House Yi was completely shocked, he didn't expect the little wolf to have such tenacious perseverance.For one day, the whole day, the little wolf didn't stop, using his weak body to wade out a trench more than one mile away in the snow.

Persevere and tenaciously move forward without looking back for a moment.House Yi stood motionless, watching every movement of the little wolf, completely forgetting the purpose of his trip.

The sky was gloomy, and the surroundings were silent, and the passage of time could not be seen at all.It's just that in front of the house, the sky darkens a little bit, every time you blink, it gets darker.

The little wolf is still tenaciously moving forward, but the little wolf's physical strength has been exhausted, and he has no strength. In half an hour, he only moved forward a little.

The body fell down weakly, and got up again.Get up, fall down again!The snow-white hair of the little wolf was already covered with dirt, and the snow that had melted into water was stained with mud, and it had been smeared all over, and it had already turned into ice cubes.

House Yi remained motionless, with only one figure left in his eyes.One falls, get up!Standing up, the fallen figure seemed to have abandoned the world around him.

The little wolf became more and more blurred in House Yi's eyes, and the sky was getting darker and darker. The last black shadow flashed in his eyes and never appeared again.Fang Ziyi didn't know if the little wolf fell down, but ever stood up again.

I don't know why?House Yi is affected by a heavy force in his heart.How many times he wanted to step out and bring the little wolf back.But as if the whole earth was falling under his feet, he couldn't lift his heavy steps.

The little wolf will die. In this cold and windy night, the little wolf's body will become colder and harder, and finally be frozen into ice.

"No, the little thing can't die, I can't let the little thing die."

The body flicked past the afterimage, and went straight to the little wolf.To Bu Fangyi, the distance of more than one mile was just the blink of an eye, and it arrived in an instant.

On the ground, the little wolf was lying flat on all fours, his eyes staring straight ahead.A low, intermittent whimper sounded from his mouth.

He bent down gently, and touched the cold, dirty hair with his hands.Feeling someone touching him, the little wolf struggled to raise his head, a tear fell from his eyes, and his eyelids drooped.

Regardless of the dirt on the little wolf's body, Fang Fangyi hugged the little thing tightly into his arms.Walking back step by step through the ditch that the little wolf waded out of, House Yi felt heavy and complicated in his heart.

If you can't warm up in time, the little guy may not be able to resist at night.In the cave, the house easily found some water, and after it was warm, he poured it in little by little.

By the fire, he dried the muddy water on the little wolf's body, took off his own clothes, and wrapped the little wolf in it.Watching the little wolf's stomach rise and fall weakly, Fang Fangyi sighed, "It's up to you whether you can survive."

That night, House Yi didn't do anything, but carefully guarded the little wolf.Take good care of this cunning, cruel, cute, poor little thing.

Perhaps in the past, Fang Ziyi would have hated the cruelty of the young man.But now he won't, the world is so cruel, you can't help but be soft-hearted, if the young man is soft-hearted, the young man will probably be lying in the snow at this moment.

Time flies so fast, when one night passes.The little wolf moved his body and slowly opened his eyes.But due to his weakness, his body had no strength and he couldn't move at all.

"Little thing, it's not bad. I carried it here. It seems that you are too vicious, even the King of Hades dare not accept you." Seeing the lying wolf cub, House Yi said.

I found a few pieces of meat and roasted them on the fire, and the fat oozed out immediately, and the aroma was overflowing.Looking at the delicacies in his hand, Fang Ziyi smiled and said, "It's cheap for you little thing."

Mince the meat to make it easier for the little ones to digest.As soon as the meat was placed in front of the little wolf, it was swallowed by the little wolf.After doing all this, it's time for House Yi to do his own thing.

Money is not easy to worry about without a house. The house is full of piles, and it is enough to just take some.It is mainly about martial arts cheats. The existing personnel in the East Factory are too weak.

Stepping into the "book" road for the second time, the house Yi Ping'an's heart was also excited.He was a scholar in the past, and these secret books of the life-and-death struggle of the sect were worthless to him, but now, he knows that these are his treasures.

Meng Lisheng, Zuo Swordsman, and House Yi himself all use knives.When his skill reached his level, Fang Fangyi felt that his saber skills could no longer keep up with his own pace, and fighting with the enemy would not be of much use at all.

Among the classics, the house is easy to find the classics of swordsmanship.I found several books, but none of them fit the house.In the end, House Yi also gave up.However, I found two books on sword techniques, one "Zuo Dao" seems to be tailor-made for Zuo Swordsmen, and the other "Drinking Blood" can be handed over to Meng Lisheng.

In the end, Fang Fangyi collected a lot of other cheats. Anyway, they will be used in the future, so Fang Fang Yi simply packed these things together.

Although these things are very useful, the house is a bit lost.Practicing the bliss magic skill cannot be accomplished overnight. If you want to improve your martial arts, you can only start with the sword technique.

Just as House Yi was feeling depressed, he heard the cry of a little wolf coming from outside. "This little guy seems to have eaten something and regained his energy."

The little wolf was dragging its body that had just gotten up outside, running around like a headless chicken.Because although the cave is big, it is surrounded by rock walls. No matter which passage the little guy entered, he had to return in the end, screaming anxiously.

Seeing that the house is easy to come out, the little guy yelled at the house.However, there was no viciousness in the cry, but a plea.

Probably the little wolf also knew that Juziyi didn't mean anything malicious, so after barking for a while, he came up and bit the hem of Juziyi's trousers, pulling him back.Obviously wanting House Yi to take it out.

Seeing that the little thing was pitiful, House Yi knelt down, touched the little guy's head, and said softly: "Little thing, don't bark, your mother is dead. You can follow me from now on. Look at your snow-white body and dark eyes. Green, like a ghost in the snow, how about calling you 'Shadow'?"

The little wolf seemed to understand what Fang Fangyi said, and raised his head upwards, letting out bursts of miserable wailing sounds from his throat, the sound piercing his heart.

While lamenting the extreme fate of the little guy, Tian Zuin on the back of the house suddenly trembled, intending to break free.A hole was torn in the sackcloth wrapping Tian Zuin, and Tian Zui flew out.

The house is easy to turn around and grab an empty one, the speed of Tianzuo is too fast.Tian Zui flew out and landed exactly where it was placed before.

Immediately, there was an overwhelming killing intent, and the scene of the bloody corpse mountain once again appeared in Fang Fangyi's mind. Inspired by the killing intent, Fang Fang's eyes gradually turned red.

This is the second time he feels this artistic conception, the first time he saw Tian Sin, Fang Ziyi had this feeling.

This artistic conception appeared quickly and disappeared quickly.When House Yi regained his eyesight, his whole body was drenched, and sweat was streaming down his body.This artistic conception is so powerful that the house is easily overwhelmed.

Turning around, the little wolf has already avoided the house by a long distance. Looking at the house, his eyes are full of fear.The house is easy to see it, and it takes a few steps back.

Looking at Tian Sin, House Yi found that 'Tian Sin' was lying flat on it, no longer trembling or whistling, and had completely returned to normal.

He stepped forward, stretched out his hand, and raised the sin of heaven.Speaking of Tianzu, Fang Fangyi found that there was a piece of blood jade under Tianzu, the whole body of the jade was blood red, and with just one glance, it seemed that there was a killing intent to control him.House Yi hurriedly kept his mind on it, looked carefully, and found that it was covered with densely carved small characters.

Looking at the words on it, Fang Ziyi suddenly became ecstatic.Decided that this is what I was looking for.Engraved on the jade is a scroll of knife manuals, called "Yi Xuan Jing".

This knife manual does not record every move or style, it is aimed at training the mind.As described above, the sword is the courage of a hundred soldiers, and it is the main killer. When it is refined into the "Yixuan Jing", the world's sword skills will be melted into one body.

(For collection!)

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