Fang Fangyi rushed all the way to Emei non-stop. When he arrived at the foot of Mount Emei, Fang Fangyi stayed for a day. In order to prevent more troubles, he disguised himself as a herb collector.

I bought a map used by the predecessors to collect herbs in the hands of the locals, and found a hidden path. The house is easy to walk vertically between the mountains and forests, and I have already climbed the mountain after a day.

"Where to go?"

Suddenly, Fang Fangyi heard a woman shouting loudly from the front.

"No, someone!"

House Yi Fei climbed onto the cliff and hid behind. He listened carefully, and there were chaotic footsteps coming from behind, approaching in his direction.

Could it be that he was discovered, the house is easy to know every sect, and there are spies at the foot of the mountain, could it be that he was discovered when he went up the mountain.Just as he was thinking, there was another shout.

"Junior Sister, you can't leave now, so hurry up and catch me. I might spare your life for the sake of fellowship."

In the open space in front of House Yi, a group of women surrounded an Emei disciple.

"Junior Sister, you colluded with the evil head of the House Yi, deceived the master and exterminated the ancestors, killed the master, and come back with me to be punished by the sect rules." Among the disciples of Emei, a leading woman pointed her long sword at the woman in the middle.

The house is easy to hear clearly, why it has something to do with him, he didn't want to be troublesome at first, but he had to figure it out when he heard this, quietly peeped out half of his head from behind the rock, and observed carefully.

"Situ Qian?"

Although the light was very dim, Fang Fangyi could still tell at a glance that the woman in the middle was Situ Qian, and he had seen the woman who spoke before on the bank of the West Lake.

"Hmph, old master treats me like my own, and his kindness is as great as a mountain. How could I, Situ Qian, betray Emei?" Situ Qian's tone was cold, proud and unyielding.

"Senior Sister Situ, we also believe that you will not murder Master, but you are the only one who has seen Master in the end, so we hope that Senior Sister will go back with us and investigate the matter together." Another disciple persuaded.

"I'll find out about Master's affairs, so I won't bother you. If you don't get out of the way, don't blame me for not thinking about the friendship of the same family." While speaking, Situ Qian's software popped up with a 'chug'.

"Don't talk nonsense with her. Situ Xue married that devil. I think the two sisters want to serve one husband together. They are not good things. Today, as a senior sister, I order everyone to kill this traitor and avenge the master. .” The leading woman sneered and mocked.

"Qu Rong, why do I, Situ Qian, have any hatred for you? You make things difficult for me everywhere?"

"You colluded with the devil, deceived the master and destroyed the ancestors, you and I have a utter hatred, go up, kill her." Qu Rong gave an order, and many disciples surrounded her.

The house was easy to see, and the rest of the disciples had reservations about their moves, only Na Qurong made fierce moves, attacking directly to the point, and only wanted to take Situ Qian's life.

Situ Qian held a soft sword in her hand, swinging like a wicker, extremely flexible, she didn't hesitate to face so many people, but she kept a sense of proportion between her shots, so that she was restrained everywhere.

Situ Qian already had injuries on her body, and she fought fiercely, pulling the wounds apart, blood oozing from her clothes.

"Bastard, she is Emei's traitor, don't you want to betray Emei and master?" Seeing that the other junior sisters didn't do their best, Qu Rong asked sharply.

"Elder Sister, it's not clear whether Senior Sister Situ is the murderer of Master. We can't just kill her indiscriminately. We should take her first. Go back and adjust slowly." A disciple couldn't bear it, and spoke up for Situ Qian. excuse.

"Hmph, I think you bitch belong to the same group. I am the senior sister of the Emei sect. The master is gone. My orders are the orders of the master. If anyone dares to neglect her, I will drive her out of Emei."

Although there are still some people who are hesitating and showing mercy, some people have already started to kill.


Suddenly there was a thunderstorm, and the sky was covered with dark clouds, and it seemed that it was about to rain cats and dogs.

With that flash of lightning, Fang Fangyi could see Qu Rong's viciousness continuously in the dark, and every time he drew a sword, his face was very ferocious.

No, once I make a move, I will definitely not be convinced that Situ Qian colluded with outsiders to deceive the teacher and destroy the ancestors.Fang Fangyi was hesitating whether he should make a move, when suddenly, Situ Qian staggered, Qu Rong took advantage of this gap, and stabbed Situ Qian's chest with a sword, Situ Qian was already in danger.

The situation was critical, the house had no time to think, and instinctively popped a stone!Bang, Qu Rong's sword was blocked, but it still scratched Situ Qian's arm.

Opportunity was right in front of him, and if the sword failed, Qu Rong became ruthless, the sword changed, and he slashed at Situ Qian sideways. He didn't care about the moves at all, and only wanted to kill Situ Qian.

Since the house is easy to sell, how can she be allowed to succeed.

Snapped!Snapped!Snapped! ...

A few stones popped out of his face, forcing everyone to retreat, the house Yi flew up, and an afterimage flashed, and he had already arrived at Situ Qian's side.


House Yi grabbed Situ Qian and left.

"How dare you, thief!"

Qu Rong and the others yelled, but they had already seen the extraordinary skill of the person coming, so they did not dare to chase after him.

"Hmph, Situ Qian betrayed Emei. Now that the evidence is conclusive, you should believe it? Go back and call all the disciples under your sect to search the mountain, and we must not let them leave."

"Yes, Senior Sister!"

Senior sister, hum! Qu Rong listened to the word 'senior sister', her face was displeased, she raised her head, the corners of her mouth turned up, with a sneer on her face, you will soon call me the master.

The thunder became louder and louder, lightning streaked across the night sky, and the heavy rain fell suddenly. Holding Situqian in his arms, House Yi rushed all the way.

"Hold on!"

Situ Qian didn't say a word, House Yi looked down, Situ Qian's face was pale, with blood all over her body, and she was now in a coma.

Not good, need to be treated immediately!

When the house came to Mount Emei at the beginning, it was a small road, and it was night, so I couldn't figure out the direction at all.After walking several places in a row, they were all cliffs.


Arriving at a cliff again, House Yi cursed in a low voice, turned around hastily, changed direction, and left.

The more urgent the more mistakes, the house Yi wandered in the mountains for several hours, but he couldn't find the way.

No, it can't go on like this.

Although Fang Fangyi touched Situ Qian's acupoints, the wound had stopped bleeding, but Situ Qian's aura was still getting weaker and weaker, and it would be unimaginable to delay it any longer.

In desperation, House Yi saw a mountain in front of him.In the heavy rain, he flew up to the top of the peak.


There was another flash of lightning, and the front was illuminated. House Yi looked forward, and saw a cave not far away. He didn't care about other things, hugging Situ Qian, House Yi ran all the way towards the cave.

Forbidden land in Emei, come and stop!

There were eight big characters written on the left and right sides of the cave. Looking at these words, the house stopped for a moment, stomped his feet, "It doesn't matter, let's go in!" He approached the cave with Situqian in his arms.

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