The best fake eunuch.

Chapter 302 The Phantom Thief

The sword qi all over the sky gradually disappeared with the sword light, and Fang Fangyi's internal energy was consumed very quickly, and he felt weaker every time he made a move.

Finally, the eyes opened up, and the house was hanging down weakly with his arms. In the sky, there were two sword auras roaring towards the house.With his internal strength exhausted, Fang Fangyi could no longer arouse the sword light, so he could only block it with the knife in his hand.But there are two sword qi, but Fang Fangyi only has the strength to strike once.

Two options, one, take a step back and lose the bet and win back your life.The other one can only fight desperately to survive.

A stern look flashed in Fang Fangyi's eyes, and he chose the latter.When the two sword qi were approaching, he blocked one with Heavenly Sin, and the other pierced through the shoulder of House Yi.

The body swayed, and when he was about to fall, Tian Zui supported himself on the ground.House Yi grinned, "Master Coldcastle, you lost."

It was true that he lost ruthlessly. Although House Yi was injured, he didn't move a single step.In a contest between the two, neither of them was the winner, Leng Wuqing lost the bet, and the house was easily injured.

Fang Fangyi did not expect that he and Leng Wuqing were still brothers after breaking through. It seems that Wuqingjian, who is famous all over the world, is definitely not an ordinary person.

"Yes, you won, and you can enter my Lengjiabao."

Both of them were silent, did not move, their strength was exhausted, and they were adjusting their internal breath.

"I'm waiting for my brother to be rude, and I hope the master will forgive me." The onlookers who hid aside came to the side of the house, and clasped their fists to plead guilty. Seeing that the house was injured, they came to help.

The strong are worthy of respect. House Yi has proved himself with his strength and won the admiration of everyone. No one will look down on him just because he is Dongchangchanggong.

"No, you can just bring your things in."

The wound on Fang Fangyi's shoulder did not need to be bandaged, and the bleeding soon stopped by itself, forming a scar.This scar will fade away on its own in a short time.

"Although you have won against me, it doesn't mean that I am willing to help you." Leng Wuqing said lightly.

"So you know everything?"

"Yes, I not only know, but also know more than you." Leng Wuqing said without shyness at all.

"Since the Lord of Coldcastle speaks quickly, why don't you go around the bush, what are the conditions? You can help me recover half of the map and find out who stole the map."

"Half of the map of mountains and rivers, it turned out to be it? No wonder."

Looking at Leng Wuqing's expression, Fang Fangyi knew that he had been cheated. It seemed that Leng Wuqing didn't know what was lost in the palace, but it didn't matter, he wanted to tell him anyway.

"It seems that the Lord of Castle Leng doesn't know much more than the Zha family. This is the box where half of the map of the country and mountains is placed. Please have a look at the Lord of Castle Leng?" House Yi took out the iron box from the baggage, threw it away, and the box happened to land on Leng Wuqing in front of.

Leng Wuqing took a look at Fang Fangyi, he didn't know where Fang Fangyi's confidence came from, and he was sure that he would definitely read it.But obviously the house is right, Leng Wuqing picked up the box.

"The secret boxes of the Mo family are scattered all over the organs. If they are opened carelessly, things will be destroyed and people will be killed. A piece of tasteless thing is also placed here. It seems that Zhu Zaihou cares about this picture." Leng Ruqing's words were extremely smug. With a mockery of Zhu Zaihou.

"It's tasteless? Why don't you think it may be? It can make the emperor value it so much, and someone has spent a lot of time stealing it. I think there must be a reason for it."

"Oh, so Eunuch believes in that legend?"

"Legend, I have never heard any legends. The thing was lost, and the emperor ordered my family to find it, but the family knows that the person who can retrieve half of the map of the mountains and rivers is probably the only one in the world, the Lord of Cold Castle, so I am here to invite Lord Coldcastle came to help."

"Help you, why?" Leng Wuqing seemed to have heard something very interesting. "That shit emperor is heartless and ungrateful, I, Leng, don't have the leisure to help him."

"The Lord of Cold Castle can raise the conditions, and everything will be at the price of the Lord of Cold Castle."

Although Leng Wuqing is no longer a police officer, he still solves some unsolved cases in the arena.Of course, these are all conditional, that is, silver.That's why House Yi came to Lengjiabao.

"Since father-in-law knows Leng's rules, it's easy to handle. If father-in-law is willing to give 1 taels of silver, Leng has nothing to do anyway, so he took this case."

1 taels was nothing to Fang Fangyi, and he immediately took out 5000 taels of silver bills from his baggage.

"According to the rules, pay half first, and pay the other half after the matter is completed. These bank notes can be exchanged at any bank in the territory of Daming."

Mo Qi came over to collect the banknote, and Fang Fangyi asked: "Since the Lord of Coldcastle knows the origin of this iron box, how many people in this world can open it?"

"The Mohist secret box, named itself the word 'Tianji', of course has its own advantages. Only one person knows the correct way to open each secret box. Of course, there are still people in this world who can crack it." Leng Wuqing used to be The number one catcher in the world knows all kinds of teachings and all kinds of schools in the world. When he saw the box, he already had a goal in his heart.

"Fang Gonggong, if you want to solve this case, a box alone won't work. Leng needs to know what happened."

House Yi said the matter again.After listening to what Fang Fangyi said, Leng Wuqing was stunned for a moment and said: "It really is him?"


"The Thief of Thousand Illusions."

Dongchang has this person's information, but a few years ago, this person has disappeared.There are rumors that he died under the family rules of the Mohist family, and some people say that he went into seclusion.

The Thousand Illusion Thief, formerly known as Yu Feng, is unrestrained, because he is good at changing appearances and is a master of thieves, so he is hailed as the Thousand Illusion God Thief by the people of the world.

Leng Wuqing and Thousand Illusion Thief had crossed paths before, and later became friends.Because Qianhuanshen stole a rare treasure from the imperial palace, he had a relationship with Leng Wuqing, but with his superb disguise and lightness skills, he always escaped in the sky and earth set by Leng Wuqing every time.

"Now that you know who it is? Then it's not too late. The Lord of Lao Leng Castle and the Zhe family will find this person and take back half of the map."

Without answering, Leng Wuqing said to Mo Qi: "Mo Qi prepares the horse."

Prepare the horses, and the two will set off on the same day.

The house is easy to see that Leng Wuqing is more anxious than himself.

Yu Feng was indeed not dead, because he violated the rules of the Mohist school and was swept away from the Mohist sect. Since then, the Thief of Thousand Illusions has retreated to the mountains and fields, changed his unruly character in the past, and stopped walking in the rivers and lakes.

Back then, Leng Wuqing fought with Thousand Illusion God Thief for half a year, neither winning nor losing.Because Thousand Fantasy Thief just likes to steal and does not do evil, and finally the two became friends.Leng Wuqing knew that Yu Feng's words were absolutely promises, since he personally said that he would wash his hands in the golden basin, of course he would keep his promise.

However, in a few days, there was evidence pointing to him, which showed that things were not simple. Behind the half of the map of Jiangshan was stolen, there must be something hidden?Leng Wuqing is never ruthless when dealing with friends, so he is very anxious.

Although Fang Fangyi didn't know this, he always felt that things were going too smoothly, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.

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