Dear President, take it easy

[301] The most poisonous woman's heart

"Master Bo...Qiao Weiwei is in my hands now. Within 10 minutes, prepare 10 million yuan and transfer it to my card. I will send the card number to your mobile phone in a while. Remember, it is within [-] minutes. Otherwise, the time bomb on Qiao Weiwei's body is about to explode... Also, don't call the police, let alone try to catch me. I designed this bomb myself. No one knows which thread to cut except me. Let it freeze in time." Gu Yun said slowly as he gently traced the time bomb on Qiao Weiwei's waist with his slender fingers.

Thinking that he would be able to get [-] million in a short time, the dark clouds that permeated his heart disappeared instantly...

He has nowhere to go, he has no other choice but this, banks in various countries refuse to lend him money, all the rich people he knows refuse to see him, now, he is standing alone on the edge of a cliff, in order to save his life, he only can do so.

"Bomb? Why should I believe your words..."

"Hehe, if you don't believe me, please take a look..."

With that said, Gu Yun hung up the phone...

Turning on the camera, he pointed the lens at Qiao Weiwei seriously...

After taking a very clear photo, he immediately sent it to Liangbo in the form of MMS.

Then, he turned off Qiao Weiwei's cell phone and put it back in her pocket.

Walking to the wooden chair that was only three steps away from Qiao Weiwei, Gu Yun sat down gracefully, holding his mobile phone, and began to wait for the bank's remittance text message.

Qiao Weiwei opened her eyes, and found that she was being tied to a pillar by Wuhuada, and a bundle of time bombs was tied to her body.

At this moment, Qiao Weiwei's heart instantly rose to her throat...

Raising her head, looking at Gu Yun who was sitting in front of her, calmly playing with her phone, Qiao Weiwei scolded in a cold voice: "Trash, let me go!"

"I'll let you go when Mr. Bo's 22 million arrives in the account. It's 4:4, and he still has 5 minutes. If the money doesn't come after [-] minutes, then, Weiwei , you can only go to hell.” After finishing speaking, Gu Yun threw his mobile phone into the air, and the white Apple [-]s did a perfect backflip in the air, and landed firmly on Gu Yun’s body. hands.

"Gu Yun, you are really shameless. Why didn't I realize that you are such a villain before? No wonder Mo Lingling left you. You deserve it!" Qiao Weiwei said coldly, her eyes full of disgust...

Around the waist, the time of the time bomb is rapidly decreasing by the second...

Because she knew that Liangbo would definitely hand over the money to Gu Yun, Qiao Weiwei was not as scared as before.

"Weiwei, when you fall into my situation one day, you will do the same. I have too many responsibilities on my shoulders. I must save my Gu family. Otherwise, how can I be worthy of the ancestors of the Gu family? Lie Zong..." There are too many things on his body, if Qiao Weiwei is willing to borrow money readily, how could he do such a thing to her.

All he wants now is money...just money!

" have a new short message."

While speaking, Gu Yun's cell phone rang...

Clicking on the text message, the words on the text message made Gu Yun extremely excited...

[-] million, his [-] million has arrived...


Seeing the incoming text message, Gu Yun was extremely excited at the moment, even the hand holding the phone began to tremble...

Gu Yun's appearance deepened the disdain on the corner of Qiao Weiwei's mouth.

"Since the money is in the account, can you let me go?"

"Of course, of course..." Gu Yun put the phone in his pocket with a smile, then quickly got up and walked in front of Qiao Weiwei.

Taking out a pair of folding scissors from his pocket, and quickly stretching the scissors, Gu Yun immediately cut the red thread on the time bomb...

The moment the red line was disconnected, the time on the time bomb immediately froze.

Qiao Weiwei raised her chin in satisfaction and said, "Can you untie me?"

"Untie it? Let Liang Bo untie it for you...I have to go back to China quickly..."

Patting Qiao Weiwei's face lightly, Gu Yun sneered, then turned around...

"Boom..." Accompanied by a deafening gunshot, Gu Yun, who had just walked to the door, fell heavily on the ground like a tree that had been cut down. Bright red liquid gushed out from his chest. In an instant, his snow-white suit was dyed red.

"Eh..." The pain caused Gu Yun to faint heavily.

Looking at the picture in front of her, the corners of Qiao Weiwei's mouth slowly curled up in an indifferent arc.

The biting gust of wind blows open another half-hidden door wantonly...

Dressed in black and holding a delicate black men's pistol, Liang Bo appeared in front of Qiao Weiwei...

The strong wind whipped up his black hair wantonly.

Murderous aura and indifference continued to spread around him, making people shudder.

At this moment, he is like Satan who descended from the sky, with a cold hostility...

When the four eyes met, the surprise flowing in her eyes merged with the chilling chill on his body.

Stepping over Gu Yun calmly, he walked up to Qiao Weiwei step by step with his slender legs.

"Master Bo, why are you here so soon?"

"Your cell phone location tracking..."

"What micro tracker did you get for my phone?"

"You made it when you were asleep last night. I didn't expect it to come in handy today, because I was afraid that Gu Yun, a lunatic, would do kidnapping or something even worse, so..." Liang Bo untied the rope for Qiao Weiwei while said...

After untying, Qiao Weiwei stood on tiptoe and hugged Liang Bo tightly in her arms...

"Master Bo, are you a prophet? Where is the tracker? Take it off for me later, otherwise, you will be watching wherever you go."


It seems that, what's the problem? It's not a problem when it comes to this man.

He really is, omnipotent...

Pushing away Liangbo, Qiao Weiwei walked to Gu Yun's side with her slender legs.

The red sandal lightly kicked Gu Yun, who was bleeding profusely, and Qiao Weiwei said, "Is that how he died?"

"Wouldn't it be too cheap to die for the person who touched my heart? He didn't die... The bullet didn't hit his heart, but only hit his pain point. As long as he hits there, he will pass out from the pain ..." Liang Bo put his hand on Qiao Weiwei's shoulder naturally, and said lightly.

"Then hand him over to the police, let him stay in prison and reflect on himself." Qiao Weiwei moved her red lips, looked sideways at Gu Yun, and said coldly.

"Whatever you say is what you say..." Turning her face to the side, Liang Bo lightly tapped the tip of Qiao Weiwei's nose, her eyes were full of doting.

In the next second, he instantly retracted the smile on his face, "Papa..." He clapped his two perfectly lined hands hard.

In an instant, there was chaos outside the wooden house.

In less than ten seconds, more than a dozen bodyguards in black quickly gathered at the door and stood in a row.

Liang Bo hugged Qiao Weiwei and stood there calmly, his cold eyes flicked past the bodyguards, then he kicked Gu Yun who was on the ground, and said, "Send him to the police station."

"Yes, Mr. Bo!" The blond bodyguards nodded neatly and spoke in unison in standard and fluent Chinese.

"Let's go, I'm sleepy after tossing around for so long." Qiao Weiwei clasped fingers with Liangbo, looked at him so that she could see the extreme profile, and said.

Cool nod...

When the bodyguards heard this, they immediately opened a path for Liangbo Qiao Weiwei.

As soon as she went out, a row of white silent helicopters caught Qiao Weiwei's eyes.

"Isn't this a silent helicopter? You still have this."

"I have too many things." Looking at a row of white silent helicopters as usual, he said with a cold smile.


"Woman, this is a mass grave. If you don't hurry up, be careful that Ah Piao will come out to play with you..."

By the moonlight, Qiao Weiwei calmly glanced at the rows of graves at the foot of the mountain, and said, "Are ghosts scary? In my opinion, human beings are more terrifying than ghosts..."

"Can you be a little bit softer now and then..."

"There are too many soft girls, I'd better be a girl."

"...Then let's go, girl, let's go home."


As they spoke, the two walked in unison, bypassing Gu Yun's black Santana, and boarded the only helicopter with a crown pattern printed on it...

After the two sat firmly, the helicopter door automatically closed...

The next day, the news that Gu Yun, the president of the Gu Group, was arrested by the US police for extortion caused a great commotion.

Qiao's old house.

In the living room, Qiao Weiwei, who had just finished breakfast, was sitting on the sofa, calmly browsing the news about Gu Yun on her iPad.

A noble face, extremely cold.

For Gu Yun's current fate, Qiao Weiwei felt that he was entirely to blame.

Ha ha……

Let her die without paying?

Fortunately, he figured it out, and even bound a time bomb to her.


A burst of urgent brakes squeezed into the quiet living room through the wantonly opened inner door...

"Madam, Master Bo!"

The orderly voices of the maids filled my ears, and Qiao Weiwei immediately put down the ipad and stood up gracefully.

Walking to the door, Qiao Weiwei looked at Qianfang who was being supported by Liangbo blankly, but did not speak.

She didn't know what to say to Qianfang, no matter what she said, it was impossible for Qianfang to look good, so she chose to keep silent.

When Qiao Weiwei's eyes met, Qianfang's expression immediately turned cold.

"Ahem..." Clutching her knife, Qianfang coughed weakly and sarcastically: "A woman who is so ruthless to her ex-boyfriend, son, you have to be careful, be careful that one day, after you break up, she will treat you like this Indifference. The most poisonous woman."

After finishing speaking, Qianfang gently pushed aside the cold hand, covered the knife edge and walked in front of Qiao Weiwei...

When meeting Qianfang's eyes, Qiao Weiwei's expression was still calm, without any fluctuation, but the burning displeasure in those eyes was carefully captured by the careful Qianfang.

"Ouch...vomit..." There was a sudden upheaval in my stomach...

Qiao Weiwei immediately put her hand on her lips, and gently pressed the other hand on her stomach that was constantly bubbling with sour water. Turning around, she started running to the bathroom on the first floor.

Seeing this, Liang Bo quickly followed Qiao Weiwei's footsteps and entered the bathroom.

Smelling the scent on her body, Qian Fang snorted coldly: "Isn't it just a little potion smell, as for being so disgusting..."

Suddenly realizing something was wrong, Qian Fang snorted coldly and said, "Could it be that she's pregnant...?"

When the word "pregnancy" was mentioned, Qianfang's unhappiness aggravated a little.

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