"Drink, drink! What's so bad about this? You cover your nose, Gulu, drink it in one go!"

This kid Gu Xiaojun said that what others said was logical and full of reason, but when he was drinking himself just now, he pushed back and forth!

"Come on, drink it!" Gu Xiaojun couldn't wait, and put it directly into Gu Si's mouth.

As soon as Gu Si touched the soup, the extremely salty taste infiltrated into his mouth. Is this also delicious?It was obvious that the father and son were cheating on her!Gu Si's cheeks were already so painful that at this moment, she even wanted to vomit on the ground regardless of her image, but Gu Xiaojun stopped her a step earlier, "Mum, don't vomit! We must have the same pain... "

There was a smirk on his face, and, regardless of the injury on his hand, he mischievously blocked Gu Si's lips!

"No! No! Don't spit it out! Mommy, I'll drink all your soup right now..."

Comparing Mommy's soup with Uncle's soup, it's like heaven and earth. Of course, he must be very trustworthy and finish this bowl of soup.

"Stinky boy..." Gu Si had no choice but to swallow the soup, and couldn't help blaming him.

Even though Gu Xiaojun had tried his best to make the atmosphere very hot, the two of them still had no communication at all, they were cold and indifferent, as if they were planning to never have any communication in their entire lives.

"Mommy, I'm a good boy! Look, I've finished drinking all of it! Should I praise it?" Gu Xiaojun raised his eyebrows, and put on a quirky look, with flexible eyeballs between them. Go around and around. "Don't be so indifferent, okay? How about some reaction?"

Gu Xiaojun really felt very boring this time!Get downcast!

"Xiao Jun is good, you are a good boy! Sleep well after drinking, and Mommy will come to see you tomorrow!" Sharing a room with Bai Ting, she felt a fatal sense of compulsion, even if he didn't look directly at her, she always felt His eyes were like sharp knives, he would stab her unexpectedly.

"Ah... you are leaving so soon? Mommy, you are very mean! Where are you going in a hurry? You are not in a hurry to see Uncle Yunze, are you?" Don't say that Bai Ting is jealous, jealous, even Gu Xiaojun I couldn't help whining, feeling jealous.

Hearing this, Gu Si's face immediately flushed red, inexplicably hot, and even a little uncomfortable. At the same time, Bai Ting's words sounded in his mind. He once said that she was a selfish woman. For her own happiness, She abandoned her husband and son...

In fact, this is not the case at all. However, recently, she has always felt that she is full of guilt, and the guilt is still deep!

"No, Mommy still has some things to do at work, so I have to go first. Xiaojun is obedient, and Mommy will be here on time tomorrow." At this moment, when he said this, Gu Si's voice was a little trembling, and there was even a hint of trembling. The guilty conscience poured out.

Gu Xiaojun seemed not satisfied with the answer, his lips were pouting high, and his heart was very unhappy.

Bai Ting also glanced at her dissatisfied, but it was only a glance, "Daddy is with you, and Xiao Jun has grown up too, don't be so clingy! You must be brave and strong like a man." Although dissatisfied with Gu Si, However, when it comes to educating Xiaojun, Bai Ting has higher requirements for him, and he has been cultivating his independent personality since he was a child.

"Okay." After a while, two words escaped from Gu Xiaojun's mouth, very low and reluctant.

Gu Si tried her best not to look at Gu Xiaojun's unhappy cheeks, and hurriedly waved goodbye, "Bye bye, Xiaojun..." Before Gu Xiaojun could reply, she had already left the ward quickly. In front of them, she was trying her best to maintain Calmly, when he turned around, his eyes were red.

For a moment, she didn't even know what she was doing?Why did she come to this point without knowing it?In the past, even if he wasn't with Bai Ting, at least Gu Xiaojun was by his side, but now, Xiaojun insisted on living with Bai Ting, even if she forced her, it would be useless. His stubbornness was probably inherited from her, and the decision was made will not change.

"Uncle, what are you still doing here? Why don't you go after him?" Gu Xiaojun felt very frustrated, how could he have such a "dumb" daddy?How stupid!

"Why am I chasing after him?" Bai Ting just stood there, not planning to catch up.In the past, he would definitely catch up, but now it is different.

On the one hand, he was tired!The result of trying his best to please her is that her self-esteem is trampled to the ground. No matter what he does, she doesn't care, and she can't see it. In this way, why should he be so affectionate.On the other hand, now that his identity has been known by Sam, the exposure of his identity may bring harm to her and Gu Xiaojun, so it is better to keep a distance as much as possible, which is also a kind of protection for them.

"Uncle, your brain is very dull! Since you love Mommy, you should use your brains and try your best to chase her! How can you sit and do nothing? Do you know that it is very uncomfortable to do so?" A wise way! Do you think my mommy will fly back to you obediently? NONONO...impossible! My mommy has a very tough temper, and she will never turn around if you don't do anything. "

who is he?He is Gu Si's precious son, and he knows her well enough.

"I won't come back until I don't come back! I don't care about it! Isn't it good for us to live together as a father and son? Women are usually very troublesome, and it's better to be alone." Bai Ting murmured, without much confidence .

"Duplicity! It's very rare written on your face! Don't be so awkward, okay? Even if you don't chase her, just treat her as a gift! It's getting late, if she meets some gangsters on the way, look at her What should a weak woman do?" Originally, Gu Xiaojun just wanted to persuade Bai Ting to send Gu Si off, but when he said this, he couldn't help but get terrified, and continued to urge Bai Ting, "Go! Go! She is your son's mother, how can you ignore her so cruelly?"

"You're here alone, are you okay?" Bai Ting frowned, a little worried about him.

"I'm a man! How can something happen? Besides, Aunt Beibei and Uncle will come to see me later! Don't worry... Hurry up! Hurry up! If Mommy encounters any bad guys, I won't I care about you."

Gu Xiaojun urged him.

"Daddy will be right back! Be good here!" Bai Ting stroked his head, feeling sorry for him. Originally, he wanted to tell Xiaojun to send him to study in England after he recovered from his injury.

Going abroad is safer than staying here...

Now, the only thing Bai Ting hopes for in his heart is that Gu Si and Gu Xiaojun are safe.

"Yeah..." Gu Xiaojun nodded happily, "Go quickly! Go..."

When Bai Ting stepped outside the ward, he could no longer find Gu Si, "Gu Si..." He called several times, but there was no response.

I saw the crowded vehicles at the entrance of the hospital stop and go, but she was never seen in the bustling crowd, and he disappeared into the crowd. His figure shuttled through the crowd, panic, anticipation, and great loss...

Originally, these losses that shouldn't have come together strongly... Bai Ting's heart was empty, but when he turned around and was about to step into the hospital again, Gu Si's figure suddenly appeared in front of him, "Look for me!" ?"

Her voice was neither high nor loud, and even a little delicate. Since she cried just now, her long eyelashes were still stained with tears.

Just now...she heard Bai Ting's voice calling her name, and when she turned around, she saw him frantically looking for her.

Suddenly, a sense of happiness of being loved and being held in the palm of her hand rose from her heart.She clearly knew that she shouldn't have such emotions anymore, even though her engagement with Tang Yunze ended halfway, she still wanted to continue walking with him.

Now... She is still reluctant to part with her child's father!what is this?It is a kind of betrayal at all!

However, at this moment, she couldn't control her heart, and her feet even stopped.

The moment Bai Ting caught a glimpse of her face, the panic and anxiety that had just erupted disappeared in an instant...there were countless joys and comforts that surged up, and the love that he had been forcing himself to seal was scurrying around crazily.

If it was the same as before, he would have desperately stepped forward to hug her tightly and devour her, wishing to melt her into his own flesh and blood, but this time, he told himself very rationally that he could not do this again... …

He himself has lost the qualification to love her!

"Let's go! I'll see you off!" Trying to swallow all the impulse and arrogance in his body, it's not difficult to hear his forbearance in his rough voice.

disappointment!disappointment!Big disappointment!

Gu Si's disappointment spread endlessly in every corner of his body...

"Oh..." There was a simple "oh".

Bai Ting walked in front, and she followed behind. This time, she did not refuse, as if she had a premonition that even if he sent her off, he would never do anything to her...

"Xiao... Jun... Will he be fine in the hospital by himself?" After getting into the car, Gu Si asked, because he couldn't let go of Gu Xiaojun.

"Since you're worried, you should stay with him there. Isn't it a bit hypocritical to say this now?" He knew that it was because he was here and Gu Si felt uncomfortable, so he hurried away.

But what is more important to her as a mother than her son.

"If you're not here, I'll definitely be with him all the time." Gu Si didn't show any weakness, and his displeasure towards him was in his words.

Bai Ting seemed unwilling to continue discussing this topic with her. After a moment of silence, he said, "After Xiaojun recovers from his injury, I want to send him to study in England."

It's not a discussion, it's just a decision to tell her.

Only after Gu Xiaojun is settled down, can he let go and do the next thing...

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