Dear President, take it easy

[303] Gorgeously hang the color

Everyone followed the prestige, and what caught their eyes was Father Zhou's furious face.

Aside from Liang Bo's faint gaze, who still looked as steady as Mount Tai, the faces of the other people were filled with unconcealable surprise and astonishment...

Looking at everything in front of him, Liang Bo just quietly took out a cigarette, lit it, and smoked it by himself, watching all this with cold eyes like an outsider.

Dazed for a while, Ou Xiangbei got up quickly, covered his chest that had not fully recovered, and walked to Zhou's father step by step with heavy steps.

"Uncle... why are you here?" Ou Xiangbei changed his snarky attitude just now, and his face was slightly unnatural, looking inferior.

In front of Zhou's father, he always felt that he was very wrong, after all, he had hurt Zhou Chuyu so deeply.

Zhou's father still had a straight face, looked at Ou Xiangbei, and walked quickly to Zhou Chuyu's side.

Seeing this, Zhou Chuyu stood up slowly with a heart in his heart, and said, "Dad...Dad, why did you come here?"

"You have already decided to remarry this man, can I not come?" Father Zhou said in a cold voice as if there was no one around, his angry face was full of dissatisfaction.

Yesterday, when he received a call from Zhou Chuyu, he rushed over without stopping.

"Dad, what's the matter, let's go home and talk about it." Zhou Chuyu glanced at his friends awkwardly, held Father Zhou's hand, and said flatteringly.

"Yeah, let's go, come home with me!" After giving Ou Xiangbei a cold look, Zhou's father forcibly grabbed Zhou Chuyu's hand, and dragged her out...

Ou Xiangbei stepped forward to stop him, but after receiving the hint from Zhou Chuyu's eyes, he stopped in his tracks...

Zhou Chuyu was like a puppet, allowing her father to drag her to the rooftop of the restaurant...

At the moment, a domineering white helicopter is parked on the roof.

On both sides of the helicopter, two bodyguards in black stood there like two big trees, motionless.

The handsome propeller rotates rapidly, driving gusts of gusts that cool down to the bone.

The strong wind made Zhou Chuyu's hair messy and his body trembling slightly.

The roar of the plane drowned out the hustle and bustle of the city, making Zhou Chuyu feel extremely confused...

When Dad said to go home, he meant to go back to the United States, so...

Throwing away Zhou's father's hand, Zhou Chuyu moved his scratched wrist, looked at his father's gray hair, and then fixed his gaze on his father's old face...

"Dad..., I'm sorry, I can't go back with you." Lowering his head, Zhou Chuyu said without hesitation.

From childhood to adulthood, she seldom disobeyed her father's wishes. He told her to go east, but she would never forget things, except for love,

Things like love must be decided by herself.

"Have you forgotten how much he hurt you? You really healed the scar and forgot the pain! Let me tell you, today, if you go, you have to go, or if you don't go, you have to go!" Father Zhou stomped his feet and took It looked like he had reprimanded the company's subordinates before.

Raising her head and meeting her father's furious eyes, Zhou Chuyu smiled slightly: "Father, I can let you arrange my life as you like, but I don't think you can let you arrange my love. I love him, and we will wait for him to recover. Just get married and I won't leave."

"Slap!" Zhou's father raised his hand, and a fiery slap mercilessly landed on Zhou Chuyu's face.

Looking at the hand that he had hit Zhou Chuyu, Zhou's father said bitterly, "How could I raise such a daughter as you, and why have you become so disobedient now."

"Dad... I'm sorry." Zhou Chuyu covered his face and looked at Father Zhou quietly, with a little stubbornness in his reddish eyes.

"Today, if you go, you have to go, or if you don't go, you have to go!" After finishing speaking, Zhou Chuyu forcibly pulled Zhou Chuyu back.He waved his hand at the bodyguard...

Seeing this, the two bodyguards immediately stepped forward with understanding, took Zhou Chuyu's arms respectively, and dragged Zhou Chuyu towards the direction of the plane...

"What are you doing? Let me go!" Zhou Chuyu growled, struggling to fall backwards, but she was a woman after all, no matter how hard she struggled, she was no match for these two strong men.

She can't leave, let alone go back to the United States...

Struggling like crazy, falling down, but it was useless.

Looking back, I saw my father who was standing calmly shaking his head in despair, with anxious tears rolling in his eyes.

When he was only one step away from the plane, the despair in Zhou Chuyu's heart disappeared when he caught sight of Ou Xiangbei who was running towards her with his hands on his chest...

he came……

Europe to the north...

"Let her go!" Panting, Ou Xiangbei stood in front of the steps leading to the cabin, and pointed the gun in his hand at the forehead of a bodyguard...

His eyes were scarlet, making people shudder.

At this moment, he is not the rebellious and snarky Ou Xiangbei, but a leopard who is desperate to protect his prey, bloodthirsty and ruthless.

Seeing this, another scar bodyguard immediately let go of Zhou Chuyu, raised his leg, and was about to kick the gun in Ou Xiangbei's hand.

Ou Xiangbei snorted coldly, and the muzzle quickly moved to the knee of Scar's bodyguard...


Accompanied by a gunshot, the scar bodyguard dodged like a lightning leopard, and then, no matter how fast he moved, he could not match the speed of the bullet...

When the cold bullet pierced Scar's bodyguard's knee, he immediately fell to the ground and cried out in pain...

Seeing this, another white bodyguard immediately let go of Zhou Chuyu, and went to snatch Ou Xiangbei's gun...

Ou Xiangbei snorted coldly, dodged to the right quickly and handsomely, "Boom..." he pulled the trigger, and the cold bullet mercilessly penetrated Bai Jing's bodyguard's shoulder...

Quickly grabbed Zhou Chuyu's hand, stretched out his left arm, and domineeringly protected Zhou Chuyu in his arms, his right hand held the pistol tightly, his cold eyes swept over the two bodyguards, and Zhou's father who was standing not far away in the shadows...

The bright red liquid flowed out from the torn wound on his left shoulder and heart, and on his snow-white shirt, bewitching red water lilies bloomed one after another. This color was even more enchanting and dazzling than the feasting and feasting of the city in front of him. ...

"My woman, no one is allowed to touch me!" Ou Xiangbei declared domineeringly as he swept across the two bodyguards with cold eyes...

Being protected in his arms like this, a strong sense of security took root in Zhou Chuyu's heart little by little.

Until he felt warm liquid soaking his skin, until his sensitive nose smelled a strong smell of blood, Zhou Chuyu immediately reached out and wiped his wet back...

The redness that caught her eyes made her heart ache...

Pushing Ou Xiangbei away quickly, looking at his bloody left shoulder and heart, Zhou Chuyu said, "Your wound is open... Let's go to the hospital."

Ou Xiangbei gave a pale smile, stretched out his left arm, once again protected Zhou Chuyu in his arms, and said with a cheeky smile, "Honey, I'm fine, don't worry..."

Father Zhou, who had been standing there all this time, strode forward, looked at Zhou Chuyu, and said, "Are you really planning to leave with me today?"

"Yes, I'm not leaving. Dad, I'm not leaving." Zhou Chuyu put one arm around Ou Xiangbei's waist from behind, looking at his father with a firm attitude.

Ou Xiangbei looked at Zhou Chuyu, and then fixed his eyes on Zhou's father's face glowing with fire. He bent his knees and said "plop..." Kneeling in front of Zhou's father, clutching his bleeding heart, he turned pale. lips, said: "Uncle, please give me another chance! I really have changed."

"If you want me to believe you, unless sparks hit the earth!" Father Zhou said, looking at Ou Xiangbei coldly.

After finishing speaking, Father Zhou got on the plane immediately...

Seeing this, the two injured bodyguards quickly supported each other and limped along.

The helicopter slowly left the ground, and then rushed to a higher night sky.

It wasn't until the plane disappeared into the night that Zhou Chuyu came back to his senses, squatted down, supported Ou Xiangbei who was slumped on the ground, and said, "Let's go, let's go to the hospital."

"Honey, I'm in so much pain." Ou Xiangbei looked at Zhou Chuyu, pulled up the corners of his pale lips, and smiled.

"Then hurry up and go to the hospital for treatment."


When Zhou Chuyu helped Ou Xiangbei back to the private room, more than half of Ou Xiangbei's white shirt was already stained red with blood.

The people who were sitting and chatting saw Ou Xiangbei and Zhou Chuyu, and immediately got up...

"Ou Xiangbei, what's your situation?" Liang Bo quickly stepped forward, supported Ou Xiangbei's other side of his body, and asked with concern.

"As you can see... I died gorgeously in order to defend our love." Ou Xiangbei looked at the coolness, smiled with eyelids, and said calmly, as if he was not the one who was hurt.

"Everyone eat and drink well. My wife and I will leave first, and go back to the hospital to treat this damn wound..." Ou Xiangbei glanced across Zhou Ren's face at the dining table, and said...

"Okay, let's go, what are you talking about." Liang Bo said again.

"Okay, goodbye everyone..." Ou Xiangbei said to everyone with a smile.

On the side, Zhou Chuyu looked at everyone separately, then nodded, and carefully helped Ou Xiangbei to leave...

"I'll send you off..." Liang Bo immediately followed the pace of the two, saying...

The door was closed quickly, and in the private room, Qiao Weiwei, Liang Yi, and Intoxicated, and Ning Meng sat down together, with serious expressions on their faces.

"It seems that Ou Xiangbei's hard life is not over yet." Qiao Weiwei said while shaking the brandy in the glass, with a layer of worry in her eyes.

"It will be fine..." Liang Yi looked at Qiao Weiwei ambiguously and said.

After the show ended, several people went back to their respective homes...

When the coolness and intoxication returned home, the house was still brightly lit.

"I'll go and see that little girl." Putting on her slippers, Liang Yi hurried to the door of the bedroom.

Pushing open the door, the scene that greeted Liang Yi made her heart ache. A face, a pair of long and narrow eyes, dimmed instantly...

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