Principal's Law

[306] Coincidence

At 06:30, the car had already driven into the city. Because they were afraid of traffic jams, they went around the embankment avenue by the city and rushed to the Century Hotel. They just passed a traffic light, but there was still a traffic jam ahead.

He was a little anxious. After waiting for a few minutes, there was still no movement in front of him, so he said to Li Yan, "I'll get out of the car and take a look."

After walking for tens of meters, he heard noise in front of him, and a crowd of people surrounded him. Yang Yimin felt strange, and stepped forward a few steps, and saw a man in his 50s lying on the ground riding a battery car, a car similar to Li Yan's. The Audi stopped behind the man, and a very temperamental and good-looking woman stood in front and said, "Comrade, I don't have any cash with me, only three hundred yuan. I have something to do. Leave a phone call and I'll make up for it tomorrow." Can you pay three hundred yuan? Look, it’s the rush hour for traffic, and the road is blocked.”

"No, people like you, well said, where can I find someone tomorrow, six hundred, and I won't get up if there is less."

Yang Yimin knew that this woman had met someone similar to Pengci, and the traffic police couldn't do anything about these elderly people. He asked, "You really don't even have six hundred yuan?"

The woman said: "Really, I only have three hundred cash on me, and I have a card, but this is more than ten minutes away from the nearest ATM machine."

"Then you can borrow some money, maybe for something, everyone is blocked."

"I think so too. I asked several times, but no one would borrow it." The woman was also very anxious, but there was nothing she could do.

Yang Yimin became cruel, took out [-] yuan from his pocket, and said, "Old comrade, didn't she send you [-] yuan? I'll give it to you. Get up immediately. If you don't get up, so many drivers will carry you on the road." Go aside and see who cares about you."

As expected, the man was from Pingci. When he saw Yang Yimin's money and listened to Yang Yimin's words, he grabbed the money and got up to move the battery car away. Yang Yimin and the woman looked at each other and laughed.

The woman said: "Brother, thank you, please leave a call, and I will definitely pay you back tomorrow."

Yang Yimin saw that this woman had a good temperament, and felt that she was a bit of an official. Thinking about it, maybe he could really get to know her in the future, so he said: "Okay, but I don't want you to pay back the money at all. It's good to get acquainted, yours." What's the phone number, I'll call you."

The woman gave the number, and Yang Yimin called. As soon as the bell rang, he hung up and walked quickly to his car.

After getting into the car, Li Yan smiled and asked, "What's the matter?"

"A woman was driving a car that was the same as yours, but she ran into a Pingci. The woman only had [-] yuan in cash on her body, and the Pingci's wanted [-] yuan. Others didn't dare to borrow money, so there was a traffic jam. .”

Li Yan looked at the traffic that was already slowly advancing, and said with a smile: "So Li Yan's fiancé, Yang Yimin, said to the beauty, beauty, I will give you three hundred, and you let him go immediately, but give me a call, and I will give you money." You don’t have to, but we can still contact San.”

"Yanzi, you, I really admire you, what you said is a bit similar, but I told that man, I will give you three hundred, if you don't leave, we will take you aside and see who will care You scared that man."

"That girl is very grateful to you."

"of course."

"So she asked you for a phone number and said to pay you back."

"Yeah, Yanzi, you are really good at predicting things."

Li Yan smiled and said, "It's still a god, didn't I say something wrong? Yimin, you are in a hurry, so I know you will definitely give the money."

"Yanzi, where is the clothes you bought for Luo Xiaohong last time?"

"It's in the back of the car. I'm afraid I'll forget it, so I keep it on the car."

"Okay, then when the meeting is up, you can give it to her, it's our kindness, Yanzi, won't she think it's bad?" Yang Yimin thought that a powerful person like Luo Xiaohong must have a rich family , so she must have high requirements for things like clothes. At this time, this dress is a big gift, does she feel that the grade is not enough?

"No, this dress is also a famous brand, and last time I went shopping with her, she was reluctant to buy it. We bought it for her, so it just fulfilled her wish." Li Yan smiled and dispelled Yang Yimin's nervous thoughts.

The car was parked in the parking lot of the Century Hotel. Li Yan put on her clothes and took Yang Yimin's hand. She didn't care about the doorman's salute or the receptionist's inquiry. Seeing that the elevator had just reached the first floor, she quickly got on the elevator.

When they came to the door of room 6, Yang Yimin knocked on the door, and it was Luo Xiaohong who came out to greet them. Luo Xiaohong pulled Li Yan and looked at the two of them, "I'm so anxious to death, and I dare not rush you, come in quickly. "

"Sister Xiaohong, this is a gift we bought for you. I hope you like it." Li Yan was generous and handed the clothes to Luo Xiaohong.

Luo Xiaohong looked at it, and knew from the appearance that it was the set that the two of them were reluctant to buy last time when they went shopping, and said with a smile: "Yanzi, thank you very much, this gift is a bit heavy."

Yang Yimin smiled and didn't speak. Seeing that the two had almost talked, he said, "Luo Xiaohong, congratulations." He stretched out his hand.

Luo Xiaohong held hands with Yang Yimin with a complicated expression, but only for a moment, the two let go, Luo Xiaohong put the things away, and said: "Everyone is sitting at the table, Brother Yimin, let me introduce you. "

From the entrance, there is a lounge first, and then the dining room, which is a large dining table that can seat 16 people. Luo Xiaohong pulled Li Yan, and Li Yan pulled Yang Yimin, and the three entered the restaurant.

There were already a dozen people sitting at the dining table, but everyone seemed to be waiting for someone and chatting with each other. When Yang Yimin and Li Yan came in, everyone fell silent. With such a close relationship with Luo Xiaohong, the people who came tonight didn't see it. What surprised everyone even more was that the girl Luo Xiaohong was holding was extremely beautiful without makeup.

Luo Xiaohong led the two of them to the innermost part of the entrance, walked up to a well-maintained woman in her 40s, and shouted, "Mom, these two are the two friends of Pingchuan I told you about."

The woman stood up, nodding her head while observing and examining, "You are the principal surnamed Yang. You helped Xiaohong a lot last year, thank you very much." Before Yang Yimin could speak, Luo Xiaohong's mother also pulled Li Yan , "This is Li Yan. Xiaohong said you are beautiful. I think no matter how beautiful you are, you are at most similar to my daughter. I saw it today, and it is really different."

"Thank you, auntie." Li Yan's reaction was much faster than Yang Yimin's.

The woman turned to Yang Yimin again, "Principal Yang, I heard that you have been transferred to the city. You are developing very well. In the future, you must work harder, be creative, and broaden your horizons."

Yang Yimin nodded repeatedly, and Luo Xiaohong whispered, "Mom, don't make a report, okay?"

Luo Xiaohong's mother stopped talking with a smile, and said, "Silly girl, that's fine, let's not talk."

Luo Xiaohong returned two more people, and introduced them one by one from the right. Li Yan was very smart, and she was afraid that Yang Yimin would be unhappy. Any man would never shake hands. Here are a few of Luo Xiaohong's classmates, and a few of them are Ping Ping and Luo's family. People who have a very good relationship, I have introduced them one by one.

Coming to the leftmost position, there was a woman. She stood up generously. Yang Yimin saw it and smiled, and the other party was also looking at him with a smile.

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