The dawn came as promised, and the holy time was sprinkled in the forest, revealing a trace of mystery. Today is another beautiful day.Living in a happy life, people will always worry about gains and losses.Soon, at the end of the day, I will leave here, everything will become a certainty, the house Yi muttered.

The good times are also nostalgic, and the house is easy to lie in the thatched hut, feeling extremely comfortable. He feels that even the dragon bed under Zhu Zaihou's buttocks is not as comfortable as the meadow bed under him.

Mei Gu went to the forest again, and stayed in the forest for a longer time than usual today, the house waited for a long time for Mei Gu to come back, and felt a bad feeling in his heart.He went out of the house and couldn't help but glanced in the direction of the woods. He wanted to have a look but held back.He hoped he was just paranoid.

Doubt is a good character, but there is no doubt that too many good things are broken under doubt.House Yi didn't want to and couldn't bear it, because his suspiciousness destroyed the beautiful things.

Why don't you come out yet.House Yi had a bad premonition, which made him a little scared, and his mind was very confused.Although he never believed in the Buddha who still had to offer incense, he still couldn't help praying in his heart at this moment.

God, I hope you don't joke with me.

Being stabbed in the butt is not the most painful thing. When you open your heart to someone, what you get in return is deception. This kind of pain is unforgettable.

The twisted expressions suddenly stretched out, and Fang Fangyi let out a long sigh of relief. "Yun'er, why did you go so long today?"

Mei Gu walked very slowly, she walked out of the forest, her eyes were softly looking at House Yi, when suddenly her eyes went dark, and she fell headlong to the ground.


The smile on Fang Ziyi's face stopped abruptly, and he ran towards Mei Gu, as if the rushing Yangtze River was suddenly frozen.

Looking at Mei Gu's pale cheeks, Fang Ziyi really wanted to say, Yun'er stop making trouble, get up quickly.

Meigu was carried into the room by Fang Fangyi, and put her hands on Meigu's back to input her true energy.In a panic, the big sweat on the house Yi's head kept dripping on the ground.

Yun'er, you must not be in trouble.

"Master, hold me tight, Yun'er is afraid." Finally, Fang Fangyi heard Mei Gu's weak voice.

"Yun'er, don't be afraid, I'm here! I'm here! What's wrong with you? Tell me what's wrong?" Clenching Meigu's little hand tightly, Fang Ziyi's face was full of tears.

"Little Enemy, why are you crying? Yun'er, are you still there?" Mei Gu weakly raised her hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of House Yi's eyes, with a contented smile on her face.

"Tell me, what happened to you? Why did it happen?"

"Sanggong, with you by Yun'er's side, Yun'er is really happy, Yun'er is content."

"No, no... tell me, tell me, what's wrong with you? I'll make sure you're okay."

"It's too late, the old ghost poisoned me, even if there is an antidote now, it's too late."

"Poison, poison, why didn't you say it earlier?" Suddenly, Fang Fangyi remembered something, got out of bed in a panic and found a dagger, "Yun'er, don't worry, my blood, my blood can detoxify."

Mei Gu shook her head feebly, "Master, it's useless, today is Yun'er's last day."

"No, it is useful, it must be useful."

House Yi recklessly melted his wrist, "Yun'er, drink up, drink up, you promised me that you would give me a bunch of children."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Yuner, Yuner lied to you, Yuner really didn't want to lie to you, but Yuner is really tired, Yuner only needs these seven days to be satisfied."

"No, I'm not satisfied, I don't want it, I want you for the rest of my life."

"Sanggong, you look like a child, don't cry. Don't worry, Yun'er will still be your wife in the next life. What I owe you, Yun'er will pay you back in the next life, and Yun'er will marry you cleanly in the next life."

"I don't care, I don't care, I want you to live."

"It's useless, the old ghost's poison, even if there is an antidote, it can't save me."

House Yi cried like a child, sitting helplessly, grabbing his hair with both hands, and slamming against the pillar, "Why? Why didn't I see it, I'm so stupid, I'm so stupid, I'm just a fool." The house is easy to hit his head with a punch.

"Sister, please don't be like this. Please forgive Yun'er for being selfish. Yun'er only wants seven days. Yun'er is tired, Yun'er is too tired. I promise that Yun'er can no longer accompany you in the future. You are Yun'er's life. The one you love is also the only one you have ever loved. Remember that we have made an appointment, and we are not allowed to go back on our promises in the next life, and don’t stop looking for Yun’er just because you are angry with Yun’er.”

"" House Yi nodded heavily. "I will, I swear, I will. In the next life, we will still be husband and wife. In the next life, I will give you the love of my life. In the next life, I will only love you. We will have many, many children."

Meigu's tear-filled face was full of smiles, and she gently stroked Fang Fangyi's cheeks, "Little friend, Yun'er knows, Yun'er knows, Yun'er knows that you will, my husband will love Yun'er for the last time Well, Yun'er wants to leave in Xianggong's arms, then Yun'er won't be afraid."

Warm and moist lips were pressed against Fang Fangyi's lips, Fang Fangyi's tears were like an out-of-control river, and he couldn't stop it anymore, and he didn't want to stop.

The sun is shining, the birds are singing and the flowers are singing, it is a beautiful day.

Another evening, this is the seventh evening, this evening the sunset glow is extraordinarily red, like thick blood gathering in the sky, even the cloud stopped its pace.

House Yi came out of the house with disheveled hair and hugged Meigu.Now Meigu looks very old, her black hair has become pale, her beautiful face is no longer smooth and full of wrinkles, like an old woman who passed away suddenly.

But today Meigu is quiet and serene, she is quietly hugged by the house, neither crying nor making trouble, as if she is just falling into a deep sleep.

House Yi's soul has been emptied, he walked out with Meigu in his arms, gently placed Meigu on the grass, and slowly smoothed out his snow-white long hair one by one.

"Yun'er, go to sleep, go to sleep, my husband is with you, don't be afraid, go to sleep."

The beautiful scenery is a good place to return to. The house changed hands and took the sin of heaven, digging on the ground little by little. After digging for a while, he raised his head and poured wine into his mouth, and the spilled wine fell with tears.

"Yun'er, if you're tired, just take a good rest. No one will disturb you in this lifetime, and no one will disturb you again. Sleep peacefully."

After chopping a piece of wood, the house was easy to stroke, and slowly carved on it with a dagger: the tomb of my wife Chen Yun.


Black clouds rolled over, a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, and heavy rain poured down without any sign, as if it was a farewell.

"God, why? Why are you treating me like this, it's unfair, it's unfair."

He raised his head and roared, the rain hit his face.

The knife came out like a tornado, sweeping past, and the whole thatched cottage collapsed and shattered.Putting the knife on the ground, the house Yi thumped and knelt on the ground.

"Yun'er, don't be afraid, my husband will accompany you tonight!"

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