Dear President, take it easy

【388】As long as she is happy, she can do whatever she wants

Yes, she and Bai Ziming broke up.

After breaking up, it's normal for him to find someone else.

But, this is not too fast.

Mandy smiled wryly and went upstairs directly.

Walking into the private room, Mandy sat down, ordered a few dishes, and then ordered two bottles of red wine.

"Sad?" Zeus asked, but there was no extra expression on his face.

Mandy laughed: "It's more disappointing. We were together for seven years, and now we broke up. He turned around and went straight to other women. Are you men like this?"

Zeus lit a cigarette, took a puff, and said, "I'm not. If I fall in love with someone, I will give up. No matter what happens, I will never let go of her hand. A man like Bai Ziming, he I just don't love you enough."

Zeus didn't have a good impression of Bai Ziming.

Mandy played with the goblet at hand, looked at Zeus, and said, "Maybe, it's really not enough love. Although I was at fault first."

"That's not your fault, you were just designed. It was an accident, you don't have to worry about it." Zeus said again.

At this moment, the waiter came in with two opened bottles of wine...

After the waiter put the wine on the table, Mandy waved her hand to signal her to leave.

Mandy picked up a bottle of wine, got up, poured Zeus a glass, and then poured himself another glass.

After gulping down the wine, Mandy didn't speak again.

Zeus filled her with wine, then, shaking the glass lightly, said: "Actually, a beautiful, generous and capable woman like you deserves to be loved by better people."

Mandy's heart sank, and he shook the wine in his glass: "A better person? I'm already a stinky street, everyone knows that I was slept by someone else, and I even took a video. The screenshot of the video has been deleted, but I believe that many people still save it in their computers... I am afraid that no one will like it or want it in the future."

Speaking of that incident, Mandy's hatred for Mu Fan intensified a bit.

Some things, really, feel uncomfortable just thinking about them.

"You are so nice, how could no one want it?" Zeus said.

She smiled, then, shaking her head, drank the wine in the glass.


Zeus looked at her with a wine glass in his hand, his eyes were full of complexity, but he didn't speak any more.


A week later.

The fleet of jet-black luxury cars stopped steadily downstairs of Qiao's Group, like a domineering black dragon, attracting people's attention.

As soon as the convoy stopped, the reporters who had been waiting here immediately swarmed up and surrounded the leading black Rolls Royce...

In an instant the spotlight.drown everything.

"Master Bo, I heard that you bought the world's largest lunar meteorite in the United States. May I ask what you bought it for?"

"Master Bo, can you please come out and answer our questions?"

In the back seat of the Rolls-Royce, Liang Bo, who was dozing off, slowly opened a pair of dark eyes.

His eyes skipped over the reporters outside the car like a superficial glance...

The bodyguards behind the car, as well as the security guards of Liang's Group, rushed up at this moment, quickly standing on the wall, and opened a way for Liang Bo.

The driver quickly got out of the car and opened the door for Liang Bo.

Liang Bo tidied up his coat, and then gracefully got out of the car...

The moment he got off the car, the radiance of his body caught everyone's eyes.

"Master Bo, do you feel distressed after spending so much money on the moon meteorite?"

"Master Bo, what are you buying the lunar meteorite for? Is it really just for fun as it said in the advertisement?"

Questions from the reporters are endless.

Liang Bo glanced at the reporters, and said leisurely: "Because my woman wants the moon, so I bought it, it's very simple..."

What he said was calm and breezy, but everyone was dumbfounded...

If a woman wants the moon, he spends a lot of money on lunar meteorites...

The reporters couldn't help asking in unison in their hearts, "Master Bo, you are so domineering, is it artificial in your family?" "

"Master Bo, Ms. Qiao must know that you bought the meteorite for him, right? How did she react? Is she very excited?"

"Have you ever thought about what you want to use that meteorite for?"

Liang Bo glanced at the reporters, and started leisurely: "She can do whatever she wants with it, she can break it up and wear it as a bracelet to play with, or use it as a stepping stone...or lay the floor, as long as she likes it, whatever she wants Either way."

The cool words left the reporters dumbfounded again.

In an instant, the reporters were in an uproar.

That is a sky-high price meteorite, something that countless astronomy enthusiasts flock to...

Then, Liang Bo hooked his lips and walked directly into Qiao's group.

In the CEO's office, Qiao Weiwei stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, swaying a glass of red wine, slightly raising the corners of her mouth, watching the noisy scene under her feet...

In the cup, that touch of enchanting red shone dazzlingly under the sunlight.

The sound of pushing the door sounded at this moment.

She drank the wine in the glass, then turned her head, looked at Liang Bo who was walking towards her quickly, stood leaning against the railing, and said, "Master Bo, you have caused such a big commotion just now, you are really domineering." ah."

Liang Bo walked forward quickly, holding her face, and said: "Those reporters are bored, I have someone move the moon meteorite to Dream Garden for you, do you want to go back with me and have a look?"

"Okay." Qiao Weiwei nodded.

When Liang Bo and Qiao Weiwei went downstairs, the reporters were still there.

As soon as the two walked out of the gate, the reporters began to make noise again.

"Miss Qiao, Master Bo loves you so much, have you considered when will you marry him?"

"Miss Qiao, how did you feel when you knew that Master Bo spent a sky-high price to buy a meteorite from the moon?"

"Miss Qiao, are you going to go back with Master Bo to appreciate the meteorite?"

The reporters continued to chatter, and the security guards and bodyguards continued to surround the wall, for fear that they would get too excited and jump on Liangbo Qiao Weiwei.

Qiao Weiwei just held Liang Bo's hand calmly.

The two of them got into the car as if they were in no man's land.

As soon as she returned to Dream Garden, Qiao Weiwei saw that huge black stone on the coffee table in the living room.

The maids are curiously surrounding the stone, looking left and right.

Qiao Weiwei stepped forward quickly, looked at it, and pursed her lips: "It's even uglier than the picture, it's dark. What are you spending this unjust money for?"

"You don't want the moon?"

"What I want is a glowing moon, not this dark rock. Besides, I just said it casually. Why do you take it seriously?" Qiao Weiwei looked at the coldness and said.

Liangbo raised his eyebrows, and looked at her sideways: "You can say whatever you want, but I can't just listen to it, I will give you whatever you want, as long as I have the ability... the moon we are We can’t move it down, but we can still buy lunar meteorites, what do you think?”

Qiao Weiwei's heart warmed.

Although this stone was ugly, it contained his heart for her.

On the side, the maids have been melted by the cold and affectionate words.

Qiao Weiwei smiled coldly, stepped forward to touch the stone with her hand, and said, "Where should we put this thing?"

"Where do you want to put it?" Liang Bo asked.

"I don't know..." Qiao Weiwei shook her head.

"Beep beep..."

The vibrating sound of the mobile phone interrupted their conversation.

Cool thin took out the phone.

Seeing that it was Ou Xiangbei's call, he pressed the answer button, put his arm on Qiao Weiwei's shoulder, walked to the sofa, and sat down.

"What's the matter?" He asked, stroking Qiao Weiwei's hair restlessly with one hand.

"Should we go back to China? Can we take a look at the lunar meteorite that you bought, Master Bo, which is said to be the largest in the world?"

"It's in Dream Garden, come and take a look..."

"Okay, let's go and open our eyes."

Soon, Liang Bo hung up the phone.

Half an hour later, when Ou Xiangbei arrived, Liangbo Qiao Weiwei was sitting on the sofa chatting.

Seeing Ou Xiangbei, Qiao Weiwei immediately turned her head and said, "Xiang Bei, come and sit."

Ou Xiangbei nodded with a smile, then walked up to the meteorite, looked it up and down, and said, "You are crazy to spend [-] million dollars to buy such a broken rock."

Liang Bo took a drag on his cigarette, glanced at Ou Xiangbei, and said, "I am willing."

Ou Xiangbei shrugged, took a photo with his mobile phone, walked up to the two and sat down...

Ou Xiangbei crossed his legs, raised his chin towards Liangbo, and said, "I said, where are you going to put this stone back? It really doesn't match the design of Mengyuan."

"Is it okay to take it out and break up the yard later?" Liang Bo said again.

Ou Xiangbei's face was dark: "Don't waste it, give it to me, I'll sell it for money, how about it?"

Liang Bo ignored him.

"Qiao Weiwei, where do you want to put it?" Liangbo turned to look at Qiao Weiwei.

"Let's put it in the antique room, but before putting it in, cut off a piece and give me, Chu Yu, Ning Meng, and Qiu Rong each a string of bracelets, and we'll play with it."

"Okay..." Liang Bo nodded, and answered quite frankly...

"Heh, Weiwei, then I will thank you on behalf of my wife..." Ou Xiangbei laughed.


London, England.

The mansion of Qiu Jingtian, head of the world's second largest company <Empire>.

Breathing is harder than ever.

"Cough cough cough..."

He coughed vigorously, and every time he coughed, his body felt painful.

Breathing became more and more difficult.

The dizziness in front of his eyes made his vision gradually blurred...

"Come here..." He yelled weakly...

With trembling hands, he reached under the pillow.

When his fingertips touched the intercom, he silently closed his eyes...

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