Dear President, take it easy

[461] Can't just look at the surface

Liangbo crossed his legs, smoking slowly, watching the coolness disappear at the end of the kitchen, he slowly closed his eyes.

The slender fingers tapped the smooth black trousers on her legs intentionally or unintentionally.

At this moment, he is quiet and charming.

Soon, Liangyi came out with two cups of black tea.

The gradual fragrance of tea spreads in the living room, lingering in people's nostrils, lingering.

Liang Yi put down the tray, put a cup of tea in front of him, and kept the other cup of tea for herself.

Liang Bo took another puff of the cigarette, and then extinguished it directly.

He squinted his eyes, looked at the tea on the table, and said, "It smells very good, I don't know how it tastes."

After finishing speaking, he carefully picked up the snow-white high-quality teacup, and then took a sip.

"The taste seems to be a bit strong, and the more you taste it, the stronger it becomes. This tea smells very light, but I didn't expect the taste to be like this. This tea is just like a taster. Sometimes, you really can't just look at the surface. "He put down his teacup and spoke slowly, his expression always looked like the surface of a windless lake.

Liang Yi picked up the teacup, took a sip of the liquid in the cup, and said: "It is true, brother, you are right, whether people are good or tea is good, many of them can't be seen on the surface."

Liang Bo took another sip of tea and said, "What about you? For you, can I just look at the surface?"

"Of course." Cool said.

Liang Bo continued to hook his lips, and said: "Liang Yi, in fact, since I was a child, I didn't like you very much, because my father not only dotes on your mother, but also favors you..."

"Hehe, I know." Liang Yi smiled.

"But, whether you like it or not, I never thought about what I would do to you." Liang Bo said again.

Coolness hooked his lips: "I know this too."

Liang Bo looked at him quietly, and in the next second, he directly closed his eyes, and then slowly fell down.

Liang Yi squinted her long eyes, got up directly, and walked in front of him.

"Brother, I'm really sorry. Although the trick of drugging is a little bit bad, it is undoubtedly the most effective trick. Don't blame me. In fact, we are all the same." Liang Yi said.

"Brother, in fact, since I was a child, I didn't like you very much." Liang Yi said again.

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone directly, and clapped his hands in the direction of his bedroom: "Come out for me."

Shen Zui and six elite assassins in black who were temporarily transferred by the London Empire Group came out of the bedroom.

"Take good care of my brother today. The next step is critical. There must be no mistakes." Liang Yi ordered coldly to a large group of blond men in black.

"Yes! Lord Yi!" The people in black and Shen Zui said in unison.

Then, Liang Yi said to Shen Zui: "Chen Zui, you can act now, help me spread all the criminal evidence in the study, I will make a big fuss and everyone will know about it.

Intoxicated nodded.

"Also, after everything is arranged, send Qiu Rong back to London for me to protect." Liang Yi said again.

What followed was a tough battle, he didn't want Qiu Rong to stay here, because he was afraid that if something unexpected happened, he wouldn't be able to protect her.

"Yes, Lord Yi." Shen Zui nodded.

However, just as Shen Zui was about to turn around, Liang Bo opened his eyes.

Liang Yi was a little startled, and so was Drunk, and the other men in black were even more so.

"Brother..." The phone slipped in his hand, and Liang Yi took a step back.

Liang Bo sat up straight, looked at Liang Yi calmly, his cold eyes flashed past a group of men in black in front of him.

At this moment, he is still as stable as Mount Tai, as if he is fearless.

"Brother, you are not..."

"What if I told you that I had already taken anti-coma drugs before I came here...?" Liang Bo said lightly, but his eyes were like a knife, as if they could pierce a person's heart.

" know everything?" Liang Yi said.

"I've never been unaware." Liang Bo said again.

Liang Bo's words made Liang Yi's brain go blank for an instant.

What does it mean to never know, did he always know, just waiting for him to make a move first?

Liangbo got up, walked in front of Liangyi, leaned into his ear, and said: "Liangyi, in fact, I have been waiting for you to make a move. I have been giving you a chance. I have been hoping that you will turn around, but you have been acting die."

"When did you know?" Liang Yi asked.

Liang Bo's ninjutsu made Liang Yi feel a little unbelievable.

"If I told you that since the day you left home and arrived in London, I have been following you and your mother, would you believe me?" Liang Bo asked again.

Liang Yi's heart tightened, she turned her head to look at him, and took a deep breath.

"Not only that, I have not only implanted a monitoring system on your mother's mobile phone, but also in the house where your mother and my father live. The most important thing is that in every room and in the innermost part of every piece of furniture, There are all..." Liang Bo said again.

Liang Bo's words made Liang Yi feel how scary this man was.

He underestimated him too much.

He thought that he could do it seamlessly.

But unexpectedly, the Tao is one foot tall, and the devil is one foot tall.

"You still do these things!" Liang Yi raised his eyebrows and said displeasedly.

"Yes... Do you think that I, Liang Bo, trust others so easily? If I'm really that stupid, how can I sit on the position of the president of the Liang family, which attracts everyone's attention?" Liang Bo continued. .

"You, including your mother, I know everything about you." Liang Bo continued to add.

Liang Yi took a step back, looked around, narrowed her long eyes, and took out the pistol.

Liang Bo saw him holding the gun but did nothing, just stood there calmly.

He quickly aimed the gun at Liang Bo's heart, and said: "No matter what, now, you are alone."

Shen Zui and the others also aimed their guns at Liang Bo's head.

With countless guns pointed at him, Liang Bo remained quite calm.

He looked at the gun in Liangyi's hand, then patted Liangyi's shoulder, took out his phone from his pocket, and clicked on a recording file...

The content in the file is about the conversation between Ning Motong and Wan Lingling...

"Hmph, as soon as Liang Bo falls and Liang Yi takes the position of president, we can kill Liang Tianyou together, Mo Tong, thank you for helping me collect evidence before, I love you."

"Yes... Lingling, we are almost there."

The content in the recording shocked Liang Yi.

This woman's voice is his mother's...

As for that man, he seems to be Ning Meng's brother, Ning Motong?

"My mother wants to kill my father, how is this possible?" Liang Yi couldn't believe it.

His mother not only knew Ning Motong, but also seemed to have an improper relationship with him, so, the undercover agent her mother said was Ning Motong who was arranged next to Liang Bo?

It's just that he didn't understand why his mother wanted to kill his father.

"If you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do. What I can tell you now is that if I fall now, the first person to die will be Dad." Liang Bo said word by word.

"How do I know, are you making a fake?" Liang Yi continued to point the pistol at his heart, and said in a cold voice.

Everything makes Liang Yi feel too incredible.

"Whether it's true or not, you can just ask your mother." Liang Bo snorted coldly.

"Oh, Chen Zui, you are going to spread the evidence, right? Before you spread it, go back to London to see your parents." Liang Bo said again.

"What do you mean?" When Shen Zui heard this, he immediately panicked.

"Go back and see if your parents are still at home." Liang Bo snorted coldly.

Therefore, what he meant was that his parents had been controlled.

"Liang Bo, I warn you, don't think of doing anything to my parents!" Shen Zui snapped.

"And you, Liang Yi, call your mother and see where she is, are you still at ease now?" Liang Bo said again.

"You, even my mother is under control?" Liang Yi said again.

"..." Liang Bo was silent.

"Also, please go back and take a look at the written evidence in your hands, take a closer look, and check the authenticity. As for the recording files in your hands, you should throw them away if you can, because you can only It proves that the voice came from me, but there is no way to prove that I said it myself, I can definitely say that someone else imitated my voice and framed me..." Liang Bo continued.

"Brother, you're terrible." Liang Yi put her hand on the trigger, but didn't take the next step.

"I'm not as scary as you guys." Liang Bo continued, "Now, if you want to kill me, please do it... come on."

Seeing that Liangyi and Intoxication were both depressed, Liangbo raised his eyebrows, then gently pushed aside the gun that Liangyi had placed in his heart, and said: "Liangyi, you are still too young. You just think you are smart."

Cool and silent.

He knew that he still couldn't fight the coolness after all.

This man is really too scary.

He always thought that he had the ability to compete with this man.

But now, he realized that he was really wrong.

Many things, this man doesn't say, it doesn't mean he doesn't know.

Now that things are going on, Liangyi actually feels that she was a bit like the protagonist in the story of deception.

Liang Bo turned around calmly and left directly.

As soon as he went out, his whole face became cold, and it immediately became cold.

He stopped immediately, and clapped his hands towards the apartment opposite Liang Yi's house.

Countless elite bodyguards surged out, and quickly stood in a row within tens of seconds.

"Go in for me, and control the people inside, all the people inside!" Leng Bo snorted coldly.

Then, he took the elevator and left directly.

In the elevator, he dialed the number in New York, USA.

"Nongying, you can act now, take Ning Motong and Wan Lingling back to the country secretly! Don't alarm anyone!" said Liangbo.

Then, Liang Bo hung up the phone.

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