"Your Majesty, the food delivery service from the Imperial Dining Room is here." Yu Zhu said outside the door.

"Send it in."

Zhao Lingying's voice fell to the ground, Yuzhu walked in front, the little eunuch from the imperial dining room came in carrying the meal box, put the meal down, and the eunuchs all went out one after another.

"Tell me to see what's delicious today."

Without waiting for orders, Yuzhu ran up, lifted the lid, smelled it, and exaggeratedly said: "Well, it's not bad, it smells so good, my lady, come and taste it."

Looking at Yuzhu's cheerful appearance, Zhao Lingying supported her chin, shook her head and said, "Forget it, you can eat Yuzhu, I have no appetite."

"Ma'am, you haven't eaten much for the past few days. Ever since Eunuch Fang left, you've always been like this. Eunuch said, I can't take care of you well, so I want to look after you when I come back. Yuzhu begs you, come and eat something." .” Yuzhu said aggrievedly.

"Hey, you little girl."

After finishing speaking, he looked into the distance, thoughtfully, and said to himself, "I don't know where we are?"

Knowing what her master was thinking, Yuzhu walked behind Zhao Lingying and comforted her: "Your Majesty, don't worry, my father-in-law is very good at martial arts, nothing will happen, but if your Majesty doesn't eat anymore, something will happen."

"Okay, I'll eat it. But you can remove all the meat dishes, and order the imperial dining room. If I don't order, you can prepare vegetarian dishes in the future."

After giving Yuzhu's instructions, Zhao Lingying clasped her hands together and prayed devoutly: "Buddha, for the sake of my disciple's sincerity, please bless Ziyi with a smooth journey and a safe return."

The convoy paused, and all personnel stopped to rest.Some of the accompanying personnel stood around to watch, and those who came off the shift sat under a tree and took a nap.

House Yi stood by himself, with his hands behind his back, looking a little thoughtful.Meng Long and others came up and stood on both sides of the house. Meng Long took the lead and asked, "Is this disaster relief what you are worried about?"

Before Fang Fangyi could speak, Second Master Duan interrupted the third son, and said confidently, "Third son, you made a mistake this time, Mr. Xin..." Er Master Duan happened to meet Fang Fangyi at this point. Cold eyes.

He wanted to say 'newly married Yan'er, but was stared at by Fang Ziyi, knowing that he had said something wrong, almost exposed his secrets, broke out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly said: "Young master is new here, he must be admiring the surrounding scenery."

Second Master Duan's words were nonsensical and far-fetched, but Second Master Duan's temperament was such that everyone thought he was talking nonsense, and they didn't notice anything unusual.

Bai Yuhu stood on the side of House Yi, clasped his fists and said, "Don't worry, Governor, the spies sent out this time are all carefully selected, and if there are any abnormalities, they will definitely notice."

He thought that the reason for the house's bad face was because of this, but he was wrong.Fang Fangyi was worried about this just now, but Duan Erye's slip of the tongue made Fang Fangyi doubt whether his decision to bring Duan Erye out was correct.Second Master Duan was so careless, open-mouthed, and impatient for a while, and if he spoke carelessly, he would inevitably reveal his secret. This was a hidden danger that he did not expect.

"Looks like we need to have a good talk with him when we find time." House Yi secretly said.

Just as he was thinking, two light horses appeared in front of the road. Knowing that the spies had returned, everyone's eyes were focused on the visitor.Duan Erye said something wrong just now, Meng Long gave him a blank look, and stopped talking.

The spy arrived in front of House Yi and the others, threw the reins in his hands to the others, stepped forward and knelt down on one knee and said, "Report to my lord, there is no abnormality in front."

Another person said: "My lord, I have found some news."

It was a coincidence that the two appeared together. The missions of the two were different. The first person to report was just scouting the road in front of the convoy.And this person was sent out to a place with villages and towns ahead to inquire about news.

Upon hearing the news, Fang Ziyi immediately said, "Speak!"

"My lord, my subordinates found a town thirty miles ahead. According to the people in the town, there is a group of strong men gathered on the mountain south of them, and they often come to the town to rob and plunder. According to the description, the leader is wearing Taoist robe, with a goatee. And this person is extremely lecherous, all the young girls in the town were looted, and the families with girls were moved to other places, and the rest were old people."

After this person reported, Fang Ziyi said: "Reward ten taels of silver, go down and rest well, and I will lead the way with the Zha family later."

Hearing that Fang Fangyi wanted to go there in person, Bai Yuhu asked puzzledly: "Master, although there are robbers, they don't dare to call our attention, so why go and check?"

"Yes, you are right. A group of rabble, the Zha family is not afraid at all. If they dare to come, it will save the Zha family a lot of work."

"What does the governor mean to wipe out this group of bandits?"

"Extermination? I don't have such a leisurely mood in this capital. It's just that my family passed by here in person. The bosses of each mountain should pay a visit in person and send silver. It can be regarded as a little contribution to the relief of the governor."

"Haha, the young master is right. Usually they charge tolls. If we meet us today, they should give us some money, right? Such a good thing, young master, please don't leave me behind."

As soon as he heard that there was a chance to fight, the second master became interested, and he was afraid that the house would not take him.Meng Long was thoughtful, since the spy came back, he didn't speak, he was thinking alone.As described by the spies, he thought of a person.

"Young master, according to the detective's description, this person should be the goat Taoist in the Jianghu. The goat Taoist has a very bad reputation in the Jianghu. It is said that the Taoist is actually a flower picker, but the thirteen-style iron sword in one hand has the charm of Wudang swordsmanship. In addition, this person is treacherous and cunning, he is not an easy person."

"It turned out to be this fellow, who took an ax from his grandfather in the early years and was still alive. He actually raised a banner on the mountain. Today I will chop this bastard." Second Master Duan said, holding the ax in his hand.

"Oh, you still have a problem with this Taoist." House Yi asked.

"There is no holiday, so people's behavior is really disgusting, and people who ruin other people's jade, many people hate him deeply, and offered a reward for arresting this person. Once my four brothers were invited by someone to arrest this person together. In the end, this person escaped, and today's old incident should be settled." Meng Long added.

A lone traveler on the rivers and lakes has no fixed livelihood.Like the four Meng Long brothers, they are all doing things to eliminate disasters for others with money from others, but they have different principles of doing things and have different reputations.

The four elites in the capital only kill treacherous and sycophants.Even if there is no silver reward, anyone who encounters a big evil person will not let it go easily, so he is called the Four Heroes of the capital by the people of the rivers and lakes.

House Yi Yuan didn't intend to waste time, and just wanted to ask for some silver taels when passing by.At this moment, Meng Long said that the house is easy to change its mind, and it is ready to eliminate the banditry, which can be regarded as benefiting the people and accumulating reputation for Dongchang.

After looking at the sky, House Yi said to Bai Yuhu: "Send the order, the team will set off and move forward all the way at an accelerated speed. Before nightfall, we have to rush to the town ahead. We don't need to sleep in the mountains tonight."

Hearing that there is a town ahead, the exhausted people cheered up and began to pack up and prepare to go.During this break, You Ying also ran out to find food.

In order to preserve the wildness of the shadow, House Yi let it hunt and kill animals all the way.Finding that You Ying has not returned, House Yi is not worried, this little guy has a good nose, and he will follow after a while.

But just as they were leaving, You Ying ran out of the forest with a huge hare in its mouth.Youying sent the hare in front of House Yi.Looking at Youying's stomach, he knew that the little guy was already full, and this prey was given to him.

The distance of thirty miles was not close, and the team along the way did not rest and reorganize, and hurried on without stopping.

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