The mane of the red horse is the color of burning clouds, warm and lively, Jane Su lowered her body, and slowly stretched out her hand to touch the head of the red horse.

"Miss, this red horse is wild and easy to hurt people, you..."

As early as when Jian Su lowered her body, the servant wanted to remind her to pay attention to safety.

Then, in the next moment, something happened that almost made the servant's jaw drop - the young master's red horse, it, it, it... actually accepted the caress of the young lady in front of him!You know, in her memory, this red horse obviously only kissed the young master alone, and even the young master's fiancée, Miss Jian Yi, didn't get the slightest liking from this horse!

It is true that horses understand human nature.The red horse, which was lazily lying on the ground, rubbed Jian Su's palm in enjoyment, then neighed, and stood up slowly.Its originally sleepy eyes began to become very energetic.

Shocked is no longer enough to describe the servant's mood at this moment—how long has it been?The red horse didn't like to eat much since years ago, and it was once thought that its lifespan was coming to an end.The young master was optimistic, thinking that the horse was just lonely, so he brought in another well-bred mare to accompany him.However, the facts proved that the horse was probably really old. It no longer liked to run so much, and its temper became more and more irritable, and it also ignored dark horses.But the young master just likes it, and always ordered them servants not to treat his beloved horse badly.

"I want to take the horse for a walk around, is that okay?"

Whether it is someone else's territory, Jian Su was still very disturbed when she asked aloud.

She had seen this red horse before, and she spent a long period of time in her youth on the back of this horse.Ma'er was close to her and Lu Zhenqian, she knew it.As for whether it kisses other people, Jian Su has no way of knowing.

The servant is in trouble.Although this Miss Jian showed her hand and proved that the horse was kind to her, but who knows what will happen in the future?This horse had accidentally injured several servants of the Lu family. Without absolute certainty, she was really worried about letting a person who met for the first time come into contact with such a manic creature.

Seeing the servant's hesitation, the light in Jian Su's eyes dimmed slightly.She patted the horse's head through the fairly wide gap in the fence, and she murmured to the horse after a while: "I'm sorry, Xiaofeng, I can't let you out."

"Open the fence." Lu Zhenqian's thick voice suddenly sounded behind Jian Su and the two of them.

Jian Su shivered slightly.Youdao's warm eyes fixed on her back, but she never dared to look back.

"Xiaofeng is very repulsive to outsiders."

After the red horse was brought out, Lu Zhenqian stood in front of Jian Su, and said something intentionally or not.

Jian Su nodded in panic, and only said that she had been in contact with some horses.After explaining, the red horse rubbed her head affectionately.

The eyes of Lu Zhenqian looking at Jian Su made it clear that there were only two big characters - don't believe it!

Although he couldn't understand why Xiaofeng would show his favor to a stranger so much, he could only feel depressed in his heart.

Jian Su took the rein from Lu Zhenqian, and gently brushed the hair on the horse's neck with one hand, "Xiaofeng, shall I take you for a walk?"

"Xiao'er..." A loud horse cry resounded through the racecourse, and even Jian Su was infected with its joy.

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