Principal's Law

【328】It's not my fault

【3(】It's not my fault

At the last sentence, the two looked at each other and smiled slightly. After a while, Lin Juan said with a smile: "Yang Yimin, Sister Fang is really good-looking, don't you even let her go?"

"Lin Juan, I thought you were laughing because you made a mistake. It turns out that your women's thoughts are also so dark. If you don't have the things you think about, you should stop guessing."

"Yimin, I didn't guess randomly. I can see Wenwen's appearance. She must have something to do with you. I also think there is something wrong with Li Xiaoping from your school. Yimin, you have to pay attention in the future, not all pretty Women will give you their whole heart and soul, and if they treat you well at this time, it may be a need for personal development, and you cannot be influenced by them."

Yang Yimin was secretly surprised, Lin Juan actually saw this, but how could he let go, "Lin Juan, you are too sensitive, I guess Wenwen has always been grateful to me, so she may take care of me when she treats me , but there may be something you think, but I still thank you, it seems that I have to pay attention in the future."

"Yimin, I am treating you well. A man may be romantic, but a woman's feelings are different. If Li Yan knows, it will hurt her even more. Hey, I am not right. Yanzi is so kind to me, Yang Yimin , it’s you, I hate it, you are not allowed to do this in the future, you know?”

Yang Yimin looked at Lin Juan and knew that she was also quite contradictory. The sexual relationship between the two made them obsessed, but they kept condemning themselves when they were rational, and they could stop it wherever they could.

Yang Yimin was about to leave, but suddenly remembered his understanding of Xu Mingfang, so he said: "Lin Juan, I guess Xu Mingfang may leave some schools recently, you have done the school's retreat, don't be caught off guard. "

Lin Juan thought for a while, "Okay, I'm also thinking about it, because it's going to be a holiday soon, and I guess it's when school starts. If you say that, I have to find someone to fix it."

The next morning, Yang Yimin arrived at the school very early. There were a lot of things to do today. Regarding the adjustment of the middle management, Yang Yimin estimated that Du Xuan might have learned the news from Chen Zhenghua, so when he was walking on the road, he called Duan to let Duan Wen Wenming and Du Xuan went to their office.

As soon as he walked into the office, Duan Wenming came. Yang Yimin made him a cup of tea, and then they sat face to face on the sofa and said, "Director Duan, I have something to talk to you about asking you to come so early today."

In fact, Duan Wenming has always been worried. After the principal was dismissed, he knew that he would be held accountable sooner or later, but when the principal was changed, the new principal didn't know what was going on with him. When he saw Yang Yimin pouring tea himself today, he knew for sure. It was about this matter, so he had no choice but to say: "Principal Yang, please tell me."

"Director Duan, although the handling of the school stampede incident has not been completely completed, the higher-ups also approached me several times and said that they would further investigate the responsibility of the school management cadres. Let everyone think about this matter when the attention is not high, but now it seems that I have to deal with it quickly, so that the new director comes, and I say it is dealt with, and she will not be able to pursue the matter anymore."

Seeing the other party nodding, Yang Yimin continued: "You know that the new official has three fires when he takes office. After the new director comes and knows this, he will most likely use this as a breakthrough for his strict education after taking office. The leader of the company has two requirements, one is the position, and the other is the punishment. You know, the punishment affects the evaluation and promotion, and it is a black spot in the file. So I have thought about it for a long time in the past few days. I have to choose the most important thing to protect you."

Yang Yimin looked at Duan Wenming again, sweat was running down his face, although he was extremely wronged by this matter, but the responsibility must not be escaped, so his eyes flickered with Yang Yimin's words.

"Director Duan, I just want to ask for it. The reputation, of course, is the position of the director. The long-term impact should be a matter of avoiding punishment. How do you think it is better to deal with it?"

"Yang, Principal Yang, do I still have a choice in this matter? Being a director of politics and education is risky and the responsibility is infinite. I don't want to do it for a long time. Your analysis of this matter is correct. I am not interested in the position of director. .”

Yang Yimin gave the right of choice to the other party in order to test out what kind of character the other party is, because many people may consider having the best of both worlds, but this is simply impossible. The kind of people who are lucky are the most among the teachers , it seems that Duan Wenming is still clear about himself.

"That's right, Director Duan, I also think about it in the same way. I'll remove you for the time being. I will consider you in other positions when I have a chance. Please understand this time."

"Thank you, Principal Yang. I don't want this position anymore, but I have been in middle-level positions for many years. I hope this incident will not affect my evaluation."

In fact, both of them knew that with this matter, there would definitely be no opportunity for job evaluation in the past one or two years, but after all, there was no documentation, so it was impossible to have a long-term impact.

"Director Duan, I will definitely consider you as much as possible."

Regarding Du Xuan's consideration, Yang Yimin felt that he had to think carefully about how to deal with it, because Du Xuan was only relegated to a deputy position and had to be used. The reason for using it was because Principal Chen and him were a community of mutual interests and were helping him. It is impossible to change everyone by myself. "

After Du Xuan came in, his face was very calm. Yang Yimin didn't get up, but sat on the inside of his desk. He asked Du Xuan to sit opposite him. This seemingly different way expresses a completely different feeling.

After Yang Yimin expressed his superior's request and his own considerations to Du Xuan, Du Xuan hesitated. Yang Yimin didn't talk about the arrangement for him, but about responsibility and accountability. Could it be that what President Chen told himself last night was not true?

Or Yang Yimin changed his mind?Wanting to arrange all the political, educational and teaching offices as his own people, Du Xuan suddenly felt a little scared. When Principal Chen told him last night, he felt quite wronged, but looking at it now, maybe the bigger grievances have not yet appeared.

Yang Yimin said: "Director Du, the biggest responsibility for the stampede incident is not only the issue of the Political and Educational Office, but also the issue of the Teaching Office. I also talked about the situation just now, and I want to hear your opinion."

Du Xuan had lost all confidence, sweat came out, and said: "Principal Yang, the teaching office does have a certain relationship, but when it comes to responsibility, this is indeed an accidental incident. How to deal with it, I hope the leaders can consider the difficulty of our middle-level cadres. As for how to deal with it, I obey the decision of the school leadership."

Yang Yimin nodded, this is what he wanted. After letting Du Xuan leave, Yang Yimin thought about the problems in the middle-level arrangement again, and he felt that there were some things that he needed to think about again.

Lin Juan had to think about what Lin Juan said last night. There may be too many women in the middle class, which may not be a good thing, and if they are all more beautiful women, there may be more right and wrong. What he fears most is that he will be used and sell.

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