"Hey...you let me go? What exactly do you want? This is a hospital, everyone is watching, can't you restrain yourself?" Gu Si was violently pulled out of the ward by Bai Ting, and was firmly detained in his In his arms, such a big behavior attracted the attention of other people in the hospital.Her cheeks were so blushing that she didn't know where to put them, and she panted a lot.

And Bai Ting no matter how much Gu Si yelled, he just didn't let go, and all the anger in his head was backlogged in his chest with all his strength.

"So what? If others want to watch it, let them watch it. I don't care."

Moreover, this is a lesson for Gu Si, telling her to think about the future and the consequences when doing things in the future...

"You don't care, but I do. Why don't you ever think about me? You don't want to put yourself in my shoes. What you do is not loving me at all. You are just selfish, authoritarian, arrogant, and domineering. Making trouble out of no reason, you don't want others to take away the people who belonged to you, that's why you do everything possible to separate Tang Yunze and me. Don't you think you are happy seeing me unhappy? "

Clamped by him, she didn't even have the strength to yell at him. However, every word and action she said was showing her anger towards him, but she couldn't escape from his side in desperation. .

Selfish, authoritarian, arrogant, domineering...

With this series of words, Bai Ting's grip on her became stronger invisibly, "So I am this kind of person in your eyes!" After doing so much, it really didn't help at all!

His heart was stabbing suddenly, but no matter how strong the stabbing pain was, he could only endure it forcefully.

"You are, no matter how much you deny it, this is the truth. You are selfish, you are unhappy, so others will be unhappy with you. Why do you treat me like this? If you want Xiaojun, I can take Xiaojun I give it to you!"

Gu Si was so annoyed that even Gu Xiaojun moved out, but after he finished speaking, he regretted it.I can't bear to part with Gu Xiaojun, and I can't bear to leave Gu Xiaojun, but there is one fact that I have to admit is that Gu Xiaojun followed Bai Ting, which has a great impact on Gu Xiaojun's future development and growth...

The more Bai Ting listened, the more angry he became!

"Damn Tang Yunze, is that important to you?" And what about him?But the humble one couldn't be more humble, she didn't pay attention to it at all!

"Yes, he is important! The person I will decide to marry, how could it be unimportant?" Although Gu Si answered this question smoothly, she actually didn't think so in her heart. "Don't treat me like this, okay? Let me be free and let me live an ordinary life..."

The yelling just now had turned into pleading now, she was hoping that he would hold his hand high and take pity on her...

It's not that Bai Ting didn't see the pleading on her face, her words and deeds undoubtedly drove him into the cold cellar, shivering from the cold!He has already seen Gu Si's determination. Her stubborn temper is not just talking, so if she continues to entangle, everyone will only be exhausted.

She said he was selfish, but in fact, how did she know that as long as it was about her, no matter how selfish he was, he would become magnanimous. The only thing was that she couldn't be with other men...

However, until now, the relationship between them has really reached the ENDING ending, even if they try to keep them, it will be futile!

Facing Bai Ting's sudden silence, Gu Si's heart couldn't help but tugged together. What's wrong with him?What is he thinking in his mind?When he doesn't speak, he's a hundred times, a thousand times more terrifying than when he's angry...

"You...you say something?" Gu Si pretended to be angry and said, but in fact, she really cared about his thoughts!

However, he still used his extremely deep eyes to stare at Gu Si affectionately, which was extremely meaningful...

"Sisi, I know that if I continue to force you down, we will be farther and farther apart! But, if I let go like this, I really can't bear it, it's just like you said that I can't be reconciled. And the two choices I mentioned last time , I also take it back, but my request is that I want you to stay by my side for a month, just as a little charity to me, a selfish person, and to give me memories to think about in my future life. "

Without the arrogance and harshness just now, his voice was low, and his seriousness was engraved on Junyi's cheek.

Gu Si frowned and still couldn't accept this request from him. Why is he still so persistent?

"One month is not too much, right? If you are pregnant within one month, it is up to you to decide whether the child will stay or not. Although I really want it, the choice is yours."

Let go, powerless, in the pursuit of love with Gu Si, he is completely exhausted...

One month may be enough time for him to think about their beauty for the rest of his life.

Gu Si didn't express any opinions for the time being, as if he was weighing the good and bad of it, whether he should agree or not.After all, he never kept his word every time!

"A month later, if you want to marry Tang Yunze or anyone else, I will not interfere, but I have a request. Within these 30 days, except for your normal working hours, the rest of the time belongs to me. I want to ask you out, so you can't make excuses to put me off, can you?" There was a lot of seriousness hidden in the dark pupils, as if all this would be completely over after 30 days.

"Can I really trust you just once?"

Gu Si asked rhetorically, there were too many uncertain factors hidden in the rhetorical question!

"You don't have a choice, do you? So, you can only choose to trust me once! A month will pass soon." His mood has completely calmed down.

From his eyes, it was not difficult for her to see his seriousness this time.He was right, in order to "get rid of" him, she really had no choice!No matter whether he is real or not, in this month, she can only agree to him...

After staring at Gu Si and finally nodding after repeated hesitation, Bai Ting couldn't help but feel sourness floating in his eyes. He thought she would be more or less reluctant, but, from her In his expression, he couldn't see any reluctance, but only a kind of relief...

Only Gu Si knew that she was not as calm and free as she appeared on the surface, and she also had strong reluctance condensed in her heart, but what can she do if she is reluctance?

She couldn't get over this hurdle in her heart. If she and Bai Ting continued to be together unscrupulously, she would not only be afraid of other people's gossip, but most importantly, her conscience would be disturbed.

Yang Qing's death, Yang's mother's madness... Even though these things don't have much direct connection with her, they are inseparable from her.

Even if she loves Bai Ting deeply, she can only bless her, and hope he can bless herself!

"Let's go, since you agreed, let's start planning our first date tomorrow." Bai Ting took her hand and pressed it tightly into his broad palm, warm and giving her infinite warmth , which made Gu Si feel heartbroken.

"Still dating?"

She spoke in surprise.

At their age, it seems that they have already passed the age of sweet dating between lovers, right?However, it is worth saying that every woman, whether old or young, wants to be pampered by a man.

Bai Ting's pet sometimes makes her not want to leave, but just because she doesn't want to leave him, doesn't mean she has the right to continue entangled with him...

"Of course, it will be Christmas Eve in a few days. Is there any place you want to go?" Bai Ting asked, his eyes were always burning on Gu Si no matter when and where, paying attention to her every word Yixing, the eyes full of attention are full of deep love for Gu Si, but unfortunately, they can't be together because of their deep love.

Maybe, because of this, there are so many abandoned hearts, abandoned people, lonely people in this world...

Suddenly, a thought flashed in Bai Ting's mind. After several years, he would be alone and die alone...

Such a scene couldn't help but make him tremble all over, but what about Gu Si?Where will she be?Spend a happy old age with Tang Yunze?Countless voices clamored frantically in their hearts, telling themselves that Gu Si should not be let go just like that, but, until now, this is the only way for her to give him a little more memory.

"Let's take a look. I don't know what activities the magazine society has. Maybe I have to work overtime and cover the night." Gu Si's voice has completely calmed down, and he is telling the facts.

It's rare for two people to walk side by side in the street so quietly. The combination of a handsome man and a beautiful woman has always been the focus of everyone's eyes. In fact, in the eyes of outsiders, they are so well matched, but the picture cannot be frozen at this moment...

The only thing Bai Ting can do now is to get along with Gu Si peacefully in the next 30 days and cherish every minute and every second...

Neither of them spoke, as if neither of them wanted to break the silence, they were both quietly enjoying the wonderful meaning of it.

After a while, Bai Ting finally said, "Gu Si, you are now a strong woman. While I am happy for you, I don't really like that you have become so strong."

The faint voice was mixed with confusion and contradictions.

If it was Gu Si who was cornered in the past, she would definitely cooperate with him in what he said; but now Gu Si is actually very famous.

Instead of giving a timely answer, she became deep!

After a long time, a faint smile appeared on the corners of her lips, "I am enjoying the moment!" The implication is that she is so satisfied with the status quo.

Her smile cast a shadow in Bai Ting's heart. Without him, she could really live a very good life. It's just that he refused to let go, causing her troubles in vain...

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