"Could it be that those Jianghu people have been brainwashed like ordinary people?"

"Hmph, they won't, they are just brainwashed by their own **." Yu Feng sneered, "Do you know? The new leaders of these Jianghu Jianghu organizations, no surprises, there is no one in their organizations. Someone who might be the leader."

"Are those missing people related to them?" Murong Bingyue asked eagerly.

"That's right, all of these Jianghu leaders are well-known figures. If it weren't for the internal support of their own people, who could easily restrain them, and these people are all alive, and they are all imprisoned by the Vulcan Cult in a secret place."

"No wonder they obey the Vulcan Cult. It turns out that once the Vulcan Cult releases these people, the fate of these traitors can be imagined. They are completely reduced to other people's puppets for their own selfish desires. They are sad and hateful. "House Yi gritted his teeth.

"Have you found out that they are locked up here?" Murong Zhan asked.

"No, except for those from the Vulcan Sect, no one knows where they are imprisoned. However, Mr. Murong, rest assured that someone has already investigated this matter. With his ability, sooner or later he will find out the whereabouts of your father and other seniors."

Originally, I thought that if I knew how to control the Vulcan Cult and control the rebels, I could crack and divide them, but now, the thread that controls the puppets is not power, money, or women, and there is no way to cut them off.

Playing with the pill in his hand for a while, Yao Lao said: "Although I can't completely crack the poison of the Gu Poison Sect, but with these antidotes, I should be able to imitate it, but it will take some time."

Yao Lao's words undoubtedly shook everyone's spirits, "Okay, the antidote is Lao Yao Lao."

"Yu Shaoxia, the old man wants to ask, have you seen God Lord Zhu?"

"No." Yu Feng shook his head, "However, I heard that God Lord Zhu claimed to be a descendant of Emperor Jianwen, and when he was wandering in the rivers and lakes, he was good at using the dragon's palm with one hand."

"It's him, it's this villain." Yao Lao clenched his fists, and immediately, cold sweat dripped from his face, shouting "No!" The man had already jumped out.

Seeing Yao Lao's nervous look, Fang Fangyi knew that something must have happened in the Sacred Valley of the Leftovers. Now that Yao Lao knew who this God Lord Zhu was?You must be aware of his nature, and know that he is very likely to attack the Sacred Valley of the Leftovers.

The Sacred Valley of Relics is a secret. House Yi did not take anyone with him. He followed Yao Lao, and the two horses in the villa headed in the same direction at the same time.

As the sun rises, the Valley of the Relics is as quiet and harmonious as before, and the hardworking and simple people are ready to harvest the fruits of autumn.

"Valley owner... something is wrong with the valley owner." Several people rushed towards the place where the valley owner lived.

"What's so frustrating?"

"Poisoned, my wife and child were suddenly poisoned, Master Gu, go and have a look."

"We too. We were fine yesterday, but we were suddenly poisoned just now, showing that we have no strength, and then our body started to itch." More and more people gathered, and most of the existing people had already arrived.

"Is there a problem with the water?" An old man beside him asked.

"Quickly, go and tell the people in the valley not to drink water or eat anything." Several fast-footed people were already running away while drinking.

"Master Gu, all the people in the village drink from the clear spring at the foot of the mountain. They have been fine for decades, why are they..."

"Someone must have sneaked in and poisoned."

Just as Gu Zhu finished speaking, an old man beside him fell to the ground, "Third Uncle..." Gu Zhu tapped several acupuncture points of the old man in succession.

"Third Uncle, how do you feel now?"

"This poison is so strange and overbearing."

"Of course the poison of the Gu Poison Sect is strange, of course it's overbearing, haha, the Valley of the Leftovers, the Valley of the Leftovers, I'm finally back." An abrupt voice sounded, and a man in a dragon robe walked over , followed by more than 100 masters, looked around, clapped his hands and said: "Okay, after so many years, you old things are still alive, it's really gratifying."

"It's you, it's you, an evil person, we should have killed you back then." The old man on the ground gritted his teeth.

"Yes, it's me. Don't you regret it? You never dreamed that I would come back one day. I have to thank God for keeping you all alive."

"You damn evil, you will die if you break your oath."

"Bah." God Master Zhu's face became ferocious as he said this, and he couldn't stop roaring: "You are the ones who deserve to die, you are the ones who broke the oath, you, you all deserve to die, the will of our ancestors has long been forgotten by you, You group of people who are greedy for life and afraid of death, you should all die."

"You're hopeless."

"Yes, I'm hopeless, because I'm going to be the emperor soon, and the world will return to orthodoxy. Now I want you to know that I am right and you are wrong."

"Hmph, daydreaming."

"If you don't believe me, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter at all. As long as you obey me now, I... no, it's me. I can forget about the past and completely forgive your sins."

God Lord Zhu, like Zhu Tai, has a strong desire for power.A few years ago, God Lord Zhu assassinated the then Valley Master in the Sacred Remains Valley, and wanted to win the position of the Valley Master. The Valley Master was killed, and what God Master Zhu had done was exposed, and he was expelled from the Sacred Valley.

"You traitor, stop daydreaming and become the emperor, haha... I laughed to death."

"Those people have all been poisoned by the deputy national teacher's poison. Only the deputy national teacher can cure their poison. Unless you want to watch your relatives die in front of you, you should obediently obey me and complete the mission you should complete. Do what you have to do and wash away your sins."


"Haha, you should have heard of Gu poison teachings. Only they can cure their poison. I happen to have some antidote in my hand, which can temporarily relieve their pain and give you time to burn incense. Think about it carefully." Oh, by the way, you have not been poisoned yet, how lucky you are, you can watch your relatives suffer, and give you a little time to burn incense, and swallow these pills when you think about it."

"No, I promise you."

"Valley Master..."

"Stop talking, I can't just watch them die." After finishing speaking, he swallowed the pill on the ground in one gulp.Everyone silently swallowed the pills with him.

Watching the scene, Yao Lao was furious and was about to rush in, but was held back by House Yi.

"Fang boy, let me go, I will kill this evil person."

"Hmph, it's easy to kill him. He can crush him to death with one finger without your hands. But what about the people in the Sacred Valley? Can you save them?"

Yao Lao is not a stupid person, he just let his anger overwhelm his rationality, and after Fang Fangyi said it, he came to his senses in an instant.

"Now the only thing that can relieve their pain is the evil you mentioned. What seniors can do now is to develop an antidote as soon as possible. Once the antidote is released, their conspiracy will be self-defeating."

Seeing everyone swallowing the pills, God Master Zhu laughed wantonly, "Okay...okay, yes, Third Elder, this is your antidote, please get up."

"Get out of the way, I don't need you to help me."

God Master Zhu smiled embarrassingly, "I was born in the Valley of the Forsaken and raised in the Valley of the Forgotten Sacred Valley. How could I be willing to kill you? These are all forced. For the sake of my ancestors' behest, I am willing to bear all misunderstandings. Don't worry, once Now that I have ascended the Great Treasure, you are the relatives of the emperor, you are extremely honorable, and you don’t have to hide in the Valley of the Leftovers to suffer anymore.”

"Stop talking, now our life and death are all in your hands, I hope you can keep your promise and let innocent people go."

"I have already said that we are relatives, not enemies. Don't worry, Valley Master, as long as you are willing to help me, I will definitely not hurt them."

"Dear one, hmph..." Someone beside him sneered.

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