Dear President, take it easy

【367】Snake and scorpion heart

Lou Zhu stood where he was, looked at Lou Ye's appearance, and frowned.

After putting away the gun, Lou Zhu looked at the puddles of blood not far away, his complexion gradually darkened.

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes, then turned around and left with a ruby ​​cane.

Footsteps, because of sadness, anger, and staggering.


Lou's Private Hospital.

Outside the emergency room, Lou Ye paced back and forth, mentally, on the verge of collapse...

Fear, anxiety, anxiety, anger, resentment, all kinds of feelings are constantly tearing at his heart.

He felt like he was going crazy!

The fists hanging down by the side were tightly clenched together, and the scarlet eyes glistened with tears...

There were bloodstains all over his body, still exuding a strong fishy smell.

That aura reminded him all the time how tragic the scene of Sun Xiaoran being shot was.

Father Lou Zhu's cold eyes lingered in his mind, and he couldn't get rid of it...

The scene of Sun Xiaoran falling to the ground kept replaying in front of his eyes.

"Ah!" He growled, and slammed his fists hard at the snow-white wall.

On one face, there was a layer of anger that was seriously inconsistent with his temperament.

His father, for the sake of Mu Fan, even cruelly shot his favorite woman with a gun!

A heart, so depressed that it almost stops beating.

The sound of high heels rubbing against the ground sounded at the other end of the corridor.

Lou Ye didn't need to look to know that it must be his mother Ren Jie.

He slowly squatted down, his whole body slumped on the ground, his head hit the cold wall one after another.

The coldness on the wall spread to the heart through the forehead, as if it could freeze his heart in the next second...

Behind Lou Ye, Ren Jie paused...

Seeing him like this, Ren Jie felt nothing but pain in her heart.

She squatted down slowly, protecting his forehead with one hand, and then gently placed him in her arms, letting his head rest on her shoulder...

"The bodyguards of the villa called me. They said that your father went crazy with you and even shot Sun Xiaoran..."

Ren Jie stroked Lou Ye's hair, said.

Lou Ye frowned, her scarlet eyes gradually became indifferent...

"He's really too much!"

"You have something wrong too. Why do you fight against your father for Sun Xiaoran? You know that he cares about Mu Fan very much, why do you insist on touching his bottom line..."

"I only know that if I don't let Mu Fan be unlucky, then my Xiaoran will be unlucky, and Mom, you will never have a good life!"

In the past, for Mu Fan's meddling in his parents' marriage, he hated Mu Fan more, but it didn't reach the level of disgust or hatred, because Mu Fan didn't do anything to threaten his mother's life.

However, ever since he and Sun Xiaoran walked away from the gate of hell, he has gritted his teeth towards this woman, because she almost killed his favorite woman.

"If Xiaoran can be rescued, it's easy to talk about. If he can't be rescued, then I will sever the father-son relationship with him!"

Lou Ye coldly pushed Ren Jie away, got up, walked to the couch, sat down, the word 'Chuan' between his eyebrows still couldn't melt.

When Ren Jie heard this, the expression on her face immediately cooled down.

She frowned, walked to the couch opposite Lou Ye, sat down, squinted at him, and said, "What did you say? Say it again!"

"I said, if Xiaoran dies, then I will sever the father-son relationship with him! And let him pay the price he deserves!"

"You say it again!"

"I said, if Xiaoran dies, then I will..."

Before Lou Ye finished speaking, Ren Jie quickly rushed to Lou Ye, raised her hand, "Slap...!" A fiery slap landed on his face mercilessly!

Lou Ye covered her face, looked at Ren Jie, and said nothing...

"Swallow your words for me. I have been begging for justice all day long, and tolerated him being with Mu Fan with tears in my eyes. Why? Isn't it because of you? Without you, I would have divorced him a long time ago. , I’ve had a fight with him a long time ago.” Ren Jie pointed at Lou Ye and said earnestly, her body trembling constantly.

How can Lou Ye not know the good intentions of his mother.

But he just has no interest in that company, those dirty deals...

How many people, because of pornography, gambling, poisonous wives and children, their families are broken...

However, Lou's is involved in the dirtiest activities in the world...

He doesn't want to take over such a group, he doesn't want to become an executioner who ruins other people's happiness.

"But, Mom, as I said earlier, I'm not interested in the company...!"

"Slap!" A heavy slap landed on Lou Ye's face again...

The left and right faces were instantly swollen and red.

Lou Ye looked at Ren Jie, frowned, and said nothing...

"Shut up, you are the crown prince of the Lou family, you should take on the responsibility of protecting the Lou family!" Ren Jie suppressed the anger in her heart, forced her voice, and said in a cold voice, with a look of hatred The appearance of steel.


Lou Ye no longer speaks...

Now, he is not in the mood to discuss these things with Ren Jie...

Right now, the most important thing is Sun Xiaoran...

The emergency lights suddenly went out.

The door of the emergency room opened slowly.

Louye got up like a spring, and walked quickly to the door of the emergency room.

Ren Jie followed closely behind.

Lou Ye took a deep breath, looked at the doctor, and asked cautiously, " is it?"

The doctor slowly took off his mask, looked at Lou Ye, and said, "Fortunately, the bullet didn't hit the patient's heart. We have taken out the bullet for the patient, and stopped the bleeding. The patient is out of danger..."

The doctor's words let Lou Ye breathe a sigh of relief.

Didn't hit the heart...

For a sharpshooter like my father, if he wanted to hit, he would hit it right away.


Father didn't intend to kill Sun Xiaoran.

Lou Ye let out a long breath of relief, took a step back, and finally showed a smile on the corner of his mouth...

Just now, while waiting outside, countless possibilities flashed through his mind.

He couldn't even imagine what he would do if Sun Xiaoran really died.

For a long time, he has been living in a world of one person, alone and lonely.

To her, Sun Xiaoran is the warm sunshine that illuminates his heart.

It was not easy to find someone who cherished his heart, and he was really afraid that she would leave.


In a plain white ward, the heartbeat monitor kept beeping abruptly.

An hour later, Sun Xiaoran's consciousness gradually recovered.

Opening her eyes, looking at the plain white world in front of her, and Lou Ye's smiling face, she always felt that all this was a bit unreal.

she is not dead...

She actually didn't die.

"Lou Ye... I thought I was going to die." Sun Xiaoran looked at Lou Ye's face, somehow, in his heart, he always felt like crying.

Lou Ye rubbed her face lightly with the back of his hand, and said, "Well, he didn't intend to kill you."

Sun Xiaoran took a deep breath, moved her extremely pale lips, and said, "I thought, that shot would make you and me farewell..."

What Sun Xiaoran said made Lou Ye's heart tighten.

Why didn't he think that way.

"Xiao Ran, when you recover, let's get married...?" Lou Ye whispered.

The wound is stinging.

Sun Xiaoran smiled and nodded repeatedly.

Louye's marriage proposal had no sweet words, no flowers, no rings, only a simple sentence 'Xiao Ran, when you are better, let's get married'...

However, it was such a simple sentence that brought tears to Sun Xiaoran's eyes.

Up to now, Lou Ye is the first man who is willing to marry her.

In the entertainment industry before, she had many boyfriends, but they were all just for fun, and no one told her that she wanted to get married.

Later, she fell in love with him because of Liang Bo's wealth, handsomeness, but her marriage with Liang Bo was due to her threat.

"Lou Ye, I was not a good woman before, are you really willing to marry me?"

"I don't know what you were like before. I only know that you are a kind and good girl now. That's enough, Xiaoran. I didn't participate in your past, but I will accompany you to the end in your future." Lou Ye spoke affectionately, and there was incomparable sincerity in his eyes, without any twinkle.

In the past, Sun Xiaoran always felt that God was unfair to her, but after meeting Lou Ye, she realized that God still took good care of her.

After doing so many unconscionable things, God actually arranged such a warm person as Lou Ye to be by her side.

Sun Xiaoran didn't speak, just quietly looked at Louye, tears streaming down like rain...

From this moment on, she is determined to be a warm woman, hold his hands, and grow old with him.


a few days later.

City V, China.

In the dream garden, Zhou Chuyu, Liang Yi, Shen Zui, Qiu Rong, appeared to be extremely lively because of the arrival of Zhou Chuyu.

In the Baroque style living room filled with a faint floral fragrance, Qiao Weiwei and Ning Meng sat with the four of them, drinking afternoon tea and chatting, it was very lively.

"It's really unexpected that Mu Fan would do such an evil thing. It's so psychologically distorted." Liang Yi crossed her slender legs, leaning lazily on the backrest, said.

Thinking of what Mu Fan did, Liang Yi gritted her teeth.

"Being too bad is not enough to describe her bad, okay? She is simply a snake and a scorpion. She never knew that there are such vicious creatures in this world. Although, everything she did was because of that Damn love, but it's also really hateful." Ning Meng said again.

"Today, did Mu Fan's sentence come down today?" Zhou Chuyu put down the juice, looked at Qiao Weiwei beside him, and asked.

Zhou Chuyu's words drew everyone's attention to Qiao Weiwei.

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