Dear President, take it easy

[330] All have to die

The next day, on the first floor of Star Entertainment.

In the hall, Chen Yi, who was wearing a blue cleaner suit and a big mask covering her face, was holding a mop and mopping the floor vigorously, her eyes were full of hatred.

At this time, Chen Yi had lost her former supermodel aura, just like an ordinary woman, without her former brilliance.

The hard life in the prison made her, who was already thin, even more scrawny.

"Zhou Chuyu...Ou Xiangbei, I want both of you to die." Her eyes were full of murderous intent, and the mop in her hand began to wipe the floor vigorously, as if she regarded the floor as Zhou Chuyu and Ou Xiangbei.

"Ding..." The door of the president's exclusive elevator slowly opened.

This voice made Chen Yi's heart beat like thunder.

She took a deep breath, and then slowly turned her gaze to Zhou Chuyu who was slowly coming out of the elevator.

She snorted coldly, continued to drag the ground with one hand, and quickly reached into the pocket of her trousers with the other hand, grabbing the fruit knife in the pocket...

Leaving Zhou Chuyu aside from the corner of her eye, she sneered.

When Zhou Chuyu came to her side, she firmly grasped the fruit knife and rushed to her side like the wind. Her hand mercilessly clamped Zhou Chuyu's neck from behind, and the tip of the knife was aimed at her heart.

"Ah... help! Killed someone!" The sudden incident caused the receptionist in the living room to scream.

Hearing the sound, the four security guards outside the door immediately entered the door and quickly surrounded them.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Zhou Chuyu kept coughing lightly, trying to speak, but her neck was tightly strangled by her, and she couldn't make any sound at all.

Looking at Chen Yi's murderous eyes, Zhou Chuyu's heart instantly rose to his throat...

"Stay back, otherwise, my knife will plunge into her heart right now!" Chen Yi looked at the four security guards and two female receptionists, and sternly shouted!The hand pinching Zhou Chuyu's neck began to intensify bit by bit.

"Cough cough cough..." Zhou Chuyu coughed lightly, his face turned from red to white.

When the security guards heard this, the expressions on their faces immediately relaxed.

Zhou Chuyu shook his head at the security guards, signaling them not to act rashly.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Zhou Chuyu coughed hard, his throat seemed to be crawling with insects, it was extremely itchy and painful.

Chen Yi snorted coldly, and forced Zhou Chuyu to go out, threatening while walking, "Whoever dares to follow, I will kill her immediately!"

Chen Yi's words made the security guards and the female receptionists stop, and then they looked at each other with the same anxiety on their faces.

"Where is your car?" At the gate of the company, Chen Yi pinched Zhou Chuyu's neck and said sharply.

Zhou Chuyu pointed to the black Mercedes not far away, his face was already pale.

"Car keys!" Chen Yi said again.

Trembling, Zhou Chuyu took out the car key from his pocket, and then pressed it on his car.

The salty smell in his throat made Zhou Chuyu feel sick.

Waves of suffocation made her feel as if the god of death was waving towards her~!

After Chen Yi stuffed Zhou Chuyu into the Mercedes-Benz, she pressed Zhou Chuyu's heart with a knife in one hand, and then looked around.

No trace of the security guard was found, so Chen Yi took out the mist directly from his pocket.

With just one spray, Zhou Chuyu passed out completely in the back seat of the car.

Seeing Zhou Chuyu fainting, Chen Yi slapped her face hard.

Then, she put away the fruit knife and took Zhou Chuyu's car keys.

After getting into the car, Chen Yi stepped on the gas pedal all the way, heading towards the old city.

After the black Mercedes-Benz, the security guards drove a black BMW followed.

Looking at the car behind, Chen Yi snorted coldly, stepped on the gas pedal hard, and changed lanes.

The black Mercedes, like a runaway horse, crazily rushed towards the roadside community.

Inside the BMW, the security guards immediately changed lanes and chased after seeing this.

"A bunch of dead flies!" Chen Yi cursed in a low voice, gripping the steering wheel with both hands, turned around and rushed to the side road.

The black Mercedes, after changing directions several times, finally threw the BMW away completely.

Chen Yi glanced at the rearview mirror triumphantly, then changed direction handsomely, and drove the car out of the community.

In an abandoned factory building in the old city, Chen Yi quickly stopped the car.

Looking at the moldy building in front of her, Chen Yi snorted coldly and got out of the car directly.

The scorching sun hit Chen Yi's body, and at this moment, she felt extremely hot.

She frowned, and impatiently took off the mask, revealing the lower half of her pale and sallow face.

Now, with her high cheekbones, sharp chin, and dull eyes, she resembled a malnourished African poor.

"Zhou Chuyu... let's get out of the car." Chen Yi laughed wantonly and dragged the sleeping Zhou Chuyu out of the car.

Looking at the pale face under her feet, the hatred in Chen Yi's eyes intensified a bit...

"Zhou Chuyu! Today, I will let you and Ou Xiangbei die in front of me!" While speaking, she stepped on Zhou Chuyu's chest, and then crushed it hard, her eyes were scarlet.

Feeling relieved, Chen Yi bent down, grabbed Zhou Chuyu's wrist roughly, and dragged Zhou Chuyu into the dilapidated factory like dragging a dead cat.

Even in the scorching sun, the interior of the factory building was still cold and extremely dark.

In the middle of the factory building, a large transparent coded anti-bomb cabinet shone coldly in the darkness.

After throwing Zhou Chuyu into the cabinet, and then tied it to the dilapidated stool, Chen Yi picked up the bomb next to the chair and tied it around Zhou Chuyu's waist.

Then, she closed the cabinet door, took out Zhou Chuyu's cell phone, and called Ou Xiangbei.

On the other side of the phone, Ou Xiangbei was in the Public Security Bureau, checking the surveillance video of Chen Yi passing by...

"I want to fly higher~~~~Fly higher!~~~~"

Hearing the phone ring, Ou Xiangbei immediately stood up straight and took out the phone in a panic.

Seeing that it was Zhou Chuyu's call, he immediately pressed the answer button...

"Ou Xiangbei, are you in a hurry and want to see Zhou Chuyu? Let me tell you, I'm in the xx factory in the old city right come to me..."

"Shit! Listen to me, if you dare to touch a single hair of her hair, I will kill you!" Ou Xiangbei frowned, and said in a cold voice, his face changed from his usual carefree manner.

Hatred grew in Ou Xiangbei's heart, he really wanted to tear that woman into pieces!

"Oh...but I've already moved, and I've tied a bomb to her body. If you don't come over within 10 minutes, I think your woman should be dead. Remember , I want to come alone! If you let me know that you brought other people, I will immediately press the remote detonator of the bomb."

On the other side of the phone, Chen Yi's words made Ou Xiangbei grit his teeth and his mind went blank.

After Ou Xiangbei slapped himself severely, he hung up the phone and said to the policemen behind him, "Don't f*ck follow me!"

10 minutes, at least half an hour from the city center to the old city!It is too late to temporarily mobilize the helicopter now!

After leaving a word, Ou Xiangbei turned around and ran like a wild beast out of control...

The police quickly followed...

At the gate of the police station, Ou Xiangbei quickly got into his newly bought silver-white Ferrari supercar, pressed the window of the car, and said to the policemen: "Who dares to follow me, who will I let go to Lord Hades!" Start the car, turn around...

Step on the accelerator to the bottom, and the silver-white Ferrari gallops away like a runaway horse...

The police stood there, looking at each other...

"Captain, what should we do!" A policeman said to the captain of the police force.

"I just heard the woman on Ou Shao's phone call saying that she is in the xx factory in the old town... we will go there now..." the captain of the police force said in a low voice...

"Yes!" The other policemen said in unison.

The interior of the silver-white Ferrari is heavy.

Ou Xiangbei firmly grasped the steering wheel, kept copying the path, and almost turned the car into a rocket...

He has only one thought now, and that is to hurry to the factory, he can't let Zhou Chuyu die.

Time is passing by every minute and every second, and the anxiety in Ou Xiangbei's heart is getting stronger and stronger...

Twenty-five minutes later, the silver-white Ferrari stopped firmly in front of the xx factory building.

Inside the car, Ou Xiangbei looked at Zhou Chuyu's black Mercedes with a gloomy expression...

Ou Xiangbei quickly got out of the car, and then went directly into the factory building.

Standing at the door of the factory building, he held onto the door frame panting, looked at Zhou Chuyu who was unconscious in the bomb-proof glass cabinet, and then fixed his gaze on Chen Yi.

Chen Yi, this female devil!

"I'm tm here now, you tm defuse the bomb for me!" Ou Xiangbei continued to hold the door frame, and ordered in a cold voice, his eyes were full of flames.

Chen Yi snorted coldly, and looked at the remote control detonator in front of her eyes for a minute, then raised her chin slightly, looked at Ou Xiangbei, and said, "Yes, but I need you to do one thing!"

"What's the matter, tell me!" Ou Xiangbei straightened up, pointed at Chen Yi angrily, and asked with a frown.

Chen Yi raised her eyebrows, looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Hahahaha...hahaha..."

Her laughter became louder and louder, and the expression on her face became more and more ferocious...

After laughing enough, Chen Yi quickly put away the smile on her face, and her face sank in an instant...

After looking Ou Xiangbei up and down, she pressed a series of passwords slowly, then opened the cabinet door, and picked up a small basin of stinky water under her feet with one hand.

Lifting the small basin over Zhou Chuyu's head, the smelly water with moss cascaded down on Zhou Chuyu's head like a waterfall.

The cold touch and foul smell gradually awakened Zhou Chuyu who was in a coma...

"Ah!" Zhou Chuyu screamed and opened her eyes, the stench made her stomach twitch.

"Wife..." Ou Xiang Begu stepped forward.

"Ou Xiangbei, if you take one more step forward, I'll press this remote detonator." Chen Yi smiled coldly and bloodthirsty.

Zhou Chuyu shook the water off his head, looked at Ou Xiangbei and the bomb on his body, then turned his head and fixed his gaze on Chen Yi's face.

"Chen Yi, what exactly do you want!" Zhou Chuyu asked coldly.

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