He was throwing a tantrum at himself?

When Jian Su found this out, she was stunned, for a moment she couldn't even choke.

She got up to get a tissue, but before she could take a step, the man behind her grabbed her.With his strength, her hands were covered with red marks.

"Let go of me." She said so.

Zong Zhengxi did not let her go as promised, but wiped her face several times with his big hands, "Tell me, why are you sad? Because of that person?"

This is the first time he has looked squarely at the man who is thousands of miles away, is it Lu Zhenqian?Lu Zhenqian!

Jian Su didn't reply immediately, but looked in the direction his finger pointed.

The wedding photo on TV was really good-looking. The groom is handsome and graceful, and the bride is delicate and graceful... When they got married, he even stingyly accompanied him to take the wedding photos!

Thinking about it this way, it turned out that from such an early age, the so-called love between the fake princess and the real prince was just her own fantasy.

It's ridiculous, really, ridiculous...

Was she really that stupid before?Stupidly falling into his tender care and unable to extricate himself, foolishly believing that what he loves is himself, an ordinary and ordinary person with no identity, foolishly, becoming Jian Yi's shield, blocking all open and hidden arrows for her ...

To sum up the life of the previous life, it turned out to be just three words of 'being used'.

There are only endless uses and falsehoods.

But what kind of deep hatred is there?What kind of hatred and unwillingness made them treat themselves like this?

Ever since she and her mother entered Jane's house, the happy days... What should I do? She counted on her fingers, but she couldn't spell a day.They hated her existence, didn't she loathe the place?

The only person who broke into her world forcefully and domineeringly, who made her worry about and make her happy, finally...——

The most hateful thing in this world is not actually hating her badly from the very beginning, but after plotting to make her sink, and then giving her a head-on bloody feud without any effort.

She is destined to be a woman who can't learn to hate others because of love, so, apart from hating, there is only forgetting.

A little deeper than hate is forgetting.

"Susu, I hate you for being like this, look at me, don't avoid my topic."

He has always been the focus of everyone's eyes, he is the proud son of heaven, he doesn't hate her for not worshiping him with all his heart, but he will remember... he hates her. He has put down his figure time and time again to please her, but her The eyes always see others first.

"Susu, brother Xi told you that no man in this world is magnanimous, so before you get angry, look at me and answer my questions."

Jian Su was taken aback by Zongzheng Xiwei's gloomy tone, and slowly looked into his eyes, she was almost startled by the surging undercurrent in his eyes.

Obviously, he is such a complicated and deep man, but he can wear a gentle face for many years. Such a man is more dangerous than a wolf and more vigilant than a lion.

"I didn't cry." She defended weakly, it didn't sound real to herself.

Zongzheng Xi's face was a bit gloomy: "Susu, don't challenge my patience."

Jane Su lowered her head, like a porcelain doll who was caught doing bad things.

"Susu, you are so smart, you should know what Brother Xi wants to hear? Don't make me repeat it, do you understand?"

Letting go of the hand carrying Jian Su, Zong Zhengxi turned sideways to this girl, invisibly adding a little more pressure to her.

What he wanted her to answer was why she was crying, and what she really cared about in her heart, not silence, not escaping, not trying to make him give up the questioning voluntarily.

"I don't know a good person, I know, but to you, Susu, touch your heart and say, what's wrong with Brother Xi? Don't avoid me again and again, okay? Children play games, we are all too young to play this.”

"Susu, if you don't like me and this palace, please make it clear once and for all, so that I can have a clear idea, is that okay?"

Many times, the best way to deal with a problem is not to stay silent.Jian Su knew it, but she chose this method that caused him the most headache and made him extremely annoyed.

Jian Su wanted to cry a little, as if she had lost something.But she is not a beauty with tears. Tears are worthless when they are crying. She doesn't cry.

She admitted that she had lived too pampered in this life, wantonly wasting this man's emotion and kindness, if what he gave her was really sincere.

Bow your head?It's not a difficult task. How can someone who has died twice not understand this truth?only……

Slowly raising her chin, Jian Su met the man's beautiful side face...Obviously, she could bow her head to everyone, but why was it to him...Why was she reluctant to say 'I was wrong? What about '?

When she first came to this fertile land, she was obviously not the first person she saw, but he was the only one who made her lose her way.

During the days at Qi's family, she thought of the Palace of Ewell and everyone here more than once, but she also avoided him unconsciously.

What is it...why?

Zongzhengxi was waiting for an explanation.

He has always acted decisively and without delay in his life, but it was this woman who caught him by surprise several times.

He can condone all her advantages and disadvantages, but she is not allowed to treat him indifferently and turn a blind eye after he has paid so much.

He was a lawyer, and he couldn't be more clear about the rights and obligations of the rules and regulations. He didn't need her to give him equivalent compensation, but he would never trade at a loss.

It's really not good to measure his contribution by buying and selling, but in fact, isn't this the case in all interactions between people?

The breeze stirred their hair, and Jian Su's long and fluttering hair scraped against his suit and neck.

At this moment, the light in the room is just right, the warmest and brightest brightness. Jane Su stared blankly at the man, her heart skipped a beat.

Momentary heartbeat.

But emotional things are never enough to be heart-warming.

Jian Su hurriedly turned her eyes away, and clasped her hands together in a tangled manner.

"Your Excellency, I understand." She didn't want to face him, so she could only write by hand, and Jian Su gently pushed the finished sentence to the man.

Zong Zhengxi did not interrupt her.

After a pause, Jane Su picked up her pen and continued to write: "Thank you, or I'm sorry, I don't think you want to hear it either."

With a soft snort, Zong Zhengxi did not express his opinion.

Jian Su quietly squinted at him.Gently put down the pen, she didn't intend to do it anymore.

Zongzhengxi frowned, showing that Jian Su's answer was not much different from no answer.

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