The more considerate Bai Ting was to her, the softer her heart would be involuntarily. This kind of soft heart undoubtedly gave her a kind of panic and uneasiness. She was afraid that after a month, she would be reluctant to leave him in the end, and it would be herself who was attached to him.

Therefore, only when I see Yang's mother, perhaps, can I stimulate her and warn her not to allow myself to continue to have nostalgia for him...

After all, she felt that she couldn't shirk her responsibility for the reason why Mother Yang became insane.

However, when she came to the mental hospital, Gu Si was shocked by that figure, "How could it be him?" She never expected that Bai Ting would appear here.

"Ms. Yang, the recent situation is much better than when she first came here. At least she is not as hysterical as before. This is a sign that her condition is improving. If she continues to maintain this state, she should regain her sanity soon."

"Thank you, I took the trouble."

Bai Ting thanked her, and looked at Mother Yang through the window. Although the doctor said that she had recovered, her disheveled hair and frightened face still couldn't be compared to a normal person.

"Mr. Bai, it is our hospital that should say thank you. If it weren't for the sponsorship funds you provided for us to purchase advanced therapeutic equipment and introduce Dr. Steven to teach us, the patients in our hospital would not have received such fast and good medical treatment. Recovery. Ms. Yang will get better, and it's all your fault."

The dean has a sincere face.

Thanks to Yang's mother being hospitalized, the hospital was able to get Bai Ting's sponsorship, and Dr Steven is an authority in psychiatry all over the world. It is the highest honor for people in the industry to be guided and taught by him, and only Bai Ting's connections And power can please move him.

Authorities in almost every field will sell his face.He doesn't need to show off, his dignity can be easily reflected...

"You're being polite. If you really want to thank me, then heal her for me." Isn't that his real purpose?

Although it may not be a good thing to cure Yang's mother's condition, he does not want to see Yang's mother become like this after Yang Qing's death. At least he should do something for Yang Qing, and the most important thing is He believes that Gu Si also does not want Yang's mother to continue to be crazy like this.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Bai, we will do our best to treat Ms. Yang well, please rest assured."

The dean bowed and nodded, very respectful.

Gu Si listened to the conversation between Bai Ting and the dean, and she had to admit that she had a new understanding of Bai Ting.She never thought that Bai Ting would have such a sentimental and kind side.

According to his usual style of doing things, he would never have such a good heart...

As soon as Bai Ting turned around, he saw Gu Si's figure not far away, and she stared at him without evasion. Such a look was a kind of recognition, and even more a kind of approval.

"Have you been here for a long time?" It was Bai Ting who spoke first. During the conversation, there was a subtle change. He was less rusty than before, but he was also more considerate.

In the past, he was always shouting and shouting, and everything was centered on him, and he could not allow others to resist him bit by bit...

"Just came here for a while!" Gu Si didn't say much, but his feet slowly walked towards the direction where Yang's mother was sitting, but Bai Ting choked her wrist halfway, "Don't go, although she It's better, shouldn't get close to her now."

He was worried that Mother Yang would hurt her, and his voice was full of uneasiness and tension.

"Don't worry, she won't." With certainty and trust.

In fact, sometimes there is more trust between people, there will be more harmony and joy, and there is no need to ask for trouble.

After breaking free from Bai Ting's hand, he was still as quiet as when he was close to her that day.Because someone broke into the room, Mother Yang's body jumped up suddenly, and a layer of fear and panic appeared on her pale cheeks, "Don't hurt Yang Qing, my baby, Mommy will protect you." Mother Yang died He desperately protected the doll in his hand, treating it as life.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt Yang Qing, you don't have to be wary of me. Do you remember? I saw you last time..." Gu Si knew that she no longer knew her, and tried to evoke her memory.

Bai Ting also stepped forward to protect Gu Si as much as possible, for fear that Mother Yang would hurt her again.

However, Mother Yang frowned, as if she had a little impression, and naturally relaxed her guard, Gu Si saw that she was no longer aggressive!Gently brushing her messy hair like straw, "A woman's hair is the most precious, it cannot be easily loosened or messed up..." As she spoke, she carefully braided a hair on the back of her head. bun.

The messy hair can easily destroy a woman's image. Gu Si's behavior did not make Yang's mother angry. Instead, she just looked at her quietly, as if she could faintly feel the kindness...

"Young Master Bai, have you heard that you are going to Las Vegas with Sisi? I heard that your private jet has been maintained and is ready to leave at any time, right?"

Li Chang's face was full of excitement, and he kept asking Bai Ting about going to Las Vegas.

Originally, Bai Ting's private jet was under maintenance, so he could only take the passenger plane with Gu Si, but the assistant said that the maintenance could be completed in just two days, so the trip to Las Vegas was postponed for a day or two .But, he didn't know the news, how could Li Chang know, looking at the weirdness on his face, one could tell it was not a good thing.

"What do you want to say?"

"I... don't I just want to take your free private jet and go to Las Vegas for a walk to relax. Anyway, with such a big space, you won't mind being alone, right? I promise I won't be a light bulb for you and Sisi, I will be very honest."

Li Chang said seriously, and expressed his eagerness for the trip to Las Vegas.

The excitement, joy, indescribable.

Bai Ting snorted coldly, expressing disapproval, his appearance was already a light bulb, how could he guarantee it?

"Hey, don't be silent, don't be so stingy! Can I... take someone with me?" Li Chang had so many requests, and it was still unknown whether he could take a free flight, but he asked again. The idea of ​​bringing others along.

Bai Ting found it funny, "Do you think it's possible? This time, Si Rare and I can travel alone and relax. Do you think I'll let other people destroy us?" He even asked Gu Xiaojun They have been omitted and ignored, let alone Li Chang and others...

"You can't say that. Besides, Young Master Bai has to show some sense of loyalty in life. You see, Chen Bei and I are really worried about you and Sisi. If you don't say anything in return, you have to give We have a little bit of sweetness, so that Chen Bei and I will have more motivation to deal with the two of you. Let me tell you, don't underestimate Chen Bei... She is Sisi's best friend, you know her best friend Effect? ​​This role plays a big role in your separation and reunion."

No wonder Gu Si thinks that Li Chang and Chen Bei are a very cooperative couple, both of them are eloquent people!Speaking of which, there are a lot of truths!But for himself, there is no restraint.

He and Gu Si have now reached the point where they are about to separate, and he doesn't care about the boudoir effect or not, he just wants to have more beautiful memories with her.

Seeing that Bai Ting didn't reply, Li Chang was in a hurry by himself!

"Hey, Young Master Bai, why don't you just say something! Don't keep silent! The atmosphere is weird..."

"No matter how I say it, it's still the same sentence: Impossible!"

He couldn't help blaming Li Chang in his heart, he came to disturb them at this critical time, what a good friend!so good...

On the way Gu Si returned home from the hospital, Sam followed her like a ghost.In fact, she knew it was Sam... But, she didn't want to talk to him, and even accelerated her pace deliberately, trying to get rid of him behind her.

Obviously, his appearance was prepared again, so that when Gu Si hurriedly avoided and looked back from time to time, Sam unexpectedly appeared in front of her viciously...

"Sisi, what's the matter? You seem to be very afraid of me? As the saying goes, a husband and wife are a hundred days of kindness, why do you treat it like we are a hundred days' feud." His slightly yin and yang voice came to Gu In the ears of thinking, it is a great torture.

Even in Yang Qing's case, Bai Ting let Sam go, but it doesn't mean that she has completely let go of Sam, more or less, there is a little bit of hatred hidden.

Because Sam stood in front of her, she had no choice but to stop, but her expression and demeanor showed extreme disgust and resistance to him, "I don't want to see you, please disappear in front of me immediately." She didn't Be polite, and directly show your dislike.

"Tsk tsk...don't be so aggressive towards me! Sisi, I still like you before, you are considerate and considerate of others..." Sam evilly began to count her favors, and there was something hidden in his evil eyes. Too much weirdness, completely browned to the previous clarity, and the inside is a cloud of turbidity...

"I often think, if my leg hadn't been injured and I hadn't been in a wheelchair! Everything wouldn't have happened today. You would be my kind and virtuous wife, and we would have our..."

"Enough! Sam, I don't want to hear you talking nonsense here. What do you want to do again? You do so many things that bury your conscience, aren't you afraid of God's punishment?"

Gu Si really couldn't listen to it anymore, and the tone of the question was full of hatred for Sam, and her anger was also hidden.

Sam was not in a hurry, and sneered at the "punishment" she said, "Have you been punished? You and Bai Ting have hurt so many people for your selfishness. Did God punish you?" ?Um?"

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