"Time is up."

When the non-mainstream senior said these words, Jian Su grabbed her mother's necklace tightly with one hand, and there was faint sweat oozing from the palm of her hand.

"Miss Jane, what's your result?"

Instead of being out of tune as before, the senior at this moment is quite aggressive.The rest of the seniors were discussing something, and they occasionally glanced in Jane Su's direction.

The pendant of 'Sunzhisu' was very cold, but it was warmed by Jian Su's palm.

In a blink of an eye, she glanced down at her mother's necklace, and for a moment a bold and exaggerated thought flashed through Jian Su's mind.


The non-mainstream boy had a somewhat clear expression at this moment—another loser!Well, why is old man Pushier so embarrassing for the airborne troops?Look at this little girl, she is so juicy, she must be able to stimulate the creative enthusiasm of those students in the courtyard.It's a pity that there is monitoring equipment in this room, and he can't release water at all.

The boy's questioning was not finished, but Jian Su said almost firmly: "It's the material."

"Hmm..." The doubts were mixed with approval, and the non-mainstream students would brush their golden hair without giving any hints.

Jane Su calmed down, and broke the casserole and said: "This necklace tends to be perfect, but its unique design concept determines that the jewelry materials used to make the finished product must be good enough to be worthy of this necklace. noble and unique."

"Frankly speaking, this is the first time I have seen such a small and special chain. I can't imagine what kind of jewelry or metal can match this idea. Maybe only meteorites and other foreign objects from outside the sky can be used. Might fit it."

After all, a heart slowly sank back into her atrium, Jian Su loosened the necklace on her neck, and laughed secretly that she was also in such embarrassment sometimes!

Stanley, it seems that it is really not that easy to advance.

The non-mainstream senior didn't say anything, but the three seniors on the other side applauded together.

After a while, the senior who was in charge of Professor Pushier's design draft asked Jane Su with a half-smile: "A good news and a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Jian Su froze for a moment, and her small face instantly withered, "Then I have to hear the bad news first."

Seeing her tone of voice when she answered, she was so righteous that non-mainstream boys couldn't laugh or cry.

"The bad news is that the painting actually has two flaws, and you only got one right."

Without waiting for Jane Su to ask, the boy went on to say: "The good news is that you have passed this test. Professor Puhill said that as long as you can answer one of the questions, you are barely enough to enter the school. But you still need to accept Good luck with the other few questions on the test."

Jian Su wandered around between great sorrow and great joy, this moment is really inexplicable.When the other three seniors called her over, she suddenly turned around and asked, "Senior, what is the name of this design draft? I think it is really beautiful."

This is Jian Su's real thought, so she speaks very seriously.

The boy seemed moved when he heard this, and after a while, he solemnly replied: "The name of this design draft is 'Encounter'. If you are lucky enough to become Professor Pushier's student in the future, then you will see more The work of Zhang Li. In our design institute, the old man Pushier is a commoner and a legend.”

Jian Su smiled when she heard the words, and nodded gratefully to the non-mainstream seniors.

It is said that one of the other three seniors prepared two questions for her. Fortunately, the questions of these three people are not as difficult to think about as the first question, except that Jian Su can't be more embarrassed when answering the last question. Everything else went well.

The final question asks: "Who is your first or pre-first-night date?"

It's obviously a rippling question, why is this senior still so routine, asking it as if it's such a philosophical proposition?

It wasn't until a long time later that Jian Su knew about the things that Stanislaves had published, such as "How long does your little partner have an erection", "How long is the longest time for ML", "How does it feel to be a member of the opposite sex for the first time", "The most impressive one" The specific process” is said to be for the convenience of the seniors who can use this as a threat in the future to order the elementary school students to do odd jobs.

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