Father Bai had always been very serious, but now, after hearing his words, Bai Ting couldn't believe his ears at all for a moment.

Such explosive news will not be so calm if it reaches his ears, no, even anyone's ears...

What's more, Father Bai is a very face-saving and self-respecting person.

Bai Mu looked at her husband in disbelief, she always thought that she was hiding well enough, and, at the beginning, she let Sam go abroad...

In fact, he knows everything, he just doesn't talk about it!

For a moment, Bai Mu's face was filled with astonishment, and the warmth of emotion spread wildly in her heart...

"Dad..." Bai Ting called his voice slightly hoarse, and now, he doesn't know if it's appropriate or inappropriate to call him this way.

"Dad, are you confused? Since he already knew that Bai Ting was not your son, you actually handed over Bai's business to him. Isn't that too unfair to me?" Sam seemed to be responding to his father's reaction. Very unhappy!The tone became extremely severe, and the decibel also increased!

what is this?A biological son is not as good as a bastard outside!

Of course, Father Bai's actions like this are undoubtedly intensifying Sam's hatred for each of them. No matter who it is, whether it's Bai Ting, his father, or his mother, they are all focused on Bai Ting. His own person, who was related to him by blood, was unexpectedly taken aside.

Bai's father didn't seem to hear Sam's question at all. Instead, he looked at Bai Ting. In fact, he had always hoped that Bai Ting would inherit the Bai's business. After all, Sam was not a business material from the beginning to the end. Sooner or later, the Bai family will fall under his hands.

"Bai Ting, you should know how I have treated you over the years. I have never treated you as an outsider. Your surname is Li, and you have been surnamed Li all your life. You are from my Bai family. It has nothing to do with whether you are related by blood or not. Relationship. I love your mother, and I love you too. We have lived together for so many years, and I don't believe that blood relationship is no match. If possible, Dad hopes that you can come back to Bai's Enterprise and help Bai's Enterprise to stand up again. At the beginning, it wasn't my sincerity that I asked you to leave Bai's enterprise. You were full of scandals at that time, I just hoped that you could restrain yourself a little! But I didn't expect you to agree to leave Bai's company... You know how sad my father was at the time Does it seem to me that you don't want to be Pa's son at all! Is that so?"

Father Bai has never spoken to Bai Ting and Sam with such earnestness. He always sets up his father's majesty in front of them, and is quite strict with each of them. The purpose is to hope that both of them can become talents and have a future .

"Dad, figure it out, what are you talking about now? Bai's enterprise is mine, it's mine! None of you can take it away? I really doubt whether you are my biological father or not. Sickness? Or is your heart simply being so fascinated by your mother..."

Sam's emotions had become uncontrollable and he was attacking his mother.

"Presumptuous! I'm talking here, is it your turn to point fingers? She is your mother, you have no qualifications to comment! I know you are not talented! You like to play tricks behind your back! So, I have always been worried I will hand over the Bai family to you! If Bai Ting is willing to come back, you can make way!"

Saying such words, Father Bai was also struggling in the most difficult way in his heart. His palms and backs were full of flesh, and he was unwilling to abandon anyone. However, now that things have turned into two brothers who have become enemies, this hatred is indeed true. Difficult to resolve.Especially Sam, his body and mind have even reached an extremely distorted state. He can't hear anyone persuading him, and he just believes that others are deliberately framing him.

For Bai Ting, it is a great fortune for his father to tolerate him and his mother so magnanimously. From the bottom of his heart, he is grateful to his father for his love and affection for him. As for Bai Ting...it is not his thing, he should not get it .

"Father, thank you for nurturing me over the years! However, it is impossible for me to enter Bai's enterprise again." Bai Ting said very seriously, "From the day I took over Bai's, I have never had any thoughts I want to occupy it and occupy it all by myself. I only have one goal and that is to manage the Bai family well. In fact, I knew very early on that I am not your son. I am selfish and don't want to lose you and my entire family. So, until today... ...I have no idea to expose the truth of this fact."

The question about his life experience is actually a gap in his heart, but he has always been good at covering it up, pretending that he doesn't care about anything, but in fact he is very sad in his heart.

Listening to Bai Ting's words, Mother Bai became even more flustered and excited...

It turned out that all of them knew everything, but she still pretended to be smart and thought that she had already cheated the truth.However, at this moment, Bai Mu is undoubtedly the happiest woman in the world.There is a husband who tolerates her so much and loves her so much, and a son who is so sensible and considerate of her... Life is like this, what else is there to pursue?

The only imperfection was the disagreement between Sam and Bai Ting.They are like natural enemies, and there is no moment when they can coexist peacefully.

Sam listened to their words, only to find it ridiculous.

"Hahaha..." There was a burst of laughter from his mouth, and the smile was full of contempt.

"Sam, stop your ridiculous behavior for me! We are a family, do you have to fight like this, and fight to the death before you give up? What are you thinking! When will you wake up? Come here!" Father Bai hated him so much!He had always been the most just and fair father of them all, never favoring either of them.

It seems that this is unacceptable to Sam.

"Sam, Xiaojun has become like this now, I won't just let it go, if you continue to do things that hurt Sisi and us, I won't take any sympathy into account, even if you fight, fight to the end , fight to the death, and I will continue to fight with you."

Bai Ting's eyes were frighteningly dark, anyone who hurt Gu Si or Gu Xiaojun, he would never let go.

"Bai Ting, don't be like this. You are brothers. Now that Sam has gone astray, can you forgive him for this? Mom doesn't want to see you two brothers get hurt. Mom feels sorry for whoever of you gets hurt." She begged Bai Ting bitterly.

No parent wants their children to turn against each other. Everyone hopes that they can coexist peacefully. However, they are different from ordinary children. Both of them are competitive people.

Even though Bai Ting has changed a lot, Sam did go too far this time, Xiao Jun... Can he really not wake up?

"Sam, mom please, please stop hating! Live well, okay? If you feel unhappy staying here, mom can accompany you to live abroad..." Yes, live abroad, thoroughly If he forgets here and lives abroad, he won't be in such pain.

"Hehe...going abroad again! Mom, you are such a good mother! The way you love me is to let me leave my hometown and wander around? Before, you let me go abroad. I was young and could only follow your arrangements. Now...I solemnly tell you, you don't want to control my life anymore! Bai Ting, you are right, I just want to fight with you! Fight to the death! Gu Xiaojun's transformation into a vegetable is only the first step of my plan , it is impossible for you and Gu Sisi to live happily and peacefully! 100 million, 1000 million is impossible! Your happiness is based on my pain. If you want to be happy, you must first go through my pain. agreed."

Sam grinned his teeth, his eyes filled with horrific anger, and at the same time, he beat his legs desperately, completely unconscious, no matter how hard he pounded, there was no response at all.

"Sam, don't...Mom, please, please! Don't hurt yourself!" Bai Mu stopped his slightly crazy behavior, she could feel the pain in his heart!

"Mom, I didn't hurt myself, I didn't hurt at all! Do you know that we hoped it would hurt, but... it didn't feel anything! So, retribution is coming, Gu Xiaojun is the same as me, no matter what you do, He just can't wake up! Bai Ting, this is the retribution of you and Gu Si! Look, your retribution is yet to come, I will not let you go! Yang Qing's wronged soul will not let you go... think Think about it, how much she loved you back then, but you didn't take her feelings to heart at all, and did some nasty things with Gu Si in private."

"Have you said enough? If you've said enough, get out! Carry him to his room." Father Bai didn't want to do these things that would hurt his self-esteem, but his behavior was beyond bear!

"I didn't say enough! Mom...you are so selfish! Mom is the most selfish woman I have ever seen! You only think about Bai Ting, why have you ever thought about me? I am also your son! Are you doing anything? Before, I thought about it, I am also a son! I hate you...I hate each of you, so I will not give up! I will never give up! Only by watching you suffer, I will get a little balance in my heart. "

Sam's mood was very manic, and a ferocious look appeared on his face, which was extremely frightening.

Mother Bai's tears flowed wantonly on her cheeks, "It's mother's fault, mother's mistake, please forgive me..." She didn't want to do this, but she had no other choice.

Father Bai stepped forward to hug her tightly, without saying anything, only a hug, which showed that he had always stood by her side, trusted her, and could understand her difficulties.They were all her sons, and she couldn't bear to lose any of them...

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