Dear President, take it easy

【299】It's getting more and more abnormal

The sudden appearance of Liang Bo surprised Liang Tianyou who was standing by the sick bed.

When the father and son looked at each other, they had different expressions on their faces.

With a cold face, Liang Bo walked up to Liang Tianyou on his slender legs.

After bowing his head and being silent for a while, he said coldly and indifferently, "Dad, are you still a human being?"

Liang Bo's words instantly ignited the explosives in Liang Tianyou's heart that had already been restless.


What Liang Bo said in return was Liang Tianyou's merciless palm.

"You messed around with Lingling and me last night. I don't have the same knowledge as you. Now, you're talking to your old man again. Do you think I've handed over the group to you, so you have nothing to fear?" Liang Tianyou blushed angrily. Said blushingly, with an old face.

Seeing Liangbo being slapped, Qianfang immediately got up quickly, stood in front of Liangbo, looked at Liang Tianyou, and said: "You are simply confused by that fox spirit, you are really getting more and more abnormal Be careful that one day, you will really die at her hands."

However, for Qianfang, no matter how much the incision hurts, it can't be worth a ten-thousandth of the pain in his heart.

"Do you think she is like you?" Liang Tianyou said coldly.

Liang Tianyou just couldn't listen to others saying that Wan Lingling was not good at all.

In Liang Tianyou's mind, Wan Lingling has always been the embodiment of justice and elegance.

In Liang Tianyou's heart, Qianfang is a demon, and Wan Lingling is an angel, an angel who can illuminate his whole world.

If it weren't for the public opinion and the face of the Liang family, how could he have kept Wan Lingling from becoming a full-time member.

Being in a big and prestigious family, sometimes, many things are very helpless. For the sake of face and family honor, people have to give up a lot of things.

"..." Looking at Qianfang, Liang Tianyou was really too lazy to talk to her. After being silent for a while, Liang Tianyou stomped his feet, and then left the ward quickly.

After Liang Tianyou left, the whole world returned to peace.

Liang Bo touched his painful right cheek, and he sat on the sofa in silence...

"If it wasn't for the relationship of coolness, Wan Lingling would not be alive today!" said Liangbo indifferently.

"She is the person that the old man puts on top of his heart, so don't act rashly. You forgot what happened after you touched her Wanshi before?" Qianfang sat weakly by the bed, stretched out her hand, and stroked the coolness hair, said helplessly.

"I'm not the small me I used to be. If I hadn't agreed to Liangyi. Hmph..."

While speaking, his cold fist mercilessly hit the armrest of the sofa.

Bones collide with hard, cold wood, and it hurts.

Liang Bo stayed with Qian Fang in the hospital until the evening.

It wasn't until the setting sun dyed the sky over New York City red that he drove back to Liang's old house.

Walking into the living room, the strong smell of pigeon soup hits the nostrils.

Stepping into the kitchen, the scene in front of him melted the tiredness in his eyes.

At this moment, Qiao Weiwei was standing in front of the stove, gently stirring a pot of boiling pigeon soup with a spoon.

That little woman was wearing an apron, her long hair was naturally tied behind her head, and she was as quiet as a good wife and mother.

This picture is so beautiful and warm that it makes Liang Bo lose his mind for a moment.

She is a proud peacock, the most arrogant and domineering young lady in the upper class, but she is willing to put on an apron for him, pull up her long hair, and walk into the kitchen.

After regaining his senses, he walked behind her step by step with his slender legs.

Stretching out his long arms, he held her in his arms from behind.

"Why? The soup is almost ready. Don't make trouble."

His chin rested lightly on her shoulder, and he said, "Let me hug her for a while."

The aura on her body was like tranquilizing medicine, enough to drive away all the impurities in his mind.

"By the way, Gu Yun actually came to ask me for money today. He said he wanted [-] million, heh..."

Hearing the word Gu Yun, the cold eyes immediately turned cold...

"And then?" He asked lightly, frowning deeply.

"Of course I won't give it. I'm not the Virgin Mary. When I was good, I dumped me and ran to other women. When I was unlucky, I came back to ask me for help. Why should I help him? He thinks he is something, I Kao! I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people!"

"I just like your short temper." Liang Bo said with satisfaction, with a hint of gloating in his eyes.

"Okay, go, go, let go, the soup is ready, it won't taste good if you don't pour it out." With that said, Qiao Weiwei brushed away her cold hands and turned off the fire.

Putting on thick kitchen gloves, she carefully put a pot of fragrant pigeon soup aside.

After putting the pigeon soup into the thermos, Qiao Weiwei gently placed the thermos in Liang Bo's hands, and said, "You send it."

"Obey, my lord queen." Holding the pigeon soup, she smiled softly and softly.

His gentle eyes only stopped for one person.

"Okay, hurry up and deliver it, the soup won't taste good if it's left in it for a long time." Qiao Weiwei held her cold hand and urged.

"Then give me a kiss." Liang Bo shamelessly put his face in front of Qiao Weiwei, and said.

Standing on tiptoe, Qiao Weiwei closed her eyes lightly, and planted a light kiss on his cheek...

"Okay, go quickly, go back quickly."


After Liangbo left, Qiao Weiwei shook her head helplessly, then took off her skirt and walked out of the kitchen...

Back in the living room, Qiao Weiwei stretched gracefully, then waved to the servant who gave her a massage last time, and said, "Come, give me a massage."|

After finishing speaking, Qiao Weiwei walked to the sofa and sat down.

Hearing this, the servant obediently walked over to Qiao Weiwei, half kneeling on the sofa, and began to seriously massage Qiao Weiwei's shoulders...

With her eyes closed lightly, Qiao Weiwei enjoyed it quietly.

This servant's massage technique is really superb, she really likes it.

"Beep beep..."

In her pocket, her mobile phone began to vibrate again and again. The slight vibration made the skin of her legs numb.

Slowly opening her eyes, she immediately took out the phone from her pocket.

Seeing that it was Gu Yun's call, she immediately hung up.

Gu Yun came to her for nothing more than to borrow money.

She didn't bother to talk to him.

The next day.


A boring day has started again.

After washing up, she changed into a red dress with suspenders and went out.

Driving a red Ferrari with a thin sao bag and a cool look, she stepped on the accelerator all the way, and she came all the way to the largest luxury shopping mall in New York.

After scanning the goods all morning and maxing out the n cards she still had, Qiao Weiwei left the shopping mall with the big bags in her hands in satisfaction...

Just after putting the things back in the car, Qiao Weiwei's phone rang...

Seeing that it was cold, she immediately pressed the answer button.

Holding the car door with one hand, holding the phone in the other, he said, "What are you doing? Master Bo?"

Because I bought a lot of things I like, at this moment, Qiao Weiwei is still in a good mood.

"Is it comfortable to buy things?"

"It's comfortable, I've maxed out your n cards, and I'm back with a full load. They are all global limited editions of ding-level luxury goods, and some of them are only one piece in the world. By the way, I also bought a few sets of global limited editions by the way. Jewelry. I'm going to go back and choose some sets as future wedding presents for Sister Chu Yu and Ou Xiangbei."

"Well, as long as you're happy, it's fine to take out my entire Liang Group." On the other side of the phone, there was a cool voice, damn nice.

"Haha, Mr. Bo...I love hearing that. Would you like to come out for lunch?"

"I'm in a meeting."

"Forget it, I'll eat by myself. Bye..."

After hanging up the phone, Qiao Weiwei looked at the shopping bags in the cart with satisfaction, and then got into the car...

After eating outside, she went back to Liang's old house.

After moving things into the cloakroom with the servants, Qiao Weiwei, who was extremely bored, began to look at the full-length mirror and keep gesticulating with each piece of clothing and jewelry.

In an instant, the floor of the cloakroom was turned into a 'disaster' scene by her, with all kinds of clothes and jewelry everywhere.

After gesturing on the last piece of clothing, she went downstairs and into the kitchen.

At this moment, New York outside the window has been stained with a layer of gray by the night.

Standing in front of the chopping board, Qiao Weiwei carefully chopped up various ingredients and put them into the pot where the water and pigeons had already been placed.

"Beep beep..."

The vibrating sound of the mobile phone broke the tranquility of the kitchen.

Rubbing her hands on the apron, Qiao Weiwei immediately took out her phone.

Seeing that it was Liang Bo's call, she pressed the answer button.

"Don't come back so late, work overtime?"

" mother is clamoring for pigeon soup, you can stew it and send it to her later."

"It's stewing..."

"Thanks for your hard work……"

After hanging up the phone, Qiao Weiwei opened fire.

two hours later.

The night gradually became darker. After putting on decent light makeup, Qiao Weiwei went out with the stewed pigeon soup in her arms.

Driving a cool red Ferrari, she left the Liang family's old house without any hindrance...

Tens of meters away from the entrance of Liang's old house, a black Santana parked quietly in the dark.

When the red Ferrari was about to pass by me, a drift, firmly blocked in front of the Ferrari...



Accompanied by the sound of emergency brakes, the red Ferrari collided with the black Santana...

In an instant, sparks flew.

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