Dear President, take it easy

[437] Fans' abuse

The news that the hero and heroine of "If You Are Well" are in love because of the drama, the news that they are now living together makes the whole world boil...

Under every piece of news, there are photos of Liang Yi and Qiu Rong going in and out of the apartment together, eating and shopping together...

Liangyi's fans became so angry that they turned into anti-fans and bombed Qiurong's post bar. Qiurong's fans also fought back one after another, but Liangyi's post bar fought back, causing Baidu's post bar to be paralyzed.

This is definitely the craziest scandal storm in the entertainment industry this year.

Liangyi's [Chengyi Classical Music Company] and Zhou Chuyu's [Star Entertainment] were almost overwhelmed by reporters and media.

People all over the world are paying attention to this cohabitation incident.

Downstairs in Liangyi's apartment and Qiurong's Snow High School have already gathered a large number of reporters...

In an instant, the whole world went crazy.

In the apartment, Qiurong hid in Liangyi's room, closed all the curtains, saw those insulting speeches that were hundreds of times more vicious than before, and a box of bloody dolls in front of him signed by someone named Liangyi's fans, felt a burst of emotion. There was a sharp pain.

Cruel slander and abuse are like a knife that can stab a soft and boneless person to pieces at any time.

And Qiu Rong is that weak person.

She is a flower in a greenhouse, and has never experienced the ravages of wind and rain. These abuses are enough to make her heart wither piece by piece.

When Liangyi pushed open the door, she saw Qiurong sitting in the corner, shedding tears on the ipad, and in front of her was a bloody doll.

The wind-dusted Liangyi quickly stepped forward, directly covered the doll's box, pushed it aside, then covered her red eyes, and said, "Little girl, don't pay too much attention to the things on it, okay?"

"Brother Yi, do these people hate me so much? They hope that I will be hit by a car and die. Some even say that they want to smash my bones into pieces. Some even say that I am a pure green tea watch. Said that I was raised by a female cousin, and some people even said on the Internet that they hoped that my whole family would die. That’s fine, why did you send such a bloody thing? His eyes and the hand holding the ipad were trembling constantly.

"Good boy, cover your eyes when you meet something you don't want to see, cover your ears when you meet something you don't want to hear, don't just because of a few words from strangers, that's it, okay?" Liang Yi directly pulled her into his arms and said.

"Brother Yi, is Qiu Rong really so annoying? Everyone wants to kill me." Qiu Rong clutched Liang Yi's shirt tightly and burst into tears.

Liang Yi hugged her tightly: "Hey, my little girl is not annoying, don't you still have Brother Yi? Brother Yi will protect you, huh?"

"Brother Yi... woo..." She just clings to Liang Yi's arms like a wounded child.

"Ding dong ding dong..."

The doorbell rang again.

Liang Yi immediately got up and went to open the door.

There was no one outside the door, but a large white cardboard box was placed.

Liang Yi frowned, opened the white cardboard box, and saw a scene that made people sick.

Inside the cardboard box, there was a silicone human head bleeding continuously. The human head looked like Qiu Rong, and it was made as if it was real.

Next to the head, there was a bloody note that read: Qiu Rong, this is your future fate.

Looking at such things, Liang Yi's heart is not in a good mood.

"Brother Yi, who is it?" Qiu Rong wiped her tears and went out.

"Ah..." When she saw the head at the door, she immediately covered her eyes and screamed.

her head, her head...

Liangyi immediately closed the lid, then took Qiurong into her arms, and hugged her tightly: "Don't be afraid, it's fake, it's fake."

Qiu Rong didn't speak, but hugged Liang Yi tightly, like hugging a life-saving straw, tears kept streaming out of her eyes.

"We have surveillance on our floor, girl, I will definitely find you and send this person to prison." Liang Yi said again.

Qiu Rong still didn't speak.


Liang Yi got into the quilt, hugged her tightly, patted her on the back, comforted her, and said: "My brother is already dealing with this matter, and it will pass soon."

Qiu Rong continued to remain silent.

After a long time, Qiu Rong got out of the quilt and put her head on Liang Yi's lap.

Liang Yi patted her lightly, and said: "Hey, girl, it's okay. Don't bother with those things anymore, okay?"

Qiu Rong took a deep breath, put his arms around Cool Yi's waist, and said: "Brother Yi, you said, we are all human beings, why is there such a big gap between people? Why do some people do such bad things? Isn’t it good for people to live in peace? I’m just a stranger to them, why would they do this to me, a stranger.”

"Girl, if people in this world can be as simple as you say, then there will be no fights, no fights. People are complex animals." He said.

Coolness didn't speak...

"Ding dong ding dong..."

The doorbell rang again.

Liang Yi pushed Qiu Rong away and said, "Don't come out again, huh?"

Qiu Rong nodded.

Liang Yi turned around, walked out of the bedroom with a cold face, and opened the door.

Seeing that it was Qiao Weiwei, Zhou Chuyu, and Ning Meng, the expression on his face softened instantly.

He took a deep look at Qiao Weiwei, then at Zhou Chuyu and Ning Meng, and said, "Come in."

Qiao Weiwei looked at the big box at the door and asked, "What's inside?"

While talking, Qiao Weiwei bent over to open the box.

"Don't move!" Liang Yi immediately grabbed Qiao Weiwei's hand nervously, and said, "Par... sister-in-law, don't move this."

Qiao Weiwei pushed away the coolness and opened the box directly.

What came into view made Ning Meng scream, and Zhou Chuyu and Qiao Weiwei turned pale.

"I told you not to open it." Liang Yi frowned and reproached.

Qiao Weiwei took a deep breath, closed the lid directly, and said, "Which Biantai fan made this?"

"I've been comforting Qiu Rong just now, but I haven't had time to call the police, so I'll report it now." Liang Yi said.

"Then don't hurry up..." Qiao Weiwei said.

Soon, Liang Yi called and called the police.

Qiao Weiwei and Zhou Chuyu entered the bedroom and sat with Qiu Rong, while Liang Yi stood at the door, waiting for the police.

Ten minutes later, the police arrived, asked Liang Yi some questions, and left with the box in his arms...

Only then did Liang Yi enter the door and return to the bedroom.

At this moment, Qiu Rong in the bedroom had calmed down, and was chatting with Qiao Weiwei and Zhou Chuyu.

His eyes were constantly moving over the faces of Qiao Weiwei and Qiu Rong.

The reporters downstairs also dispersed because of the coolness.

Things seemed to have calmed down a little bit. In the evening, the news of [Crazy fans threatened Qiu Rong with bloody heads, committed the crime of intimidation, and was dealt with according to law] [Liangyi fans spread insulting news on the network, and were detained by criminals], which caused netizens to panic again. Hot discussion...

With news like this, the amount of abuse and insults against Qiu Rong on the Internet has decreased significantly, and many...

Three days later, Liangyi held a press conference, clarified that she and Qiurong were just siblings, and lied that they did not live together, but occasionally Qiurong would come to his house to play cards.

Things slowly calmed down.


It was night, and it was cold and windy.

In a high-end restaurant, Liang Bo, Qiao Weiwei, Liang Yi, and Qiu Rong gathered together to eat Chinese food.

Facing a table full of delicacies, Qiu Rong didn't have any appetite. Although she had calmed down recently, she was still in a bad mood.

Liang Yi picked up a piece of fish for her and said, "Eat."

"Qiu Rong, Master Bo has already banned the major media platforms. In the future, no matter what scandals you have with Liang Yi, they will not dare to publish them again. Don't care about what those people say on the Internet, okay?" Qiao Weiwei looked at Qiu Rong said.

Qiu Rong nodded, bit her chopsticks, and said, "Thank you sister Weiwei, thank you Master Bo."

Liang Bo didn't say anything, just sipped the red wine quietly.

Ou Xiangbei, who arrived late, entered the door with Ou Yimo in his arms.

He sat down on the chair directly, and said, "Oh, it's really cold outside tonight."

Qiao Weiwei took Ou Yimo from his arms, and while teasing Ou Yimo, she asked, "Where's sister Chu Yu?"

"At home with my mother." Ou Xiangbei said.

Qiao Weiwei didn't say anything, just kept kissing Ou Yimo's pink lips.

"Hello, Qiurong, why are you so stern and smiling, we look good when Qiurong smiles." Ou Xiangbei waved to Qiurong and said.

Qiu Rong smiled dryly and said, "Is that so?"

"You smile like a paralyzed face, okay, naturally?" Ou Xiangbei raised the corners of his mouth with both hands.

"Pfft..." Qiu Rong couldn't help laughing, and said, "Brother Xiang Bei, don't do this, it's so funny."

"Laughed? I finally laughed. Don't worry about Liangyi's idiot fans. They are all idiots, you know?" Ou Xiangbei said with a chopstick of vegetables and put them in Qiurong's bowl.

Qiu Rong nodded: "I see."

"It's good to know. In the past, there were many people who scolded me on Weibo. Let me show off my car, scold me for showing off my wealth, curse me for having a car accident, etc. I don't care. I don't care about what I love. One less piece of meat." Ou Xiangbei said again.

Qiu Rong continued to nod and said, "I'll go to the bathroom."

"Okay, let's go." Ou Xiangbei said.

Qiu Rong got up and left the room...

As soon as Qiu Rong entered the bathroom, the moment she walked into the private room, the lights in the entire bathroom were turned off...

The whole world is dark, and you can't see your fingers.

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