Dear President, take it easy

[333] That kid's own sin

The doctor looked at the list seriously, and a smile gradually appeared in his eyes.

"Mr. Su, everything is very consistent." The doctor excitedly held the test sheet, smiling all over his eyes.

When Su Qingcheng heard this, the tension in his heart finally relaxed.

He took a long breath, looked at the doctor, and said, "That's fine, then arrange surgery for us as soon as possible..."

"Okay...I'll tell Ms. Zhou right now that I've found a kidney source. You should have just got off the plane. You should go back and rest for a while, and come to the hospital at nine o'clock tomorrow morning to prepare for the operation." The doctor kept nodding his head and said.

Regarding Su Qingcheng's actions, the doctor didn't say anything, but in his heart, he still admired this man.

For the sake of the woman he loves, he would harvest his kidney and give it to his rival in love. Except for Su Qingcheng, no one in this world would be willing to do such a thing.

"Well, good..." Su Qingcheng nodded.

"Mr. Su..." The doctor got up, walked in front of Su Qingcheng, patted his shoulder, looked down at his face, and said.

Su Qingcheng's eyes were filled with question marks, and he said, "Huh? What's wrong, doctor?"

"I admire you very much. You are a rare good man in this world. Miss Zhou is not with you, it is her loss... A good person like you will definitely be blessed." The doctor patted Su Qingcheng lightly. shoulder, said.

Su Qingcheng smiled, but did not speak.

Now, Su Qingcheng is extremely happy, because he can use his own power to save Zhou Chuyu's favorite man.

Su Qingcheng got up gracefully, looked at the doctor, and said: "Doctor, thank you, if there is nothing else, I'll go back first, I'll go back and have a good sleep, by the way, don't tell Zhou Chuyu and the others about this, okay? "

Su Qingcheng urged again.

The doctor looked at Su Qingcheng, then nodded.

"Then I'll leave first, see you tomorrow." Su Qingcheng smiled elegantly, dragged his suitcase, turned and left the ward.

At the same time, Ou Xiangbei's villa.

In the study, Zhou Chuyu read the mails from hospitals all over the world one by one.

All the hospitals will tell her that their hospitals don't have the type of kidney she needs...

After clicking on the last email, Zhou Chuyu's tears fell down again.

She feebly dropped the wireless mouse, then closed the computer impatiently,

She has not rested for a day and a night, her eyes are as red as a rabbit.

The two touches of blue under the eye circles aggravated the exhaustion and haggardness on her body.

But even so, she was still not sleepy at all.

After closing the computer, she quickly got up and walked to the French windows.

Bending her knees, she plopped down on the ground, clasped her fingers together, pressed her chin, closed her eyes, and faced the sky outside, praying sincerely: "God, I beg you, please bless us to find a suitable Ouyang as soon as possible." Xiangbei's Kidney Source, I can't live without him, I really can't..."

When people are deep in the world of hopelessness, they will put their hopes on the heavens and gods, and Zhou Chuyu is no exception.

Two lines of hot tears fell from her tightly closed eyes. The soreness in her eyes and the tingling in her heart made Zhou Chuyu frowned.

She wished that it was her who was lying in the aseptic box in the emergency room, not her Ou Xiangbei.


The sound of pushing the door broke the gloom in the room and interrupted Zhou Chuyu's thoughts.

Zhou Chuyu wiped away her tears, then quickly got up and looked at Xin Qing who was slowly walking towards her.

"Mom..." Zhou Chuyu stepped forward quickly, opened his arms, hugged Xin Qing tightly, and burst into tears.

So is Xinqing.

"Son, don't cry, come down and have some food. You haven't eaten anything since you fell to the north. Look at how thin you are. If you continue like this, your body will collapse." Xin Qing felt distressed Hugging Zhou Chuyu tightly, said.

"Mom... I don't want to eat, Ou Xiangbei is like this now, why should I be in the mood to eat... If I really can't find a suitable kidney source, if he really has something to do, then I will definitely let him And go..."

She and Ou Xiangbei have gone through ups and downs for nearly 11 years.

They are obviously very happy, why does God insist on making such a joke with her.

Why treat her like this, why treat Ou Xiangbei like this!

What she wanted was really very simple, just to spend this life safely and happily with Ou Xiangbei.

"Stupid boy, that boy Ou Xiangbei has been blessed with good fortune since he was a child. No matter what terrible things happen to him, he can always turn danger into good luck. I believe he will be able to do it this time."

Xin Qing comforted Zhou Chuyu, but felt as uncomfortable as Zhou Chuyu in her heart.

In fact, Xin Qing was also very scared. This time, she was really scared.

Ou Xiangbei is the only child of the Ou family, she dare not think, if something happens to Ou Xiangbei, how will she and her husband live on...

Xin Qing really didn't dare to think about those things, thinking about them would break her heart.

"'s different this time...I really..." Zhou Chuyu choked up, tears soaked Xin Qing's shoulders.

"Stupid boy, don't cry, I believe that brat in my family will be fine..."

"Mom, it's all me. Ou Xiangbei became like that because of me. I'm a sinner." Zhou Chuyu continued to whisper, with a pair of red walnut-like eyes filled with tears.

"This matter has nothing to do with you. It was the boy's own fault. He provoked someone who shouldn't have been provoked." Xin Qing patted Zhou Chuyu's shoulder lightly, tears blurred her vision.

"..." Zhou Chuyu stopped talking.

Inside, there was silence.

The sound of sobbing, wandering in the empty room, dyed the space with a thick layer of gray.

"Beep beep..."

On the desk, Zhou Chuyu's cell phone began to vibrate restlessly.

The vibrating sound of the mobile phone made Zhou Chuyu's heart tighten.

Subconsciously, she felt that there might be news about the source of the kidney.

She pushed Xin Qing away suddenly, and then walked quickly to the desk.

Looking at the phone number of Ou Xiangbei's attending doctor on the screen of the mobile phone, Zhou Chuyu's heart instantly rose to his throat.

Picking up the phone, she quickly pressed answer, and then brought the phone to her ear.

"Miss Zhou, we have found a suitable match now,

"who is it?"

"The other party is unwilling to disclose his name. We respect the privacy of donors, so we can't say it."

"Then when will the operation be possible? Is the other party Chinese or a foreigner?" Zhou Chuyu asked again.

What the doctor said made Zhou Chuyu happy.

She burst into tears instantly.

Her Ou Xiangbei was saved, saved!

"Operation at 09:30 tomorrow morning. Ms. Zhou. If it's okay, I'll hang up first. I have another operation in a while..."

As soon as the doctor finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

He wouldn't even say which country the other party was from.

After putting down the phone, Zhou Chuyu wiped away tears with both hands, then turned around, walked quickly to Xin Qing's side, held Xin Qing's hands, and smiled brightly and dazzlingly: "Mom... Xiangbei is saved, and a kidney donation is found." By……"

"What? Is this real? Am I dreaming?" Xin Qing was ecstatic, and patted her cheek hard with both hands.

pain!She is not dreaming!All of this is true, her son is saved.

"I just said, that kid has a lucky star photo since he was a child, and I said, that kid will be fine. Our Ou family is just such a single seedling. We never do anything that hurts the sky. I know that God will never It might be so cruel to us." Xin Qing's eyes filled with tears, and her whole body was trembling.

At this moment, she and Zhou Chuyu flew back to heaven from hell.

The strong sense of joy made the two of them a little overwhelmed.

"By the way, Chu Yu, who is the other party? We must repay him for his kindness..." Xin Qing pressed Zhou Chuyu's hand tightly and asked.

Xin Qing is very curious about the identity of the other party.

Xin Qing really wanted to know who her son's savior was, and she wanted to thank him again.

"The doctor said that the other party didn't want to reveal his name and identity... When the time comes, let Master Bo ask the director of their hospital." Zhou Chuyu said.

"Well, you must ask who the other party is!" Xin Qing is a person who will repay her kindness.

Zhou Chuyu nodded, then let go of Xinqing, turned around, walked to the desk, picked up the phone again, and dialed Liangbo's number.

** On the other side of the phone, in Mengyuan's study.Liang Bo and Qiao Weiwei were sitting side by side in front of the computer, browsing news about kidney sources from hospitals around the world.

"Beep beep..."

The vibrating sound of the phone interrupted his cold thoughts.

He frowned and quickly picked up the phone on the table.

Glancing at Qiao Weiwei beside him, he quickly pressed the answer button.

"Hello, Chu Yu."

"Master Bo, we have found a kidney donor. The doctor just called me to tell me."

On the other side of the phone, Zhou Chuyu's voice made Liangbo and Qiao Weiwei look happy at the same time.

After Liang Bo let out a long breath of relief, he said, "What? Is this true? Who is the other party?"

On the side, Qiao Weiwei got up, sat on the arm of the cool chair, put her ear close to the phone, trying to hear everything more clearly...

This news was like a spring rain, nourishing the dry heart of Liang Bao Qiao Weiwei.

The dark clouds in the hearts of the two of them dissipated at the same time.

"The doctor doesn't want to tell me. Mr. Bo, you can ask the director of your hospital for me. If you do something, he will definitely tell you."

"Well, I see, when is the operation?" Liang Bo said again.

"Tomorrow morning, 09:30."


Saying that, Liang Bo hung up the phone.

"That kid, we're saved." Liang Bo threw the phone aside, clasped fingers with Qiao Weiwei, and said.

The next day.

At 09:30 in the morning, Ou Xiangbei's operation started on time.

Outside the emergency room, Liang Bo, Qiao Weiwei, Zhou Chuyu, Liang Yi, Ning Meng, Qiu Rong, and Shen Zui sat on both sides, waiting anxiously...

"By the way, Master Bo, about that donor, do you know who it is?" Zhou Chuyu looked at the other side, who was elegantly puffing out his breath, and asked.


The remaining 3000 words will be updated during the day, and the update time will be in the afternoon.kisses……

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