Entering the door, a warm feeling came over my face.

Zhou Chuyu put the slippers under Qiao Weiwei's feet, and took off a pair of red high-heeled shoes for Qiao Weiwei that were stained with mud and fallen leaves...

Qiao Weiwei put her feet in the slippers and said, "Sister Chuyu, I want to take a bath."

Zhou Chuyu got up, patted Qiao Weiwei on the shoulder, and said, "Well, let's go to my room to wash."

Saying that, Zhou Chuyu took Qiao Weiwei's hand, smiled gently, and pulled her upstairs.

As soon as she entered the room, Qiao Weiwei went straight into the bathroom. Zhou Chuyu sat on the bed, looking at the direction Qiao Weiwei left, feeling distressed for a while.

She got up, walked into her gorgeous cloakroom, took out a clean lavender nightdress, and pushed open the bathroom door.

In the bathroom, Qiao Weiwei, who was soaking in warm water, saw Zhou Chuyu walking in, and forced a smile...

Zhou Chuyu put the nightgown on the sink and said, "This is a new one I bought, I haven't worn it yet, you can wear it later."

"Thank you... Miss Chu Yu." Qiao Weiwei said with a slight smile.

"No, you wash first, I'll go out and wait for you." Zhou Chuyu yawned, looked at Qiao Weiwei, smiled gently again, and walked out of the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later, Qiao Weiwei, who had changed into a lavender nightgown, stepped on slippers and walked out of the bathroom.

In the room, Zhou Chuyu was sitting on the sofa and changing tables boredly. In front of him was a cup of hot ginger soup, a bottle of iodine, a pack of cotton balls, and two pieces of gauze.

Seeing Qiao Weiwei coming out, Zhou Chuyu immediately waved her hand and said, "Weiwei, come here, I see that your hand is broken, I will bandage it for you."

Looking at the cup of simple ginger soup and the iodine gauze on the coffee table, Qiao Weiwei only felt warm in her heart.

She walked slowly to Zhou Chuyu and sat down, reaching out to Zhou Chuyu...

Zhou Chuyu took some iodine with a cotton ball and carefully applied it to her wound.

The iodine penetrated into the skin, obviously painful, but Qiao Weiwei felt no pain at all...

The whole person seemed to be numb.

After drinking iodine, Zhou Chuyu skillfully wrapped gauze around her hands, then put the ginger soup in her hands, and said, "Drink it, you just drenched in the rain to drive away the cold. Don't catch a cold. "

Qiao Weiwei drank the ginger soup in one gulp, put down the cup, moved her pale lips, forced a smile, and said, "Thank you, Sister Chuyu."

Sugar was added to the ginger soup, but she felt it was extremely bitter.

She took Zhou Chuyu's arm directly, and leaned against her arms...

After such a long time of contact, she has no friends since she was a child, and she has already regarded Zhou Chuyu as her best friend and dearest sister.

Only in front of Zhou Chuyu would she let go of all her strength and tear off all her gorgeous disguises.

"What, did you quarrel with Master Bo?" Zhou Chuyu asked, turning his face sideways, touching her loose and smooth hair.

Qiao Weiwei's gaze dimmed again because of Zhou Chuyu's words.

quarrel?Is that a quarrel?

"He... is getting married, sister Chu Yu... do you know?" Qiao Weiwei sat up straight, turned to look at Zhou Chuyu, and said lightly.

No matter how hard she tried to downplay it, the ray of sorrow in her eyes still exposed her heart.

"What did you say? Get married? Impossible? With whom?" Zhou Chuyu looked at Qiao Weiwei in surprise, with an unbelievable expression on her face...

"That's right... get married, or marry with a son, and the person is Sun Xiaoran..." As she spoke, she feebly raised one corner of her lips.

"Sun Xiaoran?...Just her?" Zhou Chuyu didn't have a good impression of Sun Xiaoran, so hearing what Qiao Weiwei said, he was naturally very upset.

"Yes... that's her... she broke Master Bo's child... she is about to become the young mistress of the Liang family... and my relationship with Master Bo will end here." Qiao Weiwei shrugged and held Zhou Chuyu warmly hand, said.

"Master Bo wants to break up with you because of her?" Zhou Chuyu frowned and asked.

"No...it was I who mentioned it...he meant to let me stay by his side even after getting married, then I would become the third party in their marriage, Sister Chuyu, my mother used to be the first one because of the first marriage. The intervention of the three parties made her desperate to commit suicide by cutting her wrists. I can’t forget my mother lying in a pool of blood until now. I hate the third party to death. How could I be the third party myself? If I really After doing that, what is the difference between me and the Chen Bihua back then?" Qiao Weiwei sighed and spoke seriously.

"So, you quarreled with Mr. Bo and then came out?"

"Yes... I told him that if you want me to stay, then don't get married. He said no... Maybe he also likes Sun Xiaoran. If that's the case, then I should help them both, shouldn't I?" Thinking of his hesitation when she told Liang Bo not to get married, her heart began to throb again and again.

"Hey... don't be sad, I always think this is too strange, Mr. Bo obviously likes you, why would he suddenly want to marry Sun Xiaoran out of nowhere, maybe he has some difficulties? I'll ask him tomorrow... " Zhou Chuyu took Qiao Weiwei into his arms, comforted Qiao Weiwei like a big sister, and kept stroking her hair with his hands.

"What difficulties does he have? This is not a bloody idol drama... Forget it, that's fine, I just took the opportunity to get away, leave his world, and find my own piece of heaven..." Qiao Weiwei hugged Zhou Chuyu tightly , with her face on her shoulder...

A hot tear soaked Zhou Chuyu's shoulder.

Zhou Chuyu pushed Qiao Weiwei away, stretched out his hand, wiped away the tears on her face, and said, "Hey, don't cry..."

"Sister Chuyu, I'm so sleepy, I want to sleep..." She pushed Zhou Chuyu away and said...

When she is sad, she always likes to fall asleep, because as long as she falls asleep, she can escape everything and her heart will not hurt.

"Okay... go to bed quickly, I'll sleep in a while." Zhou Chuyu helped Qiao Weiwei up and said.

Qiao Weiwei nodded, turned around, sighed, strode to the big snow-white bed, got into the bed, moved her sore body, and closed her eyes.

Watching Qiao Weiwei go to bed, Zhou Chuyu took the mobile phone, gently pushed open the bedroom door, and walked out.

Standing at the door, Zhou Chuyu called Ou Xiangbei.

phone here.

Ou Xiangbei was sleeping soundly. When the phone rang "I want to fly higher~Fly higher~", Ou Xiangbei turned over impatiently and cursed in a low voice: "Go to your mother's Wang Feng, fly to me!" Your sister, fly... then fly and cut..."

"I want to fly higher~Fly higher~" The phone rings still relentlessly...

"Damn~!" Ou Xiangbei cursed secretly, reached out to touch the phone on the bedside table, closed his eyes, and said: "Who, such a fool, actually gave the uncle a midnight wake-up service..."

"Xiangbei...what's the matter with Master Bo? Why do you want to get married all of a sudden? Is he on the same level as Sun Xiaoran?"

Zhou Chuyu's question made Ou Xiangbei tremble, and he woke up instantly, sitting up like a spring...

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