Standing outside the door was Demon, the head of State Q.

Seeing Qiao Weiwei, the demon immediately said: "Miss Qiao, hello, is Master Bo in?"

Qiao Weiwei nodded, and then made a 'please' gesture to the demon.

The demon nodded, then entered the door, and hurriedly walked up to Liangbo.

Liangbo wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, and then asked, "demon...what's the matter? Please sit down..."

The demon immediately sat beside Liang Bo, and said: "Master Bo, the members of the 'k' organization we captured have confessed the secret base of the K organization, and the leader of the K organization is also over there now, our people Already heading there, soon they will be completely destroyed..."

Liang Bo nodded, and then said, "Very good..."

Qiao Weiwei moved a chair, and then sat across from the two of them, listening to what the two of them had to say while eating.

The next day, the secret base of the K terrorist organization under the desert was destroyed, and the news that the leader of the K organization, Andafei, was captured alive, shocked the whole world...

Inside country q, they even expressed their appreciation for the president's move, and it was applauded on the Internet.

In the hotel, Liang Bo was sitting on the balcony, drinking coffee while reading the news in the newspaper about the destruction of the K organization, calm and relaxed...

Qiao Weiwei, who had just finished swimming in the swimming pool downstairs, was wearing a bikini and walked up to Liang Bo. While wiping the water droplets on her body with a bath towel, she sat down and said, "The people below are talking about the destruction of the K organization." matter……"

Liang Bo put down the newspaper, took a sip of coffee, nodded, looked at Qiao Weiwei with a smile again, and said, "This bikini is real, it needs a butt, it has a butt..."

While speaking, his gaze kept on her.

Qiao Weiwei wrapped the bath towel, took out a tissue, crumpled it up, and threw it at him.

The tissue was impartial, and it was thrown directly on his handsome face.

Liang Bo picked up the tissue ball, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it, and then threw it downstairs...

"Afternoon, have you decided where to go?" Liang Bo asked with great interest.

"Your arm is not good, are you sure you can go out?"

"I hurt my arm, not my leg..."

Qiao Weiwei raised her eyebrows, nodded, and said, "Then, let's go shopping, let's go shopping..."

Cool nodded.


In the afternoon, under the protection of bodyguards, Qiao Weiwei and Liang Bo visited many places and bought a lot of things. It was not until evening that Qiao Weiwei returned to the hotel full of satisfaction...

Originally, she was full of interest and tireless when she was shopping, but after she finished shopping and returned to her room, Qiao Weiwei instantly became listless.

Qiao Weiwei nodded: "That's necessary...Master Bo, how much did we brush today?"

"Not much, 500 million..." said Liangbo.

Qiao Weiwei nodded, but said nothing.

"Dong dong dong..."

The knock on the door sounded at this moment...

Liang Bo went to open the door.

Outside the door, there was a long row of shopping guides holding shopping bags printed with various luxury brand logos.

"Master Bo, let's deliver something to Ms. Qiao..." the shopping guides said in unison in extremely broken Chinese.

Cool nod...

Then, the shopping guides entered the door one after another, and then put Qiao Weiwei's things in the living room...

In an instant, the corner of the living room was filled with the things Qiao Weiwei bought.

After the shopping guides put away their things, they respectfully nodded towards Liang Bo, and said, "Master Bo, the things have been put away..."

Liangbo waved his hands towards them...

The shopping guides immediately turned around neatly like programmed robots, and left the room...

Looking at the things in the room, he said coldly: "Woman, your things have arrived, come out and have a look?"


Qiao Weiwei didn't respond.


Liang Bo called her again, but there was still no response.

So, Liang Bo walked into the bedroom.

After entering the bedroom, I realized that the woman was tired and fell asleep.

She slept soundly and defenselessly, and her sleeping posture was elegant and charming.

At this moment, she is like a sleeping beauty...

Liang Bo hooked his lips, and his expression softened.

He stepped forward, covered her with a thin blanket, then kissed her forehead, and walked into the bathroom...


A few days later, in City V, China.

After Qiao Weiwei got off the plane, Ou Xiangbei, Zhou Chuyu, Ning Meng, Shenzui, Liangyi, Qiurong, Guo Xiaoni, Mandy, and Zeus who had been waiting here for a long time gathered around...

Zhou Chuyu grabbed Liang Bo's hand nervously, and said, "Is your arm better? Does it still hurt?"

Cool Bo shook his head.

"Looking at him like that, you know it doesn't hurt anymore..." Guo Xiaoni walked up to Qiao Weiwei's side, put a hand on her cold shoulder, and said...

"It's really not peaceful in this country!" Ning Meng said again...

"Yes... yes..." Qiu Rong added.

Liang Yi remained silent the whole time, just quietly looking at Qiao Weiwei's face.

Ou Xiangbei whistled leisurely: "Anyway, I still want to thank God for his blessing, and found that God really gave me face... I know you are very important to me, so I am not willing to take you away from me haha ..."

Ou Xiangbei was as shameless as ever.

"Pfft..." Qiao Weiwei laughed, and said again: "Ou Xiangbei, you are so awesome, even God will give you face..."

"That must be..." Ou Xiangbei patted his chest and continued to speak shamelessly.

"Don't worry about this crazy person, let's go, let's go eat." Liang Bo maintained his original calm and cool, looked at the crowd, and said.

"Okay...I'm hungry too, I didn't eat well in order to video chat with our caicai at noon..." Guo Xiaoni said again.

A group of people came to a high-end Chinese restaurant in a mighty way.

After ordering a large table of dishes, several people started to move.

Everyone's appetite is very good.

"New Year's Day is approaching, and "If You Are Well" will be released soon, Liang Yi, Qiu Rong, are you nervous?" Zhou Chuyu asked while putting meat on his plate.

Qiu Rong nodded.

Liang Yi drank a glass of shochu calmly and said, "It's not bad, I think the box office will not be too bad..."

"Recently, there have been more and more posts attacking me. I am worried that after the movie is released, there will be more people attacking me. Strange, am I really ugly? Why do they all say that I am ugly? Ah..." Qiurong said with her mouth flattened, dissatisfied.

"Those people are idle and bored, taking pleasure in attacking others. They have no choice but to vent their frustrations on the Internet. Just don't take it to heart... There are also many people who scold me on the Internet. Never paid attention to..." Qiao Weiwei said again.

Qiu Rong nodded, and said again: "They say I'm ugly and I admit it, the key point is that I'm a high-ranking person with unspoken rules..."

"Qiu Rong, that kind of thing is even more unnecessary. Some people said that I have several illegitimate children outside... Damn, although my young master used to be playful, he never allowed his 'seeds' to survive outside. Is it okay??" Ou Xiangbei said again.

"Who knows if you have." Liang Bo, who had been eating food calmly, suddenly said.

"Damn..." Ou Xiangbei put the chopsticks on the table, with black lines on his face.

"Okay, okay, let's eat quickly." Liang Yi said again...


a few days later.

January [-]st, New Year's Day, the whole city is surrounded by a layer of joy.

Liang Yi's new film premiered nationwide today.

Every movie theater is packed with audiences of "If You Are Well"...

In just one morning, the box office of the movie exceeded [-] million.

This is the current depressed film industry. It is undoubtedly a miracle that this film can be so successful. .

On the Internet, on TV, and in newspapers, everyone is frantically reporting this hot movie...

Douban, Baidu Tieba, and the news about "If You Are Well" on major portal sites, netizens are unanimously applauding this film...

Everyone praised Liang Yi for being handsome, Qiu Rong was so pure, even Qiu Rong's anti fans had already switched to Qiu Rong's fan club...

As for the supporting roles An Jie and Wen Rou, they also gained a lot of popularity and praise with this movie.

If you are safe, the shares of the production company "Star" Entertainment, because of this movie, rose by [-]% in one morning...

On New Year's Day, God gave Zhou Chuyu, Liang Yi, Qiu Rong, An Jie, and Wen Wen many surprises...

In the evening, "star Entertainment" held a celebration banquet.

Zhou Chuyu, Ou Xiangbei, Qiu Rong, Liang Yi, Gentle, An Jie, Qiao Weiwei, Liang Bo, Ning Meng, Shen Zui, Guo Xiaoni, Mandy, Zeus dressed up to attend...

At this celebration banquet, the four protagonists and Ou Xiangbei were undoubtedly the protagonists. The spotlight and countless superstars surrounded the six of them...

As for Qiao Weiwei and the others, they were sitting on the railing on the second floor chatting and eating.

Guo Xiaoni drank the wine in the glass boldly, and said: "I found that Chu Yu is absolutely discerning, he can choose scripts, and he can also choose actors..."

"That's necessary." Qiao Weiwei smiled.

Qiao Weiwei was also very excited about the success of this movie.

"The main reason is that the actors were well chosen." Ning Meng grinned.

"Today, you still said something human..." Shen Zui Youyou put down his glass, looked at Ning Meng beside him, and said.

Ning Meng gave him a hard look, but she didn't intend to answer him...

"Beep beep..."

Ning Meng's cell phone rang at this moment.

Ning Meng quickly took out her mobile phone from the handbag on her lap.

is an unfamiliar number.

Ning Meng pressed the answer button and said, "Hi, may I ask who you are?"

"Ning Meng? I'm the class monitor..."

"Zhou Xiaohai? Why did you have my phone?" Ning Meng asked.

"I want to know your phone number. Of course there is a way. Do you have time tomorrow? Can you come out?"

"Okay, I have time." Ning Meng nodded in agreement.

"Well, I won't bother you anymore. See you at the snack bar near the school at eight o'clock tomorrow..."

"Oh..." Ning Meng nodded, then hung up the phone.

Shen Zui frowned, and asked: "Squad leader? That bookworm Zhou Xiaohai? What did he ask you for?"

"It's none of your business! What kind of heart is it!" Ning Meng ignored him, and then drank the orange juice in front of her...

Downstairs, after dealing with the gentleness of a group of people, dragging his tired feet, he walked directly to a sofa and sat down.

She pulled up the low-cut evening dress on her body vigorously, and suddenly thought of something, she happily took out her mobile phone from her handbag...

After logging into msn, there was indeed a message from Su Qingcheng...

[su]: Congratulations, I guess you should be at the celebration banquet now...

[Gentleness]: Well, yes, the high heels are too high, the reporters and the group of seniors in the entertainment industry are too difficult to deal with, and they are exhausted.

[su]: After the wait is over, go home, take a hot bath, and relax. Today, I watched "If You Are Well" and your performance is very good (n_n)

[Gentle]: Hey, thank you...

Looking at the content in the chat box, the corners of Gentle's mouth twitched...

[su]: You should be very busy now, I won't bother you, we will talk when I have time.

[Gentle]: Wait...

[su]: what?

[Gentleness]: The two of us have also chatted for a long time. What do you think of me?

Rourou had wanted to ask this question a long time ago, but after sending this sentence, she regretted it again, and she began to feel a little sudden again...

While regretting, she was also very nervous...

Because, she didn't know how Su Qingcheng would answer next...

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