Dear President, take it easy

[364] Do you want me to die?

That night.

The sky seemed to be painted with a thick layer of ink.

The moon has long since disappeared, and the sky has even lost a single star.

The whole world is dull and makes people feel a little breathless.

In the dream garden, the lights are still brightly lit, just like daytime.

In the living room of the main building, there was no servant at all, only Liang Bo and Mu Fan were sitting face to face.

"Xiao Liangzi, why did you and Ms. Qiao think of inviting me to Mengyuan. What's the matter?" Mu Fan looked at Liangbo who was playing with his mobile phone, and asked.

Just looking at this man's face like this makes her heart beat faster.

She loves him, love is hopeless.

Liang Bo raised his head, looked at Mu Fan's extremely pure face, frowned, and said, "You will know after a while."

Her skin is still the original skin, but her soul has long since rotted away.

Mu Fan nodded and didn't speak any more.


Accompanied by the sound of the elevator door opening, the sound of footsteps one after another hovered in the living room, lingering in Mu Fan's ears.

Mu Fan turned his head and followed the prestige.

When her gaze touched Qiao Weiwei and Sun Xiaoran who were walking towards her quickly, her heart instantly rose to her throat.

A pair of clear big eyes were covered with a thick layer of fear and shock.

Isn't Sun Xiaoran dead?Why is she here?

Mu Fan stretched out his hand, grabbed his beating heart, turned his head, and fixed his eyes on Liang Bo's cold face.

Mu Fan would never have thought that today, Liang Bo asked her to come over because of Sun Xiaoran.

Liang Bo frowned and looked at her, gritted his teeth, and quietly took her horrified and terrified expression into his eyes.

Qiao Weiwei pulled Sun Xiaoran, walked quickly to Liang Bo's side, and sat down.

"Mu Fan, Master Bo already knows all the truth, you don't need to pretend any more, the call records between you and me, the call recordings, the intimate photos between you and Lou Zhu, and the conspiracy to put a timer on Miss Qiao's car. I will leave all the evidence of the bomb to Master Bo..." Sitting between Liang Bo and Qiao Weiwei, Sun Xiaoran looked at Mu Fan and said coldly.

Looking at Mu Fan's expression, Sun Xiaoran was really relieved.

At this moment, Mu Fan's mind was almost blank.

Mu Fan knew that he was doomed.

She also knew that the beautiful image she worked so hard to create in front of Liang Bo had been completely ruined!

Mu Fan took a deep breath, swallowed, then turned around, trembling, walked to Liang Bo's side, half-kneeled on the ground, holding Liang Bo's hand, and said: "Xiao Liangzi, Sun Xiaoran is talking nonsense, I have never done it Sun Xiaoran wronged me for those things. Really... She wronged me. Her evidence must be forged...!! You believe me!!! You believe me!!!"

Liang Bo stared at her coldly, keeping silent all the time, his eyes gradually turned scarlet.

Qiao Weiwei snorted coldly, and took out the kraft paper bag from Sun Xiaoran's bag...

She sneered, threw the bag directly on Mu Fan's head, and said, "The evidence of the crime is solid, yet you still argue, Mu Fan, don't be so shameless!"

Looking at the things on the ground, Mu Fan snorted coldly, raised his chin lightly, and looked at Qiao Weiwei, his face changed instantly.

Mu Fan knew he was doomed.

Mu Fan got up like a spring, stared coldly at the three people in front of him, wiped away his tears, and said, "Okay, I admit that I did instigate Sun Xiaoran to do bad things, and I was the one who pushed Sun Xiaoran off the cliff, and put a bomb on Qiao Weiwei's car." It's me... Even, I ordered Qiao Moli to do bad things before, Qiao Weiwei, don't you know? Before, the bad things that your sister Qiao Moli did to you were all ordered by me...!"

Mu Fan's words shocked the hearts of the three present...

Liang Bo suddenly raised his head, his scarlet eyes fixed on Mu Fan's teary face, and said, "Mu Fan, why did you become like this now..."

This kind of Mu Fan made Liang Bo feel strange.

Mu Fan smiled wryly, his eyes full of sadness.

"Why did I become like this? Isn't that your mother? If she hadn't harmed me back then, if she had let me be with you, would I have become the person I am now? Why do I do this? Isn’t it because I love you? Isn’t it because I want you? Xiao Liangzi, everyone can accuse me and insult me, but you can’t, you don’t have the qualifications! Because, I All of this is because of you! Because of your mother!!! You have no right to accuse me!! You have no right!!!" Mu Fan's words were resounding, tears surging.

When it came to the end, Mu Fan almost always shouted.

If you don't love him too much.

How could she do so many horrible things?


The coldness in his eyes is like a knife to Mu Fan, a knife that kills without blood.

"Mu Fan, your love is too terrifying!" Liang Bo looked at Mu Fan coldly, frowning deeply.

Mu Fan smiled, his heart was instantly cut to pieces by his eyes.

"Haha, the reason why it's scary is because I love you so deeply. Five years ago, I was such a good girl. I was simple and kind. I never knew what it means to be harmful. You are the only one in my world. I wholeheartedly thought that I will be with you happily forever, but just before you and I got engaged, your mother, the great Ms. Qianfang, destroyed all my happiness with her own hands!! Without your mother, I would not fall off the cliff, You won't lose your memory, you won't know that disgusting old man Lou Zhu, you won't have such a disgusting relationship with him, you won't fall in love with Qiao Weiwei, and I won't turn into such a horrible look!" At the end, Mu Fan's voice was already hoarse.

All because of that night five years ago.

Without what happened five years ago, all the tragedies would not have happened!

Seeing Mu Fan collapsed like this, his cold heart twitched violently.

He admitted that the reason why Mu Fan became like this, his mother, accounted for the vast majority of the reasons, but all of these cannot be the reason for her to hurt others.

Qiao Weiwei looked up, met Mu Fan's eyes, and said coldly: "But, does all this have anything to do with me? Why are you taking your anger out on me? Mu Fan, don't use the so-called love as your fig leaf!"

Although Qiao Weiwei didn't have no sympathy for Mu Fan's experience, Qiao Weiwei couldn't forgive the things she did.

"Because you have taken over my man, I hate you so much! That's why I will kill you!" Mu Fan yelled heart-piercingly.

The vocal cords seemed to be torn, and a bloody smell spread in her mouth.

"It's your man who fell in love with me. I didn't occupy him...don't keep talking about five years ago. Fate is bad, you can't blame others!" Qiao Weiwei looked at her face coldly, her eyes became more and more serious indifference.

Qiao Weiwei's words made Mu Fan furious.

Mu Fan looked up to the sky and laughed, like a madman...

"Haha...haha...hahahaha..." After laughing, Mu Fan locked Qiao Weiwei's face tightly with his scarlet eyes, and moved his lips: "Qiao Weiwei, don't be too complacent, maybe one day, you You will end up miserable like me!"

"Don't worry, there will never be such a day!" Qiao Weiwei said confidently.

Mu Fan took a deep breath, looked at Qiao Weiwei, then at Sun Xiaoran, then fixed his gaze on the cold face, and said, "What do you want to do with me?"

After finishing speaking, she smiled again, that smile was pale, showing a bit of despair.

Liangbo lit a cigarette, took a puff, then got up, walked in front of her, clamped her chin with one hand, looked at her, and said, "Mu Fan, what everyone should do for themselves Pay what you deserve."

The cold and deep gaze cast into her eyes, but it hurt her heart.

Mu Fan wiped away his tears, pushed his hand away from his chin, and looked at the bodyguards with guns standing at the door, his heart sank.

"So, do you want me to die? Do you want them to kill me?" At this moment, her heart fell to the bottom.

The word death, like a stone, knocked on the cold heart.

Liang Bogu hesitated to speak, a word 'yes' was stuck in his throat, he couldn't say anything...

The woman in front of her had accompanied her through countless springs, summers, autumns and winters, had brought her countless beautiful memories, and had amazed him in his youth.

If he really wanted her to die in front of him, he might not be able to do it.

Even if she is a heinous sinner.

Liang Bo took a deep breath, and slowly stretched his hand towards his waist...

When his fingertips were about to touch the gun at his waist, Mu Fan immediately tapped his toes, and his whole body flew into the air like a bird...

After Mu Fan spun 360 degrees in the air, he kicked Liangbo mercilessly with both feet.

Liang Bo dodged quickly, and his toes left the ground in an instant.

In the air, two people kick and hide, hit and dodge, and sit with various difficult movements...

In the end, Mu Fan was still choked by Liang Bo, and fell back to the ground together with him.

The bodyguards stood at the door, watching all this, but they didn't dare to take any action, because they didn't receive the instructions from Liangbo.

"Ahem... are you really going to kill me?" Mu Fan changed from his fierceness to a pitiful skin.

Frowning coldly, he took off the pistol at his waist and loaded it with one hand...

The cold muzzle of the gun was aimed at the center of her eyebrows, and the slender index finger slowly approached the trigger...

Sun Xiaoran held Qiao Weiwei's hand tightly, her heart seemed to be in her throat.

Sun Xiaoran stared at the positions of Liang Bo and Mu Fan, held his breath, and waited for Liang Bo's next move...

Compared to Sun Xiaoran's nervousness, Qiao Weiwei was as calm as a queen...

Qiao Weiwei sat there, looking at everything in front of her seriously, she tapped her thigh with her fingers...

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