Your Excellency the President seduces his wife

Chapter 5 His Excellency the President

"Jian Su." Although he was a little surprised by Jian Su's way of asking his name, Zong Zhengxi still replied in a good-tempered manner.

Jane Su got the answer, so naturally she was not interested in having any more interpersonal communication with this man.Although she really wants to know more things, but some things are too much, just take it slowly.

Standing up, she patted her skirt, and without saying a word, Jian Su walked towards the gorgeous European-style building not far away.

Zong Zhengxi, who didn't even get a farewell, looked at her bouncing figure when she left, and finally shook his head, feeling inexplicable in his heart.

"Your Excellency, the regular meeting at three o'clock in the afternoon." After Jian Su walked away, a person dressed as an assistant walked quickly to Zong Zhengxi.

Zong Zhengxi nodded when he heard the words, raised his hand again, and gave an order to the assistant, "Let the servants in the villa treat Miss Jian better."


Jian Su quickly forgot about the meeting with Zong Zhengxi. As soon as she was out of the sight of the other party, she immediately put away her stupid look, and then rushed ran back to his bedroom.

Along the way, Jian Su heard a lot of unscrupulous comments from the servants, such as "My little ancestor, Ms. Jian has been ill for three years, look, she is sick again." ""Poor old president, left Miss Jane as a deranged only daughter, what will Miss do in the future?" Who will win the appointment of the Secretary of State at once"...

After locking the door, Jian Su carefully recalled what the servants had said, and finally picked out a few key words from them - former president, daughter, president, secretary of state.

Sitting on the bed, Jian Su's head began to ache.

Former President, Jane...

I seem to have heard somewhere that the president of a country is surnamed Jane.

"Heh, this wedding day is interesting. It just so happened that the former president of country Z was killed and died, and the vice president Zong... was succeeded as president. The new president is very young, but if he can do this, naturally... ..."

"Brother-in-law, the former president's surname is Jane, and I have the same surname!"

"Recently, the diplomatic issues between China and country Z have been very unpleasant. I think our diplomats should also..."


It turned out to be so!

Although I can't remember the specific content of the conversation, but when Lu Zhenqian and Jian Yi discussed national affairs at her wedding, Jian Su was very impressed!

Thinking of this, I couldn't help feeling chills in my heart - it turned out that the relationship between the two of them was already so ambiguous at that time, it was ridiculous that she was still looking at them with a smile at that time, thinking that they were innocent!

During dinner time, someone knocked on the door of Jian Su's room. The person who came was a vigorous maid who was over fifty years old. She looked at Jian Su with loving eyes, "Miss, the meal is here, Yin Na Miss has prepared your favorite pineapple pie for dessert, as well as fish head soup and rice, as well as several kinds of meat that Miss likes. Miss, will Yin Na take you to the dining table now?"

After Yin Na finished speaking, she looked at Jian Su expectantly, hoping that the latter would listen to her words occasionally.

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