Hearing the cry for help, Leng Wuqing stood up abruptly.But then I felt something was wrong, how could there be women in the deep mountains and old forests, there must be something strange in it.

Even though he thought so, Leng Wuqing didn't ignore it.The so-called Yigao people are bold, he is not worried about his own safety, and he also wants to find a breakthrough through this.

The woman's cries for help became more urgent and helpless.Leng Wuqing went looking for the sound, and saw a disheveled woman in the forest within a few steps.

The hair of the woman in the forest was a bit disheveled, her eyes were full of helplessness, her clothes were torn, and her white breasts and jade arms were exposed.

There were a few big men with knives chasing after him, and shouted with a lewd smile: "Little lady, run there! Let grandpa love and love you."

The woman ran in a hurry, didn't pay attention to her feet, and accidentally tripped and fell.In this neutral position, four or five big men have already surrounded them.

Several burly men surrounded the girl, spitting obscene language in their mouths, and slowly approached the girl.The woman looked around in horror, but she was surrounded all around, and she had no way to escape.

"Don't...don't come here, please... please forgive me, let me go." The woman hugged her chest with both hands helplessly, begging to the surroundings.

"Hey, brother, did you hear that? This little lady asked us to let her go. How is it possible? The little lady with such a label is so heart-wrenching at first glance, why are you willing to let her go? Look at that tender arm." This person will With the knife in his hand on the ground, he rubbed his hands and said, the people around him also laughed.

This person was about to make a move, but he was pulled over by a person beside him, he slapped his hand and cursed: "I haven't come up yet, it's your turn there."

Then he smiled and said to the woman on the ground: "Hey, don't be afraid, little beauty, I will definitely be gentle. If you satisfy the uncle, you will be Mrs. Yazhai from now on."

During this period of time, Leng Wuqing has been observing from the sidelines. After watching for a while, he found that it seems that someone is making arrangements. He thought in his heart: "It seems that Brother Wei is not here, and let these Xiao Xiaoxiao run amok here."

Seeing that the big man was about to reach out to the woman's body, a flash of sword light flashed in an instant.The big man hadn't come back to his senses and was horrified to see his hand fall off his arm.

Leng Wuqing disdained to kill someone behind his back, at this time the long sword was already in its sheath, and he did not strike again.


The big man lost a hand, blood gushed out, and shouted with a distorted expression on his face: "Who are you? Fuck me, kill him for me?"

When several big men rushed towards Leng Wuqing with knives in their hands, Leng Wuqing's lips moved lightly, and faintly uttered a word.


With one word, sword shadows flashed across the sky, and the person rushing over seemed to be frozen, he let go, dropped the big knife in his hand, tightly covered his throat with both hands, and said with difficulty: "You..."

"Even if Brother Wei isn't here, you won't allow him to ruin his reputation. He deserves his death!"

All the things happened between lightning and thunder, the woman on the ground hadn't recovered yet, she stared blankly at the corpses around her, and was stunned.

Leng Wuqing didn't go forward, but took out a silver ingot from his bosom and threw it forward, then turned his head and said: "This is not a place to stay for a long time, take the silver and leave here quickly."

The stunned woman seemed to be awakened by the cold and heartless words. Looking at the corpses around, she let out a heart-piercing scream in shock.

In a moment, the woman understood the surrounding situation, straightened her collar clothes, covered her exposed breasts, sobbed and said to Leng Wuqing: "Thank you, my lord, for saving my life."

Leng Wuqing stopped in his tracks, and said indifferently: "You don't need to thank you for the effort. You, a weak woman, shouldn't be here, you should leave quickly."

"My lord stay here, I..."

The woman struggled to support her body, faltering, her face showed embarrassment, and there was a faint blush on her cheeks, which seemed to be unspeakable.

Turning around, Leng Wuqing looked at the woman up and down, and found that the whole clothes were in tatters, and many parts of the whole exquisite and translucent body were exposed, so she already had a conclusion in her heart.

"Well, I just want to leave here, you just follow me."

After saying that, Leng Wuqing took off his coat, handed it to the woman, and said: "It's a bit cold, you can wear this coat."

"Thank you sir."


The woman seemed to have accidentally sprained her foot when she was running away. When she reached out to catch the clothes that Leng ruthlessly handed over, she loosened her hand and threw away the stick in her hand. She leaned forward and almost fell to the ground.

Standing in front of the woman, Leng Wuqing couldn't watch her fall to the ground, so she stretched out her hand to catch her, and the woman fell into Leng Wuqing's arms.

Just when the woman fell into Leng Wuqing's arms, an imperceptible smile flashed across her face.Grasping Leng Wuqing's arm with both hands, the woman looked into Leng Wuqing's eyes and said shyly, "Thank you, sir."

The man and the woman couldn't kiss each other, so Leng Wuqing couldn't bear to hold the woman all the time, and said lightly: "Girl, be careful."

"My lord, I'm sorry." The woman's face became even more rosy, and she said coldly.

While speaking, the woman slowly left Leng Wuqing's body, tremblingly trying to stand firm, her feet sprained again, and she fell towards Leng Wuqing.

"Young master, my foot..."

The woman looked down at her ankle, knowing her meaning coldly, reached out to hold one of the woman's arms, and said lightly: "It's okay, I'll support you."

When Leng Wuqing was investigating the affairs of Jianghu, Fang Fangyi led the convoy and left the capital for many days.

House Yi sat on the horse and was a little worried, thinking about some matters, Meng Long and Meng Jiao followed him on horseback, and Duan Erye rode back and forth on horseback, apparently in a good mood.

Walking, suddenly the people behind stopped, and the house that was thinking about the situation was still walking forward.Meng Long and Meng Jiao glanced at each other, knowing each other, Meng Jiao turned his horse's head and walked back.

"Second brother, what's going on? Why has the convoy stopped?"

The voice was noisy, Second Master Duan didn't hear Meng Jiao's shout, but Bai Yuhu was rushing to report to Fang Fangyi, just in time to meet Meng Jiao.

Bai Yuhu is in the officialdom, so he knows the ways of the world best.After a few days of getting along with each other, he saw that the relationship between the Meng brothers and Duan Erye and the governor was extraordinary, so he was naturally polite to Meng Jiao.

Meeting Meng Jiao, Bai Yuhu clasped his fists and said, "Brother Meng!"

"Bai Tantou, I don't know what happened later? Why didn't the convoy stop?" Meng Jiao asked very politely.

"I'm about to report this to the governor, because the road conditions behind are not good, and several grain trucks have overturned on the ground, and the brothers are rushing to repair it."

Seeing that the motorcade behind was getting farther and farther away, Meng Long asked at the side of House Yi: "Young master...Young master."

"Well, what happened? Why didn't the convoy behind catch up?"

"Young master, I don't know too well?"

"Let's go and have a look later."

The overturned carriage was still on the ground, and the food inside had been lifted aside, and the groom was anxiously repairing the carriage.Because the bag was torn, some grain was spilled on the ground.

Seeing that the carriage couldn't be repaired well in a while, House Yi said to Bai Yuhu, "Rest on the spot, and the personnel will be vigilant in batches."

House Yi also got out of the carriage, untied a water bag, took a sip of water, and sat on the ground to rest.Seeing the grain scattered on the ground, House Yi frowned slightly.

Because he was poor in the past, he cherished the food very much, and picked up the scattered food with his hands.Taking a closer look, House Yi's face suddenly darkened, and he threw the grain in his hand to the ground.

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