"Susu, would you like to watch a movie?"

"Susu, would you like some drinks?"

"Susu, don't run around, or you will get lost later, so don't cry."

"Su Su..."

Seeing that Jian Su was as happy as a little magpie as soon as she left the Ewell Palace, Zong Zhengxi was more or less infected by her joy.However, this girl's walking is not accurate, and it is difficult for him not to worry about it.

Jian Su would occasionally respond to Zongzhengxi's statement, but most of the time she focused on looking at the shops lined up on both sides of the street.She is not interested in places such as movie theaters, and given the rare opportunity, she prefers to visit most of the city.

The city where Jian Su is currently located is Bra, the capital of country Z.In recent years, under the leadership of two consecutive presidents of country z, the speed of national economic development of country z has been steadily increasing.As an important political, economic and military center of the country, the scale of its development should not be underestimated.

When passing by a stationery store, Jian Su excitedly ran in, and collected a stack of drawing paper and a batch of brushes.

The cashier is a fat middle-aged woman who seems to be very enthusiastic.Jian Su took out her pocket, and soon lowered her head.

Zongzhengxi then rushed into the store, and Jian Su stood in front of the counter at a loss, with a stretched posture.

"What's wrong with Susu?" Zong Zhengxi asked slightly surprised when he saw Jian Su's items.

"Susu wants to buy it, buy it for me... okay?" In the past, Jian Su spent three years in that gorgeous big house and never set foot in the outside world, so she didn't need money.At this moment, she shyly tugged at the cuff of Zongzheng Xi, and Jian Su looked at the latter expectantly.

Zongzhengxi realized that he was damn soft-hearted again——

This girl, damn it, why is she becoming more and more likable!

"Buy..." Sensing that the cashier next to him couldn't help thinking about it, Jian Su urged Zongzheng Xi.

This is a very strange psychology. She pretends to be neurotic, but she doesn't want strangers to think she is abnormal.The official statement should be that she pretends to be a fool for means and taste, but in essence she is still a decent and good girl.

Although curiosity is a basic psychological activity of human beings, Zongzheng Xi didn't like the cashier's scrutinizing gaze inexplicably.It is true that Susu is mentally abnormal, but it is not enough for a person who meets her for the first time to treat her differently!

Seeing that there was no movement from the Zongzheng seat, Jian Su was discouraged.

He was planning to leave, but he didn't want to. At this moment, the man beside him waved his hand and asked the bodyguard behind him to come forward and pay the money.

Patting Jian Su's shoulder lightly, Zongzheng Xi calmly smiled and said, "Why is Su Su wrinkled? I heard that dogs like to eat steamed stuffed buns, so Su Su shouldn't put on a steamed stuffed bun face, okay?" ?”

Jian Su was so tormented by the rhetoric that she didn't laugh or cry, she simply jumped and ran away, and she threw herself into the crowd outside.

It wasn't until the eight bodyguards also disappeared in the stationery store that the cashier slapped his head and was surprised, "Oh, my lord, isn't that... Your Excellency the President? Mygod, it's so similar !"

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