He didn't send Jian Su back to the dormitory immediately. On a rainy night, Lou Yichen took her to the school's small supermarket, saying that she needed to buy some things and put them back in the dormitory.

"This period is the time when the city of Bra has the most rain. At the same time, the temperature will continue to drop. Do you have enough quilts?"

After closing the umbrella, Lou Yichen asked Jian Su casually.

Jian Su was stunned, then shook her head, she didn't know what was muttering in her mouth.

"The heating in the school dormitory is not that good. I lived in it for a while. In this weather, if you don't have a few quilts, you will be frozen like a dog. So, you need to buy one or two more quilts now, understand?"

After Lou Yichen finished speaking, he took the lead, and Jian Su really wanted to ask him how he knew that he was short of a quilt, but when he was blocked by the crowd, she put the matter aside for the time being.

Lou Yichen obviously has a good relationship with the owner of this supermarket, and there are quite a few people who choose quilts and warm babies here.Not long after, Lou Yichen picked up the big quilt and handed it to Jian Su, asking her, "See how it goes."

Jian Su said without hesitation: "Okay."

Then there were some bits and pieces of snack food, and Jane Su carried a bunch of things to pay the bill, and the people in front of and behind her all looked at her strangely.

Jian Su took out her wallet, but before she could repay the bill, the supermarket owner had already said ambiguously with a wink: "No, no, I know, put it under Shuai Lou's account."

Jian Su was stunned again, and after Lou Yichen took the bag and packed Jian Su's odd things, he exchanged a few words with the supermarket owner, and then led Jian Su to leave, "Let's go, don't look at it."

Until Lou Yichen took him out of the bunch of unkind eyes, Jian Su was still a little dizzy.

It rained a lot less, but it was colder.When the school bus arrived at the entrance of the supermarket, Lou Yichen asked Jian Su to get on the bus first with the snacks, and then he himself got on the bus with the big quilt.

Perhaps because the weather was really bad, the school bus was rarely full of people, so Jian Su had no place to sit and grabbed the railing, so be careful not to fall.

"You have to hold on to the landing, don't fall." Lou Yichen reminded her in her ear, as if she was used to it.

Jian Su lowered her head, looking from a distance, she seemed to be leaning on Lou Yichen's chest.

There are many cars parked downstairs in Jian Su's dormitory. After the school bus arrived here, Jian Su sloppily wrote a sentence on a piece of paper, and smiled gratefully at Lou Yichen along the way.

Lou Yichen wanted to give her an extra ride, but Jian Su refused to let her go, "I can go back by myself, there is an elevator, and it will be there soon. You can't enter the girls' dormitory either, so go back and rest early."

Probably because he was afraid that Jian Su would be unhappy, Lou Yichen didn't insist anymore.

Jian Su turned into Popeye and got out of the car with a bag in hand.

The rain fluctuated, Jian Su opened the umbrella with the hand that carried the snacks, and walked back with difficulty.Fortunately, the distance is not long, and she will be there in a few more walks.

Zongzheng Xi sat in the car and watched the little girl walking alone in the rain. After a while, he knocked on the steering wheel and he got out of the car.Grabbing the umbrella, she ran towards Jian Su's position.

Five steps, four steps, three steps...

He reached out with a hand, and said, "Let me get it."

Jian Su heard this moist male voice unexpectedly, her eyes were full of disbelief.The rain fell into her hair along the umbrella. Seeing this, Zongzheng Xi stabilized her umbrella and took her quilt, "Let's go."

Jian Su kept up with Zongzheng Xi's agile pace, and it took a while before she was sure that she was right.

However, the weather is so bad, what is he doing here?

A person like Zongzhengxi, who is gentle on the outside, kind, noble and glamorous on the inside, doesn't bother to explain his intentions. He helped Jian Su lift the things to the front and back of the dormitory elevator, and he looked like he wanted to follow.

"No, no, you can't go up."

Thinking of the man betraying his lust just now to instigate the auntie in charge to let him in, Jian Su felt that she couldn't stand still.Shit, why has no one mentioned that the dormitory auntie is also a fan of the President?Isn't it always said that the female dormitory refuses all the opposite sex to enter?

Zongzhengxi pressed the elevator button, not caring what this girl thought at all.Well, at most he won't cause any gossip to her, what's the idea of ​​a brother coming to see his sister?

God said: bad idea...

"Go in, or does Susu want to wait for the next class to join her?"

Zong Zhengxi had no scruples anyway, he didn't feel ashamed, cough, what if he doesn't have a thick skin?

Jian Su stood there hesitating, and when she saw someone coming from outside the dormitory, she jumped into the elevator.

"Which floor?" Zong Zhengxi asked casually.

Jane Su pressed '7', her face drooping.

Zongzhengxi watched her for a while, then he couldn't help laughing out loud, he said after a while: "I thought you would welcome me very much, why don't you have a meal and seduce me?"

Jian Su wanted to cry, but she wanted to explain angrily that she didn't mean it, but when this man became machismo, he didn't even intend to pay attention to her cry.

There were a few white lights on in the corridor, Zong Zhengxi followed Jian Su to her dormitory step by step, the arc of smile on his lips really couldn't be stopped.

"Wait, you are not allowed to enter first." When she arrived at the door of the dormitory, Jian Su looked around and took out the key, asking Zongzheng Xi to stand aside first.

Zongzhengxi let out a 'huh', and then he saw Jian Su opened the door, stepped in by himself, and closed the door with a 'bang'.


Jian Su poked her head out after confirming that Qianqian was not in the dormitory, "Your Excellency, come in."

The sky was dark, Zongzheng Xi couldn't see Jian Su's mouth clearly, but she waved at him, and he went inside.

Jian Su put the quilt aside, took out some snacks, and when she saw Zongzheng Xi's long cape, she put all the food into his pocket.Her thoughts were simple, she just wanted to take this man home and eat slowly, but the man in front of her was completely different from what she thought.

Holding down Jian Su's troublesome little hand, the man's big palm stuck to her fluffy cool hair inch by inch, "What's wrong, miss me?"

Jian Su paused and shook her head.

Unbeknownst to her, the man's eyes immediately changed when she shook her head, "Didn't think so? Susu, we are all adults. Are you trying to tell me that you are coaxing a child into giving me candy? I won't eat it." these things."

Jian Su couldn't help being wronged when he heard the man say that, and grabbed out the Tang Fu that was put in his pocket. Right now, she just thought of not wanting it, so she didn't treat him well...

Zong Zhengxi held down the girl's hand, and pulled out her fleshy little paws helplessly, "Although I don't like to eat, I must eat all that Su Su gave me, is that okay?"

"Little thing, it's really easy to get upset."

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