"Huh?" Liang Bo caressed her blushing face lightly, and rubbed her chin against her face. There was complexity in his eyes that couldn't be melted away.

"If it was before, if you didn't shoot, I would have gone over, grabbed the gun, and jumped her, but that day, I didn't..." Qiao Weiwei said again.

That is, her respect for him, cold and understanding.

Soon, Qiao Weiwei fell into a deep sleep...


The next day.


In the early morning, the sound of kicking the door heavily disturbed mandy's sleep.

As soon as she woke up, the tingling sensation on her body began to torture her crazily.

After moving her scarred arms and legs, she slowly opened her eyes.

It seemed that, at this moment, she was just a mess of dirty meat.

Mandy looked at him and said calmly, "Are you awake?"

"There is a recording file inside, click to listen to it yourself." Mandy said.

Bai Ziming glanced at Mandy, then picked up the phone, found the recording file, and pressed play...

Bai Ziming's brows were deeply furrowed by the intrusive conversation...

"I didn't lie to you, did I?" Mandy lowered his head and said.

Bai Ziming took a deep breath, put down his phone, and squatted on the ground...

"First of all, I apologize to you. Yesterday, I shouldn't have hit you indiscriminately." Bai Ziming said seriously, his eyes still dull.

"Thank you for understanding me..." Bai Ziming frowned.

Even so, even though Bai Ziming already knew that Mandy did not intend to do all of this, but he still felt a shadow in his heart.

He felt that she was not clean anymore.

"Starting today, I have to work overtime at the company, and I may not come back very often at night." Bai Ziming got up, looked at Mandy and said.

His words made Mandy feel cold.

She stroked her big curly hair, then stood up, looked at Bai Ziming, and said, "What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. I want to calm down for a while. You know, I have a cleanliness."

Mandy's heart 'thumped' a bit.

So, did he dislike her?

Her face sank, she lowered her head, and said, "Okay..."

She had already explained it clearly, and she decided to leave it to Bai Ziming to consider other matters.

She won't make too much entanglement, even if she loves this man in front of her very much...

"Let me pack some clothes for you." Mandy smiled awkwardly, and then walked directly to the closet.

Taking out the suitcase in the closet, after opening it, she carefully folded the shirt, underwear, socks, etc., and put them in the suitcase...

After closing the box, she stood up straight away, looked at Bai Ziming, grabbed his hand, and tried not to let the tears flow...

"Think about it."

Bai Ziming nodded, turned around, and went out the door...

The moment the door closed slowly, for some reason, Mandy's heart clenched into a ball.

"Mu Fan, you have a hard time yourself, and you don't allow others to have a good time...you are really bad." Mandy sneered, tears glistening.

Walking into the bathroom, she simply wiped her body and then walked to the sink.

After holding a handful of water and simply washing her face, she turned off the faucet, supported the sink with both hands, and looked in the mirror. Her right face was bruised and scarred...

She was in pain and felt very uncomfortable.

I always felt that if Bai Ziming left this time, he would never come back again.

From college to now, the two of them have gone through seven years.

Seven years, seven full years!

Memories, scenes are played back in front of my eyes, from their first meeting to now...

In my impression, the two of them have never quarreled, and they have never blushed with each other because of anything.

Taking a deep breath, she went back to her room, used her mobile phone, and called Liang Bo...

"President, I want to take a leave of absence. I have something to do..."

"Okay, I see, let's play at home for a few days."

Hearing Liang Bo's words, Mandy nodded, and said, "Thank you, President..."

Then, she pressed hang up.

"Ding dong... ding dong..."

The doorbell rang at this moment.

Mandy tidied up her nightdress, and then left the bedroom.

The one standing outside the door was none other than Qiao Weiwei.

Seeing Mandy's appearance, Qiao Weiwei's heart ached.

"Your boyfriend hit you?"

"Miss Qiao, welcome, please come in."

mandy brought the topic.

Qiao Weiwei nodded, and then entered the door.

After changing the slippers, Qiao Weiwei took Mandy to the sofa in the living room, and sat down side by side.

"Mandy... Master Bo told me everything about you. It's all because of us that you suffered those things. I have ordered Master Bo to investigate the people who spread those things. After they are found, they will be severely punished. " Qiao Weiwei said.

Mandy smiled wryly: "Thank you, Miss Qiao."

"Your boyfriend hit you?"

"Well, last night, he was drunk and started beating me without listening to my explanation..." Although Mandy spoke calmly, there was a wry smile at the corner of his mouth and the pain in his eyes, But betrayed her emotions.


"As Master Bo's chief secretary, it's my job to protect Master Bo and you, isn't it? Miss Qiao, are you going to be angry with me? Because I didn't dare to tell you the matter to protect myself. "

"No, if it were me, I would do that too. After all, you also have your life, and you also have things you need to protect, don't you?" Qiao Weiwei said while holding her hand.

"It's good that you don't have a problem with me because of that." Mandy smiled happily.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Qiao Weiwei asked.

"He just went out with his luggage, he said he needs to calm down..."

"You didn't explain?" Qiao Weiwei asked.

"I explained..." Mendy's heart throbbed again when this matter was mentioned.

"Which company does he work for? I'll go find him." Qiao Weiwei said again.

Mandy shook his head...

"Thank you in advance, Ms. Qiao, but you don't have to go to him, hehe...let him think about it for himself, if he can't pass the test in his own heart, even if he comes back, we will not be happy , isn't it?" Mandy said rationally.

She and Bai Ziming were going to get married.

If Bai Ziming can't get out of the hurdle in his heart.

Then, after they get married, they will not be happy.

Therefore, she will give Bai Ziming enough time to think about these things.

"Okay..." Qiao Weiwei nodded, and then directly took Mandy into her arms.

A faint fragrance wafted from Qiao Weiwei's body, which made Mandy feel very at ease and warm.

Both fell into silence.

"The two of us have been together since college, and now it has been seven years. But I didn't expect that those things happened when I was about to achieve the true result. I really hate Mu Fan in my heart."

"Why don't I hate her, she really can do anything..."

Qiao Weiwei snorted coldly.

When Mu Fan was mentioned, the displeasure in her heart began to torment her again and again...

"By the way, please be quiet. The day after tomorrow, we will hold a press conference for you and disclose everything so that the public can know the truth." Qiao Weiwei said again.

Mandy nodded and didn't speak any more.


At the same time, Ou Xiangbei's house.

After dinner, Ou Xiangbei was washing the dishes in the kitchen. Zhou Chuyu stood aside and watched. The young couple looked very sweet.

Because of her pregnancy, Zhou Chuyu looked more beautiful and ruddy than before.

Seeing Ou Xiangbei's skillful movements while washing the dishes, Zhou Chuyu felt warm in his heart instantly.

In the past, that rebellious young master of the Ou family has really changed...

From a playboy in the game world, he became a good husband.

"Ou Xiangbei..."

Ou Xiangbei turned his head and looked at her with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

"You look the most handsome when you do housework."

"That's necessary." Ou Xiangbei smiled, and rubbed Zhou Chuyu's face with his frothy hand.

Zhou Chuyu smiled, looked at him with a frown, then wiped the foam off his face, and said, "Ou Xiangbei, don't rub people with foam, okay? It's very dirty."

"Not good..." Ou Xiangbei smiled, his eyes were extremely doting.

Unconvinced, Zhou Chuyu held up a handful of foam, then stood on tiptoe, and smeared all over Ou Xiangbei's face, painting Ou Xiangbei into Santa Claus...

"Haha...haha..." Zhou Chuyu laughed from ear to ear looking at Ou Xiangbei's appearance

"What are you laughing at, scoundrel!" Ou Xiangbei washed his face with water, then shook his hand with water at Zhou Chuyu, complaining.

Zhou Chuyu continued to laugh.

After laughing enough, she stepped forward quickly, stood on tiptoe, wrapped her hands around his neck, rubbed the tip of her nose against his, and said, "Ou Xiangbei, I really like our life now..."

Ou Xiangbei stretched out his long arm, hugged her with one hand, and said, "I like it too..."

In the past, Ou Xiangbei always thought that he would be like this in his life, and that this character was only suitable for spending time and drinking instead of doing business.

However, after he was really 'taken' by Zhou Chuyu, he realized that he could do the same and be a good husband with 24 filial piety.

He is really thankful that he returned the prodigal son early.

"Ou Xiangbei, I love you..."

"Honey, I love you too..."

You and I have been together for a long time, and the two people reluctantly let go of each other.

"I'll go out and look at the financial statement sent by the secretary." Zhou Chuyu smiled, then turned around...

When she reached the door of the kitchen, her foot slipped and she fell directly to the ground...

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