The night wind is blowing, blowing the girl's heart.

The person who promised to come did not wait, but Shi Qiuyang went crazy in the middle of the night and took Jian Su and Shi Qianqian outside the school.

This was Jian Su's first day at school, and she had a big night out, not to mention how angry Zongzheng Xi was after receiving the news.

It's just that those are things for later, Jian Su is holding Shi Qianqian's left arm in front of him, and his bright pupils scan left and right from time to time.

Shi Qiuyang took the two of them to the bar.

There are quite a few bars like this in the city of Bra, and they exist legally, as long as they are adults, they can go in, and there are no transactions beyond the border.

She didn't expect to see Lou Yichen who had only met at noon in the private room, and now Jian Su felt weird and uncomfortable.

In addition to Lou Yichen, there were a few students who looked like students in the private room, and a handsome man who looked very modest.

Jian Su stared at Xiao Shouwang for a while, until Shi Qiuyang coughed a few times, and then she retracted her gaze.

"Do you want beer?"

There were many bottles of beer on a long table in front of the sofa. Shi Qiuyang asked Jian Su after pouring out a few glasses of wine.

Jian Su shook her head, wanting to refuse, but at that time Qianqian boldly grabbed a glass of beer and stuffed it into her hand, "Drink, don't be coy after it's all out, you can't be so drunk at this level."

Jian Su uttered a refusal and swallowed it back.Holding the cold beer, she slowly felt that the night seemed really long.

Later, at some point, someone proposed to play the game of kings. Except for Jian Su, everyone present was very excited.

Jian Su couldn't find an excuse to quit, so she just sat aside embarrassingly.

Perhaps the site where Jian Su sits has good geomantic omen. After several rounds, she never won the king, but fortunately, she was never selected to do anything large-scale.

Country Z's sexual openness is no less than that of the United States, so the people who were selected by the king in the first few games really took turns to perform striptease with tongue kissing and flirting.

But no matter how good luck is, it will obviously run out.

It was Lou Yichen's turn to get the king card in this game, and he raised his eyebrows, and said casually: "No. 2 opens the door and goes out, and confesses to the first living person you meet, and you must get the other party's consent." Definitely answer."

Jane Su choked on her beer, and the golden liquor stained her collar.

Take a look at the cards in your hand, then take a second and third look carefully... Jian Su seemed to be frozen for a moment, and did not move.

When Shi Qianqian noticed her strangeness, she poked her head over to look at her cards, and then patted Jian Su's shoulder sympathetically, with a hint of encouragement in her eyes, "Go, girl, good luck."

Good luck, all luck has run out.

Jane Su had a hard time, so she got up amidst the expectations of the audience, and strode out.

"Remember not to reveal that you are playing a game."

When Jian Su walked to the door of the private room, Shi Qianqian yelled in fear that she would not know the situation.

With a puckered face, Jian Su closed the door of the private room and walked forward slowly.

There are lights on the corridor, so she won't be confused, but... What if the first person she meets is a local ruffian?

Jian Su didn't dare to scare herself anymore.

Fortunately, the first person she met was a woman.

Unfortunately, after Jian Su finished confessing, she found out that this woman had an Adam's apple.

"Like me? Well, then let you kiss..."

The girl who smells very much of makeup... no, the puppet rushed towards Jian Su with a bear hug.

Jian Su's heart skipped a beat, she turned around and ran away without saying a word.

When Qiuyang came out to check the situation, seeing that Jian Su was being chased, he couldn't help rushing forward to give her a hand.

When both of them returned to the private room, Jian Su murmured: "It's terrible."

After talking about who she met, Jian Su heard a burst of laughter in the private room.

These... heartless people!Jane Su shrunk to a corner of the sofa, but Mr. Xiao Shou looked at her sympathetically.

After a few more rounds, Jian Su, who started to feel a little sleepy, got the king card.

Now all the sleepy people have to go aside for the time being, Jian Su looked around the crowd with bad intentions, and then retaliated: "Number 7 goes out and kisses the first opposite sex you see."

In the king game, the number of cards used for distribution will be one more than the number of people participating in the game, and the remaining card after the deal is also for the king, so there is a certain probability that the king will point to himself.

When no one in the room responded, a bad emotion surged up in Jian Su's heart.

Shi Qiuyang signaled the people in the field to be smarter with his eyes, and after seeing no reaction, he turned over the last card that was covered.

What does it mean to lift a rock and shoot yourself in the foot?Jian Su looked at the number 7 on the card, and instantly felt bad.

Why did she say such a thing as a forced kiss?Are you looking for abuse?

Shi Qiuyang spread his hands helplessly, now even he felt some sympathy for Jian Su.This girl, you should leave everything alone so that we can meet each other in the future, you know that?Look, this time stealing the chicken won't make it to yourself, right?

"Kiss, kiss, kiss..."

A few people who were not familiar with Jian Su clapped their hands like watching a good show and booed.This is the first time for the king to be tonight!

Jian Su threw down the king card angrily, picked up the wine glass and poured down a glass of beer.

Shi Qianqian looked at her a little worriedly, and when the latter stood up, she became even more nervous.Nothing will happen to this girl, right?

Jian Su's drinking capacity is not good, and her wine quality... She hasn't tested it herself, but she is really sleepy. The ceiling, the corridor on the ground, why are they all spinning?

Shaking her head, Jian Su staggered away.

"The opposite sex, the opposite sex is a man...uh..." After hiccupping, Jian Su leaned on the corridor, looking at the people striding forward from a distance with dizzy eyes.

Short hair, handsome, but a bit tall...

"That's great!" she muttered, and then Jian Suzai smiled and went forward to lie down in front of the man.

The tall and straight body froze suddenly.

Looking down at the delirious woman, the man's eyes were full of coldness.

"Forced kiss...hehe..."

Grabbing the man's tie with one hand, Jian Su ignorantly announced loudly: "Close your eyes, I'm going to kiss you forcibly."

This is... in the afternoon?The man wanted to push the woman's hand away, but he rarely took it back after hearing this.

Jian Su stood on her tiptoes, and her hot pink lips hit the man's chin all at once.

"No, no, it's too high, come down..."

The last two words were almost tyrannical, as Jian Su said, she yanked the man's collar and hit his gums.


Consciousness fluttered, Jian Su tremblingly closed her eyes, only to see a pair of blue eyes reflecting the color of the ocean.

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