Dear President, take it easy

【128】What did you do to her?

Chen Bihua glanced at the word 'Bo Ye' flashing on the screen, and his heart immediately rose to his throat.

She turned her head and glanced at Qiao Weiwei, who was pale and dying, and then, took the mobile phone in Qiao Moli's hand, grabbed Qiao Moli and walked upstairs, and said, "Molly, let's go and pack your luggage, you can give it to me right now." go abroad."

"Mom, what are you doing? If I don't go out, I will stay here. If Qiao Weiwei doesn't leave Master Bo, I won't leave!" Qiao Moli stopped, grabbed the railing, looked at Chen Bihua, and said stubbornly .

"Slap!" A slap fell hard on Qiao Moli's face.

Chen Bihua grabbed Qiao Moli's arm angrily, and said, "Qiao Moli, you should be more sober. If you don't want to die, go abroad to avoid the limelight. When the limelight passes, I will naturally let you come back! Think it over for me." , if you die now, you will never see Qiao Weiwei being dumped."

Hearing what Chen Bihua said, Qiao Moli nodded and said, "OK...then I'll go up and pack my luggage."

"Di...beep..." The high-pitched voice of the ambulance floated into the house from outside.

Chen Bihua ignored Qiao Moli and walked out quickly...

The medical staff who walked in hurriedly ran to Qiao Weiwei, carefully put her on a stretcher, and carried her out...

Chen Bihua followed closely behind.

* - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - *

Huasheng Hospital

At the door of the emergency room, Chen Bihua, who was covered in blood by Qiao Weiwei, was sitting at the door of the emergency room with a solemn expression...

She took a deep breath, put her hands together, and prayed: "God, please don't let the baby in her stomach have any accidents, otherwise, Liangbo will definitely kill my Jasmine..."

"Beep beep beep..." Qiao Weiwei's phone started vibrating again.

Chen Bihua opened his eyes, picked up the phone with trembling hands, and pressed the connect button: "Hey... cool."

"Why are you? Where's Weiwei?"

"Weiwei accidentally fell down the stairs and hurt the baby in her stomach. She is in the hospital for emergency treatment now..."

"What? First aid? Children? Which hospital are you in now?"

"I'm in Huasheng Hospital, Liang Bo, don't worry, it shouldn't be..."

Before Chen Bihua finished speaking, there was a hasty hang-up sound from the other end of the phone.

Chen Bihua sighed deeply again, his thoughts became extremely messy for a while, and there were mixed feelings in his heart.

Now, she really regrets it very much. If she could hold back her anger and not argue with Qiao Weiwei, then the current situation would not have happened.

If the child in Qiao Weiwei's womb can't be kept...then the consequences...

She really didn't dare to think about it.

She raised her head, closed her eyes, and frowned deeply.

After a long time, the sound of footsteps in the corridor caused Chen Bihua to slowly open his eyes.

She followed the prestige, and saw a pale and cold man in a hospital gown, walking heavily, with Mo Mei frowned, walking in the direction of the emergency room, his steps hurried.

His pale complexion and thin hospital gown still couldn't hide his innate powerful aura.

And behind him, the expressions of Ou Xiangbei and Liang Yi were equally heavy.

Just looking at Liangbo like this, Chen Bihua's heart couldn't help shaking three times.

When she lost her mind, Liang Bo was already sitting opposite her with the support of Ou Xiangbei and Liang Yi.

After Liang Bo sat down, Ou Xiangbei and Liang Yi also sat on either side of him.

"How is she? How did she roll down the stairs? Did you push it?" Liang Bo looked at Chen Bihua coldly, with a coldness that couldn't be melted in his smeared eyes.

Beside Liang Bo, Liang Yi and Ou Xiangbei looked at Chen Bihua coldly...

Before Chen Bihua could speak, Ou Xiangbei took the lead and said, "I think she pushed it, otherwise Weiwei was fine, why would she fall down the stairs."

"No, I really didn't push it." Seeing Liang Bo's face gradually turning cold, Chen Bihua was so frightened that he repeatedly denied it.

"Is it right? When my sister-in-law wakes up, everything will be clear." Liang Yi folded her legs gracefully, stared at Chen Bihua, and said word by word.

"..." Liangbo swallowed, breathed heavily, and didn't speak, the whole person fell into silence.

He silently looked at the dazzling emergency lights, and silently prayed in his heart that his woman was safe.

As long as his woman is safe and sound.

The four of them fell silent at the same time.

"Ding..." The emergency light went out, and the door of the emergency room slowly slid open.

The four of them got up at the same time, walked to the doctor who walked out first, and said in unison: "How is it?"

The doctor slowly took off the mask, looked at the four people solemnly, and said, "I'm sorry, we did our best, the adults are safe, but the not saved."

He didn't keep a word of the child, making Chen Bihua on the side feel as if his whole body had been pulled out.

Her feet were soft, and she sat on the bench with difficulty, the fear in her heart couldn't be dispelled.

His cold eyes dimmed, and his heart felt like it was being torn by something, and it hurt a little...

At this moment, he has mixed feelings in his heart.

The child was not kept, and he was in pain.

He was glad that the woman was safe and sound.

"Because the pregnant woman's uterus seems to have been hit by something heavy before, so...the child has already..."

The doctor's words suddenly tightened his eyes, and his face became extremely dark, so did Ou Xiangbei and Liang Yi.

Liang Bo turned around, walked quickly to Chen Bihua's side, grabbed Chen Bihua's neck with his hands, and asked condescendingly: "It's not that she fell by herself, so why did the doctor say that she was hit in the uterus by a heavy object... ...what the hell did you do to her!"

The coldness at this moment, his eyes were cold without a trace of warmth, and his face was as cold as a messenger from hell.

Chen Bihua's face became more and more red because of his increasing strength.

"Cough, cough, cough... I don't know..." Chen Bihua repeatedly denied it. The feeling of suffocation and the murderous look in her eyes made her terrified to the extreme.

"You don't know? I think it's you and Qiao Moli who messed up!" Beside Liang Bo, Ou Xiangbei growled coldly.

Liang Yi stood where she was, looking at Chen Bihua coldly, with the same cold light as Liang Bo in her eyes.

Qiao Weiwei, who was as pale as paper, was slowly pushed out by the medical staff.

Seeing this, Liang Bo immediately let go of Chen Bihua, feeling a dull pain in his heart.

"Both of you, bring her to my apartment!"

After that, he walked forward quickly, followed in the footsteps of the medical staff, holding the cart with his hands, and looked at Qiao Weiwei's swollen right cheek and forehead, his face was solemn, and his heart throbbed with pain.

At this moment, her whole body is like a little flower wobbling on the edge of a cliff...

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