Principal's Law


Xu Mingfang looked carefully at the bright spots that Yang Yimin thought for a long time. After walking around, Principal Chen and Xiang Hongmei, whom Feng Min had notified, also came over. Sit down for a while, and you can introduce the situation and management of the school."

Yang Yimin secretly thought it was over, the current materials can only be changed by himself, and the most embarrassing thing for him is the cleaning of the small meeting room, which has been useless for so many days, it must be full of dust inside.

Feng Min handed a copy of the report materials to Yang Yimin. Although she was surprised at how Yang Yimin changed the materials to two pages, she couldn't think too much about it. She immediately picked up the key of the conference room and opened the door.

Yang Yimin's mind turned sharply, and he said, "Xu Ju, why don't you sit in my office for a while."

Xu Mingfang looked at him with a hint of cunning in his eyes, but it was only a flash, and no one else would notice it. Only Yang Yimin, who could read it accurately, felt a chill in his heart.

But Feng Min said: "Principal Yang, your office is a bit small, so go to the meeting room."

Yang Yimin was so angry, why is this little girl so ignorant? If she goes there, it will be dusty inside, and it will not be the responsibility of your office director in the end.

Xu Mingfang looked at Yang Yimin just now. In fact, she really didn't want to embarrass Yang Yimin, so she knew that Yang Yimin might not have noticed the cleanliness of the school conference room, so she didn't insist. But when Feng Min said this, she wanted to go, because This girl is so self-assertive, she has no thinking at all, she is too naive, and it is not impossible to teach her a lesson.

Yang Yimin sighed inwardly, and forced a smile: "Okay, Bureau Xu, please criticize if there is anything wrong."

Xu Mingfang didn't make a sound. Feng Min quickly went upstairs to open the door. Yang Yimin followed Xu Mingfang, half a step behind, keeping a half-step distance, and led a group of people to the small meeting room.

Xu Mingfang stood at the door, looking at the meeting room in surprise, Yang Yimin was also stunned, because the inside was cleaned cleanly, it can be said to be spotless, and all the decorations have changed, completely like Feng Min's girl. layout.

Yang Yimin looked at Feng Min, and Feng Min was also looking at him with a smile on his face. Xu Mingfang regained his composure after being stunned, and walked to the opposite side of the door and sat in the middle, because there were all the seat cards "Leader" .

Yang Yimin sat opposite, and after everyone sat down, he said: "Thank you Director Xu, Director Zeng, Secretary Lu and other leaders of the bureau for coming to our school to inspect the work. And report the materials, I just have a copy of my knowledge of the middle school in the suburbs here, I just want to ask the leader to correct me, today I caught up with this opportunity."

He took out another copy for Feng Min to give to Xu Mingfang, and soon he put his own thoughts into it. Based on this material, he talked about his understanding and measures, and talked about the recent thinking of school maintenance and renovation.

They talked about a lot of problems and measures. Xu Mingfang listened carefully all the time without interrupting.In the first half, the faces of Director Zeng and Secretary Lu were extremely ugly, but in the second half, there was a sneer on the faces of the two of them, because in their view, Yang Yimin's subsequent measures and the effect he wanted to achieve were in the suburbs of the city. Middle school simply doesn't work.

In a word, Yang Yimin, an idealistic young principal, never thought of the difficulties he would encounter. Can you change the problems he has faced over the years?

After listening, Xu Mingfang did not summarize or speak, but wrote a lot on that material, and asked: "Principal Chen, Principal Xiang, and other administrative staff, do you have anything to add?"

Yang Yimin's speech not only shocked the people in the bureau into a cold sweat, but also made several people in the school sweat, and everyone shook their heads.

Xu Mingfang asked again: "Principal Yang, I heard that you only came to Chengjiao Middle School not long ago, so you were in Shimen Middle School?"

Yang Yimin nodded, "I came here in mid-June, more than a month ago."

"Are you free today? If you are free, how about going to Shimen Middle School with us?"

This surprised everyone even more. Yang Yimin was really not free today. His parents just came yesterday and arranged to accompany them today, but how could he say that he was not free at this time, so he had to say: "Okay, follow the arrangement of the leader."

Xu Mingfang stood up and said, "Okay, let's go right away."

It was less than ten o'clock at this time, Yang Yimin couldn't say anything to the others, so he sent Xu Mingfang downstairs, said to go to the office to get the bag, and hurried back to the office.

The two vice-principals escorted the Education Bureau group away, while Feng Min and Pu Hongxia stayed behind, but after a while, the two hurried to the principal's office.

"Principal Yang, what's going on?" Feng Min asked.

"It's nothing, Director Xu's thoughts, how can I understand, Feng Min, you've done a good job."

"Xiao Yang, do you have enough money?" Feng Min asked. Going out with the bureau leaders will cost a lot. Yang Yimin followed behind, probably paying for everyone, so Feng Min's question is indeed a realistic question.

Yang Yimin used to put only one or two hundred yuan in his bag. The key is that he didn’t think too much about it. After he became the principal, even though he had no money, he still had to borrow a few thousand yuan from the school to take with him in case of emergency. More, because all kinds of expenses are too big recently.

"That's enough. If it's really not enough, don't you still have a card? Feng Min, you, are you okay?" Because Pu Hongxia was by his side, Yang Yimin couldn't ask too clearly.

"It's okay, I figured it out, you can go and do your work."

Yang Yimin said to Pu Hongxia: "Xiao Pu, you and Feng Min have a look at the materials I just made, and if you need to make changes, then contact Director Li and make changes. return."

"You have offended the leader, principal, pay attention today." Pu Hongxia said with concern.

Yang Yimin nodded, and walked quickly to the school gate. Yes, what I said today embarrassed Director Zeng and Secretary Lu. Many of the problems in the middle school in the suburbs were the responsibility of the two. On the surface, many of the problems mentioned were the problems of the school. , Many deep-seated problems also have a lot to do with the management of the superiors.

When he came to the front of the two cars, he didn't know how to sit. Seeing that Huang Liang was still at the door of the front passenger car, he walked over. Huang Liang pointed to the back seat. Yang Yimin was a little surprised. Did Xu Mingfang change cars? ?

Because in this case, Yang Yimin might take another car and ask another deputy director to come and sit with Xu Mingfang, but today's arrangement is a bit strange, unless it is Xu Mingfang's arrangement, otherwise it will not be like this.

He opened the door, and there was indeed Xu Mingfang inside. Yang Yimin smiled and said, "Hello Director Xu."

Xu Mingfang's expression was even a little cold, and he said, "Come in."

In the car, Yang Yimin didn't know what to say. Being with the leader, if he had nothing to say, it would be a very painful thing. When talking about work, maybe the leader has his own ideas, and you don't know what she will be interested in. Can you talk about private matters? I have no personal relationship with Xu Mingfang at all, at least for now. How can I talk about the encounter and dinner with Xu Mingfang.

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