"Yeah, Chen Bei, you usually like clubbing the most! You can go with Li Chang!" Gu Si also started to help Li Chang beside him, "Go, it's just a drink between friends, don't be so restrained."

"That's right, Sister Beibei, do you dare to go with me? You are not even allowed to drink a glass of wine, you don't look like this kind of person?" Li Chang said evilly, his face was full of slyness, making him Chen Bei became even angrier after seeing it!However, Chen Bei couldn't stand aggressive tactics the most!So, when he said that, he really had to go.

Well, exactly!She can also take the opportunity to reward him with a few slaps!

"Okay, since this is the case, the hospitality is hard to turn down, let's go." Although she said so, Chen Bei still had a gritted face on her face, not at all willing.

Pulling off one of her coats, Chen Bei hurried out, but when she was at the door, she paused, "Aren't you going with us?" Looking at Gu Si, she was also extremely conflicted, whether she wanted to go with Li Chang go!But they are already on the road, can they still return?

"No, have fun." Gu Si tried to force a smile from the corner of his lips.

No wonder it will be happy!Chen Bei curled her lips, feeling extremely uneasy...

"Sorry, the person you are dialing has switched off..."

"Damn it, it turned off! Do you think I won't be able to find you? Gu Si, are you a little naive?" With veins appearing on Bai Ting's forehead, he was so angry that he held the phone tightly in his palm. , almost crushed by him!

However, now that Gu Si could not be found, he was panicked and uneasy.

Moreover, her "arrogant" behavior made him very dissatisfied.Why is this dead woman becoming more and more disobedient.

"Gu Si, let me tell you, you can hide today, but you can't hide tomorrow! You'd better show up to me obediently! Otherwise, if I catch you, I'll take your skin off!"

On the phone, Bai Ting's message was extremely cruel, and his teeth itched with hatred.

Gu Si, who was preparing to wash at Chen Bei's house, was sneezing non-stop at this moment, as if she had a premonition that Bai Ting must be scolding her, and she squirmed her mouth in disdain, "You scold! You just scold It's enough!" She hid in Chen Bei's house, and Bai Ting didn't even know where Chen Bei's house was?Therefore, this place is considered a completely safe place, and she couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Bai, we don't know where the editor-in-chief has gone? She only said that she will be away for a few days temporarily, and we will take care of things first. We... thought... thought that the two of you went on a trip together?" Magazine The people in the club were also surprised by Bai Ting's appearance.

Judging from their expressions, it doesn't look like they are lying.

After leaving for a few days, where did you go?Bai Ting's brows tightened even more, extremely annoyed!Before coming to the magazine office, he had been to Tang Yunze's hospital, and he didn't see Gu Si's figure. After finding two places, Bai Ting couldn't help feeling a little panicked...

To go to Gu Si's house, in fact, he could predict that since she wanted to avoid him, she would definitely not stay at home, but he was still willing to give it a try.

"Hey... Bai Ting, what's the matter with you? What's wrong with you?" Gu Kang opened the door, and saw Bai Ting approaching aggressively, and after he forced his way in, he searched every room for a body.

"What is wrong with you that you want to come here to act wild?" Gu Kang was very dissatisfied with his attitude. Although he no longer hated and hated him as before, this behavior... really made me People get angry.

"Where is Gu Si?" When he found that there was no sign of Gu Si in every room, he still asked knowingly, as if Gu Kang hid her!

"She hasn't come home yet!"

Gu Kang replied directly, just now, Gu Si just hurriedly informed her, telling him not to worry, she hung up the phone after staying at Chen Bei's house for a few nights, he was at a loss at the time, and didn't know what was going on ?But at this moment, Bai Ting came in a hurry, so he knew why Gu Si didn't dare to go home?

"She didn't go home. As a younger brother, you are not nervous at all?" He couldn't believe it, and Bai Ting's eyes showed his distrust in him!

"What you said is a bit interesting. Gu Si is no longer a child! She has her own freedom and life. If she doesn't come back, should I tie her back?"

Gu Kang's reply was instantly more hostile, and there was unavoidable sarcasm in his words.

Although it makes sense to say so, Bai Ting's eyes are always dubious and he doesn't believe him. He still clearly remembers how much Gu Kang was worried about Gu Si in the past. Alienated, then there is only one answer. In fact, Gu Kang already knew where Gu Si went, but he was reluctant to tell him.

"What are you looking at me for? I'm telling the truth." While talking, Gu Kang looked at the time on his wrist, "It's getting late, I should pick up Gu Xiaojun from school."

Whether Gu Xiaojun went to kindergarten or he went to practice the piano, Gu Kang always played the role of a baby daddy without any complaints. Even though he knew clearly that there was no result between him and Gu Si, he was good to both mother and child. Sincerely.

Hearing about Gu Xiaojun, Bai Ting didn't hate Gu Kang so strongly. After all, he has been doing the duty of "father" on his behalf.For this, he owes him!

He didn't stop Gu Kang from leaving, after all, his son was important.However, what he is most anxious about now is to find Gu Si...

However, at this moment, Bai Ting's cell phone rang, "Young Master Bai, are you coming out for a drink? Oh... By the way, Sisi is not here, only Chen Bei is here, are you coming?"

He was yelling through the phone. When Gu Si appeared at Chen Bei's house just now, he was not only surprised, but also because he thought that Gu Si must be entangled with nowhere to go. At home, and this person...you don't need to think about it, it must be Bai Ting.

Moreover, since Chen Bei was by the side, it was difficult for him to say it clearly, but he believed that after such a small adjustment, Bai Ting's thinking would definitely be turned around.

"Hey... Who are you calling? Hurry up and hang up! Really..." Chen Bei immediately tore off his cell phone beside him.

Li Chang's voice and Chen Bei's voice came from Bai Ting's ears...

At first, Bai Ting was quite puzzled, but after a while, he finally understood what was going on, "Li Chang, you are smart this time."

When he said this, what Li Chang meant was that Gu Si was at Chen Bei's house. Although he didn't know where Chen Bei's house lived, but as long as he wanted to check, he would be able to find it in a short time. found within.

"Ding dong ding dong..." The eager doorbell rang.

Gu Si in the bathroom seemed to hear a little voice, "No? Did I hear it wrong? It's impossible for Beibei to come back so early?"

After all, once Chen Bei goes out to club, she will never give up before midnight?Could it be Chen Bei's father?Is it even more impossible?He has traveled abroad, and it is impossible to come back now.

"Ding dong ding dong..." The loud sound of the door continued to resound.

Gu Si turned off the shower, hurriedly put on the bathrobe, wrapped her delicate body tightly, "Who is it? It's coming!"

That's the answer, but Gu Si couldn't help feeling afraid in his heart.Gu Si couldn't help but tremble when he couldn't wait for the answer from outside the room.

"Beibei, is that you?" Gu Si was still on guard, if he was a hooligan, wouldn't he be in trouble.

"Ding dong ding dong..." The impatient voice was unusually frightening.

"Yes..." A similar female voice came from outside the door. Gu Si frowned and couldn't hear it clearly, but this time he seemed relieved and opened the door decisively, "Why did you come back..."

When Gu Si saw Bai Ting when he opened the door, his voice stopped abruptly.It turned out to be him!This damned man even pretended to be a female voice to coax her... When did this guy lose his status so quickly.

In the next second, Gu Si had reacted very quickly and immediately closed the door. Her strength was not as strong as Bai Ting's. She could only watch him come in, lock the lock, and stare at Gu Si with a gloomy look. One piece seemed to be enough to swallow Gu Si, and at the same time, he quickly began to walk around every room to check, the whole person was a symbol of a devil... A series of actions showed his anger.

"You... what are you... doing? What are you doing here?" Gu Si hadn't gotten into the mood at all, and he really didn't know why he came here. It was absolutely impossible for Chen Bei to tell him.

And, think about it, she was too negligent just now, if it wasn't Bai Ting but a bad person just now, then she wasn't...

Gu Si hardly dared to think about this!His complexion also turned pale unconsciously, "What are you looking at? Bai Ting, you get out, this is someone else's house, you are not welcome here."

Gu Si really can't stand him looking around like a policeman, and she is more like her prisoner!

"Stop... what on earth are you trying to do?" Gu Si's decibels became louder and louder, and a burst of sullen anger appeared on his face.

Bai Ting's cheeks were also unbelievably dark, and he finally stopped after confirming that there was no one else in the room.He knew that Chen Bei lived with his father, and now that Chen Bei was with Li Chang in a nightclub, so it wasn't... Only Gu Si and Chen Bei's father were at home?

Thinking of this, Bai Ting rushed all the way, with a hot fire suppressed in his chest, but he was a little relieved when he confirmed that there was no one else in the room, but his footsteps pressed on step by step. Gu Si, like a hungry wolf pouncing on its food, may devour Gu Si to pieces at any time...

"You...you don't do this! Don't come near me..."

Facing his fierce appearance, Gu Si's whole body was full of fear...

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