Wang saw the car and came out immediately. Seeing Yang Yimin get off the car, he quickly held Yang Yimin's hand, "Principal Yang, hello, I haven't seen you for a long time, I really miss you."

Yang Yimin took out two packs of cigarettes. Mr. Wang was usually very economical, and the cigarettes he smoked were all less than five yuan. Yang Yimin remembered to bring him two packs of hard Chinese, handed them to Mr. Wang, and said, "Mr. Wang, thank you for your hard work. Thank you for still thinking of me."

Lao Wang was so excited that he couldn't speak. At this time, Ma Yongming and Ren Chengfa had brought the administrative staff over. Everyone shook hands and hugged, which was unavoidably enthusiastic.

Although Yang Yimin greeted Ma Yongming to deal with his return to Shimen in a low-key manner, when Yang Yimin walked into the small conference room, a banner was hung on one side of the conference room, "Welcome Principal Yang to go home".

As soon as he entered the conference room, there was warm applause. On the table in the conference room were the administrators, the heads of the teaching and research group, the grade group leaders, and some teachers in the school. .

Yang Yimin shook hands with the teacher next to the entrance wall, walked around, then shook hands with every administrator, and finally sat on the seat. Ma Yongming and Ren Chengfa sat on his left and right respectively. Yang Yimin knew the arrangement of this position. What everyone means is that he is still the principal of this school.

Ma Yongming spoke on behalf of the school, counting Yang Yimin's achievements and his reluctance to leave, then Ren Chengfa also made a speech, and other administrators and teachers also briefly expressed their sadness of parting.

Yang Yimin's words are very simple, turning his own credit into everyone's, turning his achievements into the result of everyone's unity and cooperation, the polite invitation and his own reluctance, although they are procedural sentences, they are equally sensational at this time.

Ma Yongming also paid attention to controlling the time, and finally he said: "A lunch is arranged at Wufu Teahouse at noon, everyone go there. I will chat with Principal Ren and Principal Yang."

The administration organized the teachers to go there together. Ma Yongming opened the principal's office. Yang Yimin saw that everything had not changed except his own things. Ma Yongming didn't seem to come to sit, but the office was kept very clean.

"You are gone, and everyone is reluctant. Every day, the head teacher arranges the students to come to clean up, saying that you will definitely come back to see everyone." Ma Yongming laughed.

Yang Yimin sat on the sofa and said: "Principal Ma, you and I are walking on this road. Although I am reluctant, I hope that I can go higher. I am also reluctant for everyone, but I also hope that everyone can go higher. Gao Genyuan, do you think so?"

"Yes, that's true. In a lifetime, after all, we have to be separated more and spend less time together."

"Principal Ma, I want to say two things. One is your own. Maybe the leader has already talked to you?"

Ma Yongming nodded and said: "Talk, principal, Li is the secretary. This arrangement makes me feel like my hands are tied."

"You can't think like this. It makes sense to separate the party and the government. The bureau values ​​you, but they are afraid that the primary school teachers will have opinions. This is a compromise. You will not only have to get grades this year, but also have to pay the primary school teachers' attention." If you dig your heart out, you will see results in only one year."

Ma Yongming thought for a while, "Xiao Yang, you are saying that the bureau will definitely change this situation in a year's time."

"Yes, that's for sure."

"Okay, I must pay attention to the work in this area."

"The second thing is that this time I poached a few people from the school. As the two of us said just now, although the relationship is there, no matter whether it is myself or others, I hope to go higher. I happen to know them well, so please forgive me."

"Ye Wenwen and Deng Yucheng have both signed, don't worry, I know, they both rely on you."

"It's not just them, they didn't rely on me. The person I'm going to talk about now, you must be heartbroken?" Yang Yimin said with a smile. Li Xiaoping's matter is known to very few people. Yang Yimin said that he has to tell it in person .

"Who?" Ma Yongming was puzzled.

"Li Xiaoping."

"Li Xiaoping? Yang Xiao, this, this really makes my heart ache. With her gone, I have no support in teaching." Ma Yongming said while thinking.

"So I ask you to forgive me."

Ma Yongming asked: "Then who else can I turn to for teaching?"

"Yes, you can find it yourself, or you can ask Li Xiaoping, but this matter is only known to a few people, and her dispatch order may take a while. I want her to travel with everyone first and then transfer. It will be a year of hard work. , it’s rare to go out, don’t be unable to go because of the transfer.”

"Okay, Principal Yang, I was cultivated by you, what do you say, what do I do, please help me in the future."

The two held hands, knowing in their hearts that this kind of mutual assistance was a kind of tacit understanding.

Ma Yongming left, he asked Ren Chengfa to come over, Yang Yimin greeted him at the door, and hugged Ren Chengfa.

The two sat on the sofa, and Yang Yimin said: "Principal Ren, I didn't expect you and I to work together for only one year. I really feel very sorry when I think about it."

"Mr. Yang, I've thought it through recently. It's been the happiest year for me to work with you. But you're still young and you have to make progress. No matter how reluctant I am, I should support you. Director Li worked with me back then, and I was still young. , There are some things that I can’t see, now that I’m old and I’ve figured it out, it’s meaningless, Xiao Yang, you have a future, work hard.”

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