"Oh my God! No way! Why did some kind of Kelly suddenly appear?" After hearing what Gu Si said, Chen Bei was completely astonished, completely stunned!

How should she say it?What should I say?At this moment, she felt that she was already in a state of insanity and incoherent speech, "That...that..."

On the contrary, Gu Si is very calm. Of course, this calmness is also pretending to be calm. "It didn't appear suddenly, but she existed a long time ago. It's just that I just know it now."

"I can't tell, that bastard Bai Ting is still doing this, Jinwu Zangjiao! Damn it, I'll go to him and ask him for clarification." Chen Bei defended Gu Si, she was always grumpy and impulsive, How could it be possible to endure it?

"Beibei... don't go! It doesn't matter if you ask or not, doesn't it? Anyway, I won't have anything to do with him anymore, which is even better. He has his family, and I will be quiet with Tang Yunze Live a quiet life, and everyone will not interfere with each other." In the bottom of her heart, she tried hard to persuade herself that this is the best result.

Of course, there will still be unavoidable sadness and sadness!

"Really? Are you really okay? Can you see it like this? I don't believe it."

Chen Bei approached her, expressing considerable doubts about Gu Si's words.In fact, she knows very well that the love in Gu Si's heart can only be Bai Ting forever. No matter who she is with, Bai Ting will always exist in her heart.Now, she pretended to be very free and easy, very relaxed, but she felt sour, and the air was completely sour.

Her rhetorical question made Gu Si fall into silence.It's not that she doesn't know how to answer, but that she doesn't want to answer at all.

So what if you can see it?So what if you can't see it?The result is the same.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Chen Bei didn't continue to ask ignorantly, "Okay, I'm going to pack my luggage and get ready to go anytime." Now that things are like this, why is there any good mood to stay here for vacation?

"Wow... Junjun, your father has a woman, and your mother has a man. Will they each have their own little BBs in the future?" Niu Niu stared at Gu Xiaojun for a moment with her bright eyes shining. His eyes seemed to be full of pity and sympathy for him.

Gu Xiaojun was not in a good mood when he heard the conversation between Mommy and Auntie Beibei, but after listening to Niuniu's words, he was surrounded by sourness, and there was a thin layer of sadness in his eyes unknowingly. mist.

"Gu Xiaojun, are you crying? You don't look like a man at all!" Niu Niu began to tease him.

"Who said that? I didn't cry! I didn't cry!" His voice suddenly increased, and he said repeatedly, deliberately trying to hide his sadness, and his stubborn temper really followed suit.

As soon as Gu Si turned around, he saw that Gu Xiaojun's eyes were red, and the back of his small hand was still desperately wiping away the tears that flowed from his eyes...

In an instant, her heart throbbed fiercely, and her debt to Gu Xiaojun became more and more intense, "Xiaojun..." The voice calling her son's name was so weak, the strength in her body seemed to be drained, and her body was full of pain. Aching and empty.

Please forgive her for not being able to give him a complete family, but she will do her best to give Gu Xiaojun happiness.

In the past, Gu Xiaojun seemed to agree with whoever Gu Si was with, but the more he got along with Bai Ting, maybe because of the relationship between father and son, blood is thicker than water, he seemed to like him a little more, at least starting to be more than Tang Yunze ...

For a moment, Gu Si really didn't know what to say to his son, as if anything he said now would hurt him!

On the other hand, Niuniu approached Gu Xiaojun repeatedly, "Junjun, you are ashamed, boys...how can you cry? You are a sissy..." Niuniu kept talking, her delicate voice seemed to be gloating.

"Go away! Bad girl, I won't cry!" He pushed Niuniu a little annoyed, not letting her get so close to him...

Niuniu lost her balance and fell to the ground, "Woooooooo... Auntie, Gu Xiaojun bullied me...slapped his ass..." Niuniu lay on the ground and refused to get up, and instantly opened the box of tears.

"Niuniu get up quickly, auntie will spank Jun's ass later, Niuniu will stop crying! Now auntie wants to educate Xiaojun, can Niuniu go to that room and stay for a while?"

It seemed that she still had to say something to Gu Xiaojun, so she tried her best to coax Niuniu and stop her from making trouble!

"Auntie, you must hit him a few more times! He often bullies me, you have to teach her for me..." The two of them were fine just now, and she also said to call her parents to him, and in the blink of an eye , I said I want to add him a few more times.

Gu Xiaojun also muttered his lips in displeasure, and gave Niu Niu a hard look, the tearful eyes combined with such a stare, looked quite horrified, Niu curled her lips, and rushed into her room .The slightly chubby body is very cute, Gu Si looked at Niu Niu, and Bai Ting's words naturally came to his ears.

He also said that they would have a cute girl like Niuniu together... What hypocrisy!A strong sarcasm curled up on the corner of Gu Si's lips, and grief spread freely in his body from the bottom of his heart!

"Mummy, I'll go in too..." He dodged, as if he didn't want to talk to Gu Si, and walked past her.

"Xiaojun, let's talk!" Gu Si stopped, relying on Gu Xiaojun's intelligence and maturity, in fact, she could talk to him about many things like an adult.

"Mommy, I know what you're going to say. I just want Mommy to be happy." All along, he didn't save his pocket money to buy a man for Mommy. Now that she finally has a man by her side, he should Happy.

However, the tears kept flowing down unknowingly!Probably because I heard what Niu Niu said, in the future, Mummy and Uncle will both have their own BB, but what about him?Would they all stop loving him?play with him again?

"Xiaojun, why are you crying? Tell Mommy the reason." Gu Si held his arm and forced him to look at him.She knew that he must have heard the conversation between her and Chen Bei, so his emotions fluctuated.But, didn't he really like Tang Yunze before?

Gu Xiaojun lowered his head, not looking at Gu Si, tears dripping down on the floor, very sad.

For a while, Gu Si stopped urging him, and waited patiently for Gu Xiaojun's answer.However, she couldn't help shaking while holding Gu Xiaojun's hand. In her eyes, Xiaojun is really a very strong and sensible child.Although, from time to time, he would say some words that did not match his age, but she believed that his heart was very pure.He seldom cries, almost an optimist, cheerful all day long.

However, at this time, he was crying...

"Tell Mummy, why? Don't you also like Uncle Yunze very much?" She remembered that he often mischievously called him "brother" and said that he was more handsome than Bai Ting.

Gu Xiaojun sucked his reddened nose, and finally held back his tears a little, "Mummy, promise me that if you and Uncle Yunze have another baby in the future, in Mommy's heart, the person you love the most is Jun, can you?"

Hearing this, Gu Si's face suddenly turned pale, and his body trembled even more involuntarily.As soon as he opened his mouth, she already fully understood Gu Xiaojun's complicated mood.

"The same goes for uncle. If uncle has a baby with someone else in the future, the person he loves the most will also be Xiaojun." Gu Xiaojun added that he wanted his parents' exclusive favor.

Even though he is still called "Uncle" and "Uncle" Bai Ting, in fact, he has already admitted in his heart that Bai Ting is his father...

Tears instantly filled Gu Si's eyes. He was worried that after she and Bai Ting each had their own families, he would be alone, which seemed redundant, and would even have a strong feeling in his heart. Everyone Don't love him anymore.

Gu Si grabbed Gu Xiaojun and held her tightly in her arms, "Mummy promises to Xiaojun that you are Mommy's favorite baby."

Gu Xiaojun smiled, and wiped away the tears on her face with his small hands, "Mommy is also Xiaojun's favorite person, I hope Mommy is happy, you have to be happy with Uncle Yunze." He resumed Reaching the appearance of a little adult, he pressed Gu Xiaojun's smooth forehead, the smile on his face was very sincere and pure.

"Xiao Jun, Mommy can actually take care of you all the time. Mommy can raise you well without a man."

Because of Gu Xiaojun's crying, Gu Sizhen has the idea of ​​not marrying for life. She has her son as her sustenance, so she is also happy!Moreover, she didn't want Gu Xiaojun to be affected because she married someone else.

"No... Mommy, you must find a man! I don't want Mommy to be alone in the future. When Xiaojun grows up, Xiaojun will fall in love with others and get married. Uncle will marry someone else too! At that time, only You are left alone...I don't want it."

Gu Xiaojun spoke solemnly, with a serious face.

I heard that Gu Si's chest is warm. She is really lucky, right?God gave her such a smart, cute, sensible and caring child, which is really a compensation for this life.

"Little kid, how old are you! Talking about getting married again!" Gu Si listened to him, and he always had the ability to make her dumbfounded.

"Mommy, I will be in the first grade next semester... I am a big friend, not a child anymore. I am old enough to take care of myself, so, Mommy, there must be a man to take care of you, so I can rest assured Make a girlfriend, otherwise how can I be willing to let you alone?"

Gu Xiaojun poked Gu Si's ear in a small way, as if teasing her, still, he is still a man, and women never leave his mouth, as if he is some kind of love expert, who specializes in helping people and giving advice...

The cheeks of the mother and the son were tightly pressed together, and tears flowed between the cheeks. She is indeed full of gratitude now, thanking God for giving him such a baby, "My baby, Mommy will always love you the most .”

A word to readers:

Several comments were swallowed.Then let me say something here.I am busy with work and have a lot of troubles, so it is inevitable that I will have some impressions. I hope everyone can be more considerate.

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