Under the cover of night, more than a dozen war horses galloped out from the city gate and headed towards the northern border.

The matter in the capital has been resolved. If we want to achieve Zhang Juzheng's vision, by forcing Hanaji to negotiate peace with Daming and keep peace forever, we must remove the threat of Hannaji's influence, and let Hannaji and Alda be released from ice. In the past, Fang Ziyi went to the grassland with this task.

During this trip, Han Naji asked Ali to bring three Mongolian men to go with the house, and the house picked ten good players from Dongchang and Liu Han to take them away. This time, Wei Qiang and Lie Hu also accompanied him. .

After several days of rushing, House Yi and the others finally arrived at the border of Datong.Due to the approach of the Mongolian soldiers, there was an air of desolation everywhere. Fortunately, the people and traders at the border had long been used to it, and did not show excessive panic.

Eighteen healthy horses galloped past on the official road. Everyone felt that this group of people was not simple. They looked neither like scouts at the border gate nor rampant bandits, but everyone had serious faces, and some of them were covered up It's so tight that people can't see their true colors.

This is the request of the house. After all, the Mongols are too conspicuous, so Aligo and the three Mongols are all covered in black robes.Just passing a village, House Yi reined in his horse and glanced around.

"Young master, do you want to go after him?" In order to better conceal his identity, Fang Ziyi ordered everyone to call himself the young master.

"No need, it should be a scout from Datong Xuanfu, ignore it and continue on your way." Flicking the horsewhip, "Drive!"

After walking for another half a day, suddenly a group of people and horses appeared on the road ahead. The leader was wearing armor, riding on a horse, holding a mighty and domineering sword.

Spotting the soldiers in front of him, House Yi patted his horse and took a few steps forward, then stopped.House Yi and the general looked at each other, but didn't move forward.


The general in front patted his horse and came towards the house. The horse rode up extremely fast, and arrived in an instant, with no intention of stopping at all.

"Shut up!"

There were still a few steps away from the house, the general grabbed the reins suddenly, the horse slid a few steps, and the front hoof almost stuck to the house's nose and stood up.

Sitting down, the horse was frightened and was about to back up. House Yi clamped his legs suddenly, and the mount didn't move any more.House Yi watched without blinking, his face calm as usual.

Immediately the general grinned, pulled the rein of the horse back a few steps, and patted the horse's neck carelessly, "Ge Laozi, why are you disobedient today, can't you be in heat, I'll find you a mare on the renaming day. "

Sitting down, the horse snorted heavily, and the general looked up at House Yi, as if he had just realized that there was another person standing in front of him.

House Yi didn't speak, Liu Han and others had already rode over, surrounded the general, and the people didn't realize it, "Haha, I'm sorry, animals are not human, they are not very obedient." Just by looking at that posture, you can tell There is no sincerity.

Show me off, you are still a little tender.House Yi replied flatly, "Really?"

The man was waiting to see that the house was deflated, the house sneered, suddenly rolled over from the horse, grabbed the foreleg of the horse the man was riding with lightning, suddenly thought of lifting, and lifted the whole horse.

The man immediately looked shocked.In desperation, he suddenly wanted to pull the rein of the horse to stabilize the frightened horse, not wanting to fall to the ground with both the man and the horse.The person who came stood up from the ground with a disheveled face, his face was cloudy and uncertain.

"The beast that can't even support its master, let's just kill it." House Yi seemed to have done nothing, clapped his hands, jumped on the horse, and said without looking at it.

Fang Fangyi knew that these people in front were waiting for them. What happened just now was nothing more than someone trying to give him a bad reputation. Dongchang has a bad reputation, and no one dared to treat him in the court, but these officials in frontiers were not afraid of Dongchang at all. The identity of the factory owner.

If you don't want to be embarrassed, you have to properly show your own strength. The house is easy to sell to tell these people that you are not a soft persimmon to be squeezed.

The general was frustrated, and more than 50 soldiers behind him surrounded him with spears clattering, and surrounded House Yi and his party of 18 people.

The leading general glanced at Fang Fangyi several times, and waved to the soldiers surrounding Fang Fangyi and others, "Stand back." Compared with this person, Fang Fangyi looked a little thinner, and the visitors really couldn't figure it out. No matter how easy it is for the house to lift his own horse, not many generals in the army can do this.

"I've offended you so much just now, I still hope Haihan." This person is also free and easy, and he didn't care about it any more. "A certain governor sat down and the deputy general said that he is here to wait for you."

"It's okay, just make a joke with General Yan Lun, and I hope the general will not take it seriously." Fang Fangyi waved his hand, and Liu Han and others also put away their weapons and retreated behind Fang Fangyi.

Following Yan Lun, Fang Fangyi met Wang Chonggu, and had already heard about Fang Fangyi with Wang Chonggu, so he couldn't help but take a few more glances when he saw Wang Chonggu today.

Wang Chonggu was over half a hundred years old, with gray hair hanging on his temples, but he was still strong and strong, especially in military uniform with a treasured sword around his waist, he looked even more mighty.

When the house was looking at Wang Chonggu, Wang Chonggu was also looking at the house.Although he is in the frontier, he is no stranger to affairs in the court, and he keeps abreast of all the movements of the capital at all times.

Wang Chonggu has been in Wang Chonggu's field of vision since the moment House Yi brought down Zhu Tai, and many things that have happened around House Yi since then have not escaped his attention.

Whether it is a Beijing official or the governor who is a member of the border, it can be said that he is jealous and hates Dongchang, because Dongchang has always acted like a villain, and it is always hard to guard against.

Wang Chonggu is no exception, and most frontier soldiers have opinions on the house deal. In their opinion, it is an insult to them that a villain who wields power should be made an earl. It is not easy to be blocked, so there is the previous scene.

However, seeing House Yi today, Wang Chonggu was a little surprised.The image of Fang Fang is different from what he imagined. He originally thought that Fang Fang was a villainous villain, but seeing him this time, Fang Ziyi is a tall and straight figure with sword eyebrows and stars, and his features are domineering. Not the temperament a eunuch should have.

"I have met the Governor." House Yi was the first to break the silence.

Wang Chonggu waved his hand, and said to the people around him: "Take the entourage of the imperial envoy down to rest, remember not to neglect." Waving his hand and looking at the house, he stretched out his hand to invite, "Imperial envoy, please."

House Yi was not polite, and strode in.The two parties went in, and the house was not polite, took out the imperial decree, and said: "Governor Wang Chonggu of the Xuanfu of Datong accepted the decree."

The imperial decree was read out, roughly saying that Wang Chonggu was asked to do his best to assist the house exchange.Wang Chonggu's expression was normal, and he accepted the imperial edict calmly, without expressing anything.

After the two parties sat down, Fang Fangyi took out another secret letter and placed it in front of Wang Chonggu.The letter was written by Zhang Juzheng, and the letter described some things that led to the agreement with Altan Khan.

After reading the letter, Wang Chonggu was silent for a long time, stood up and walked back and forth a few steps, frowning from time to time, paused for a while, sat down and didn't look at the house easily, "Don't worry, Mr. Fang, it's about the affairs of the country and the country. I will definitely act impartially, and will never be mixed with other emotions. Because Aldakhan’s soldiers invaded the city, the road to Mongolia has been blocked. Tomorrow, I will arrange a battle to attack the Mongolian barracks, create chaos, and create opportunities for my father-in-law.”

As the governor of the three provinces, Wang Chonggu was not afraid of house changes at all, he spoke in a business-like manner, and made no secret of his dislike for Dongchang.

"It's so good." Fang Fangyi remained calm, stood up and said, "It's all up to the governor, why don't you leave." Since others don't want to see me, Fang Fangyi doesn't need to stay any longer, as long as Wang Chonggu doesn't delay his own affairs Enough.

"Come here, send the imperial envoy to the station to rest."

Fang Fangyi handed over his hand and said goodbye, Wang Chonggu stood without moving a step, and did not pay attention to the imperial envoy Fang Fangyi at all.After the house left, a thousand households said with a gloomy face, "Governor, why should we bother with a dog who wants to sneak into Altan Khan's tribe and let them go by themselves."

Wang Chonggu's face was gloomy, he didn't say a word, he gave the speaker a hard look, turned his back, and said, "Let everyone come here to discuss matters."

When talking, people shut their mouths in embarrassment, and did not dare to say more.He knew that Wang Chonggu hated the eunuchs of Dongchang the most on weekdays, so he said that just now.Now I am wondering why the governor has changed his temper.

Although it was a small attack, Wang Chonggu was not careless, and discussed until late at night, finalized all the details of the operation, and prepared several preliminary plans.

He takes every battle seriously, which is why Wang Chonggu can command the troops of the three provinces, guard the frontier, and stand still, making it difficult for the Mongols to advance.

Although he used the emperor's decree and Wang Chonggu's guarantee, Fang Fangyi did not fully believe in Wang Chonggu. There were many factions in the court, and Gao and Xu always wanted to put themselves to death. People were separated from each other. Who knew what Wang Chonggu was thinking.

Although with his martial arts, even thousands of troops would not be able to keep him, but he still has his subordinates. If he is not careful, these people may be lost here, so he has to be careful.

In the early morning of the next day, a letter had already been sent, informing them of the operation at midnight, and two sets of clothes were sent, one for Ming soldiers and the other for Mongolian soldiers.

House Yi and the others got ready, put on the clothes of ordinary soldiers, and at midnight, they moved with the brigade.In the Mongolian base camp, Aldakhan was sleeping soundly, when suddenly someone came to report that Ming soldiers attacked, Aldakhan got up, picked up a mace and rushed out.

After making a fuss in the middle of the night, I went back sweating and confused, yelling at the Ming army for being too insidious, and disturbing his sweet dreams in the middle of the night.The Ming army said it was an attack, and they withdrew before there was a hand-to-hand combat. Altan Khan was afraid that the Ming army would attack again, so he had to order the soldiers not to rest, and to stand ready.

Because of the cover of the Ming army, the Mongols focused their attention on the sneak attack, coupled with the cover of night.House Yi and his party quietly walked towards the grassland without disturbing the Mongolian soldiers.

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