Principal's Law

【363】Disappointed visit

Yang Yimin's heart fluttered, it seemed that he really had an affair, practice proved that all the women he had a good relationship with helped him, it seemed that Xu Mingfang would do the same.

Thinking this way in his heart, his hand became dishonest, and he carefully moved his hand towards Xu Mingfang's side. When it touched Xu Mingfang's hand, he wanted to grab Xu Mingfang's hand, because at this time Xu Mingfang was covered with a blanket, No one can see.

But in the end he was still afraid, he didn't dare to grab it, so he had to put his hands as close as possible to Xu Mingfang's, but accidentally, the blanket on Xu Mingfang slipped off, startling Yang Yimin.

He quickly picked up the blanket, leaned over and covered it lightly, but when Xu Mingfang's body was leaning and his head was very close to Xu Mingfang's, Xu Mingfang's words scared him into a cold sweat, "Yang Yimin, be honest."

It turns out that Xu Mingfang can see everything about him clearly, he is like a child playing around in front of Xu Mingfang, adults only need to take a look to understand all your thoughts.

While Yang Yimin was afraid, he still lightly covered Xu Mingfang's body with the blanket. Xu Mingfang quickly leaned on his shoulder again, and he didn't dare to make any more movements.

But my heart can no longer calm down, what does this mean, what exactly does Xu Mingfang mean?

Yang Yimin recalled everything today again, looked at the two people next to him, and suddenly seemed to understand that he was too crazy today, and kept testing the bottom line of Xu Mingfang's tolerance for him. Xu Mingfang was not good at this situation.

Taking advantage of this time to remind himself and express his worries, Yang Yimin calmed down and began to think about business, whether to go to Li Yan's aunt's house or to see Yang Qiong.

Yang Yimin thought about it, Li Yan's aunt will definitely come back when she gets married, and she can meet again, but it is rare to meet Yang Qiong.

Thinking quietly, he finally turned his thoughts into the right path. Only then did Yang Yimin realize that he had only thought about one thing this day, which was how to get close to Xu Mingfang. What was the purpose of trying so hard? The recognition of rights, of course, and a little hope for beautiful women, but perhaps the most important thing is rights.

Yang Yimin was a little distracted, Xu Mingfang slept peacefully until nearly three o'clock, and only woke up when the plane was about to arrive. Seeing Yang Yimin's bewildered look, Xu Mingfang said: "Xiao Yang, I'm getting off the plane right now, remember to help me take the salute."

Xu Mingfang's words really worked. Yang Yimin could face Xu Mingfang calmly. Yang Yimin was good at doing things. As long as he didn't show nervousness in front of the leader, he considered the issues quite comprehensively, so everything later was handled quite smoothly.

The local travel agency took everyone on the bus, Yang Yimin called Yang Qiong, Yang Qiong was very surprised: "Yang Yimin, why did you think of calling me, are you going to get married?"

Xu Mingfang was still sitting in the same row as himself, and Yang Yimin said, "I'm here in Shanghai. Our bureau chief organized more than a dozen principals to study in the east. We may have some free time tonight. Now that we're here, we must see our old classmates."

"Okay, you should tell me in advance, how about this, when can I come to pick you up."

"Don't worry, we're going to visit a school in the afternoon, and we may have dinner together after the meal. I'll call you after the meal."

"I'll treat you to dinner tonight, so don't eat your regular meals. I'll pick you up at five o'clock and send me the address." Yang Qiong's words were firm, and she felt that she couldn't refuse.

"Okay, my classmate."

Xu Mingfang asked: "Is it a female classmate?"

Yang Yimin didn't expect Xu Mingfang to ask these things, and said with a smile, "Yes, Li Yan came to study in the first half of the year, and my classmates took care of me a lot."

When we arrived at the hotel, we put away our things, and the travel agency sent us to a school according to Xu Mingfang's arrangement. This school was an elementary school. Due to the shortage of land, the area of ​​the school building was much smaller than that of the elementary school of the suburban middle school. The architectural structure is rich, and a dean of the school received them.

Everyone just took a tour and watched the various function rooms, but the other party didn't seem to intend to pass on the scriptures and give away treasures. The introduction was quite simple. Xu Mingfang was obviously dissatisfied, but it was hard to say. I am an education bureau in an inland county. Although I contacted the education bureau of the other party, it seems that it is not bad if others have received it. It is impossible to make more requests.

After everyone visited, they also felt that it was not enjoyable. Director Zeng said a little dissatisfied: "These people are too much, they are just coping."

Xu Mingfang's complexion was not good. On the way back to the hotel, she took out her phone and called the school she was going to visit tomorrow, and wanted to tell the specific requirements of her visit.

Listening to Xu Mingfang's phone call, Yang Yimin gradually understood the result. The other party didn't pay any attention to it. All he did was arrange for the school reception to visit. Because it was a holiday, they were all receptions from the middle-level school, and the reception tomorrow was only a middle-level person from the school. cadre.

A cadre from the local education bureau also said that he was not free and couldn't spare time to come and accompany him, and kept apologizing.Xu Mingfang didn't want to say much.

Seeing Xu Mingfang's disappointed face, Yang Yimin couldn't help but feel worried. He thought about it, maybe Yang Qiong can help, but does Xu Mingfang need this kind of help, because helping by himself means that Xu Mingfang's connection is not as good as his own Ability.

But Yang Yimin had never seen such an expression on Xu Mingfang's face, especially what Director Zeng said made Xu Mingfang very upset. with him.

Yang Yimin said in a low voice: "Xu Bureau, do you need to contact a school again? My classmate may be able to help."

"Really? You're sure." Xu Mingfang suddenly had hope on his face.

"It should be fine. She is the deputy director of the district committee office of a district, and she still has certain powers." Yang Yimin tried his best to keep a low profile. He knew that as long as Yang Qiong came forward, no matter which school he went to, the school would definitely welcome him well. Yang Qiong's Power, much greater than imagined.

Xu Mingfang thought for a while and said, "Well, isn't she coming to pick you up, let's find a place to meet, I have to make sure."

Yang Yimin was not sure about this point, whether Yang Qiong would feel uncomfortable, but thinking about Yang Qiong's efforts to help her, she would definitely spare no effort if she said it herself.

"Okay, Director Xu, when we arrive at the hotel, everyone will follow the normal arrangement. I'll wait for her, and I'll call you when the time comes."

Xu Mingfang nodded, her face regained her calm.

When we arrived at the hotel, it was past five o'clock. Yang Yimin did not go to the room, but greeted the principal in the same room, and stayed in the lobby to wait for Li Qiong. After 05:30, Yang Qiong called, "Yang Yimin, come out, this way It’s too crowded, so we’re here.”

"Yang Qiong, can you come in for a while, I have something to tell you, I'll wait for you in the lobby."

Yang Qiong promised, and after a while, Yang Yimin saw a fashionable, sexy, mature and beautiful girl appearing at the door of the hall, Yang Yimin greeted her, the two hugged gently, Yang Yimin leaned into Yang Qiong's ear and said: "Beauty, do you want me to commit a crime?"

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