Chapter 523 Drinking orders!

Long Chen also had staring eyes, glanced at Lian Yue, who was bleeding from his forehead and pale, and said in a frosty voice without any emotion: "Concubine Chen is seriously injured, so I don't need to attend the banquet, come here, send Concubine Lian Chen back to Shangyang Gong heals his wounds!"

After the words fell, he hugged Mu Tianxue, turned around and walked up the steps to Jiuqing Palace, without even taking a second look at Lian Yue!

Hearing Long Chen's cold words without the slightest emotion, Lian Yue's thin body trembled suddenly, and fell powerlessly to the ground, her face was covered with tears and blood.

Her resentful eyes kept staring at the two leaving figures, and she bit her lips tightly until blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth, she didn't even know it!

My heart has long been swallowed by the flames of resentment!

She rolled down the steps and was seriously injured, but he didn't even have a word of concern, he only had Mu Tianxue in his eyes and heart.

when?When will it be?Only in his eyes can he see her existence?

During the banquet in Jiuqing Hall, everyone took their seats. Before the banquet started, before the sound of strings and bamboos, they sang and danced to celebrate, but Princess Yilan couldn't bear it any longer. She got up and said to Long Chenyi who was sitting on the dragon chair:

"Your Majesty, Yilan is the princess of the Beiteng Kingdom, so she is not qualified to ask about the affairs of the imperial court, but this time Yilan came here for the sake of the relatives of the two countries. In the future, she will be the emperor's person. You talk so much, talk about what you saw today, report the facts!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole banquet fell silent instantly, and everyone's eyes fell on He Yilan.

Before entering the harem, they asked about the harem affairs. The counselor was still the emperor's favorite queen. Just because of his courage and frankness, everyone couldn't help but admire Princess Beiteng a little bit.

Long Chen was also attached to the wine cup and drank the wine lazily, his sharp black eyes glanced at He Yilan who was standing under the hall, and said coldly, a majestic sentence: "The matter of my harem, How can outsiders be allowed to interfere! If Princess Yilan can't see it, she doesn't need to see it, she can leave for the country at any time!"

Hearing this, He Yilan frowned, her face full of displeasure. Although Beiteng Kingdom is small, she is also a strong soldier. Long Chen is clearly not considering her, let alone Beiteng Kingdom. in the eyes.

"Why did your majesty say that? My father dedicated Yilan to the majesty. Yilan is the majesty's man. Naturally, he wants to enter the majesty's harem. The empress is the lord of the six palaces, but in front of all civil and military officials and this princess, Pushing the concubine Chen down the steps with his own hands, murdering the concubine Chen, the empress does such vicious things, does the emperor want to sit idly by?"

He Yilan is the vanguard of the female generals of the Beiteng Kingdom. She has a strong temperament and is outspoken. When she sees something unpleasant, she will never sit idly by.

What's more, the person who was wronged was still the princess of Lianyun Kingdom. With the current relationship between the two countries, she would definitely not stand by and watch.

The Kong envoy who was escorting He Yilan saw that his princess was meddling again, so he hurriedly stepped forward and whispered in He Yilan's ear, "Your Highness, this matter is the emperor's family matter, and the princess still keeps her mouth shut." , don't offend the emperor! The princess must remember the purpose of coming to the dynasty! Don't ruin the plan."

He Yilan glared at Envoy Kong, raised his haughty chin, still looked directly at Long Chenyi and Mu Tianxue who were above the high hall, and did not listen to Envoy Kong's words at all.

Long Chen's dark eyes also sank, and he looked at He Yilan coldly, "Princess Yilan, you'd better get your identity right, the dynasty is not your Beiteng country, how can you allow you to act arrogantly here! The matter of my harem is even more serious." I can't stand you saying a word."

The fierce and majestic voice resounded in the entire hall, and all the civil and military officials were terrified, and they were silent like cicadas, and none of them dared to make a sound.

He Yilan's heart trembled, a wave of fear spread in her heart, and her face became ugly in an instant. Long Chen was also warning her, even if she was Princess Beiteng.

If he overstepped his status and took care of things that shouldn't be taken care of, he still wouldn't convict her because of her status as a princess.

"Please calm down the emperor, the princess is just used to being arrogant and indulgent, she has no other intentions, let alone disrespect to the empress, please forgive me!"

Seeing Long Chenyi, the envoy of Confucius was furious, and hurried out to the middle of the hall to explain to Long Chenyi.

He Yilan frowned, with a look of unwillingness, raised the wine glass on the table, toasted Long Chenyi and Mu Tianxue, and said solemnly: "It's Yilan who is ignorant, who surpassed her status and offended the empress, and please the emperor, The queen is magnanimous and doesn't care about Yilan, Yilan punishes herself with three glasses of wine!"

After finishing the words, he leaned his neck back and drank the wine in the glass, then poured two more glasses, and drank them all in one gulp, before sitting back on his seat.

Mu Tianxue has been casually playing with the wine glass in her hand, and occasionally glanced at He Yilan, who had an ugly face, and the ministers who dared not speak out.

He Yilan had just arrived at the Dynasty as a married couple, and she was arguing against Lianyue, and even did not hesitate to anger Long Chenyi, which is a bit interesting.

But no smart girl is so stupid as to harm herself for others.

Looking at He Yilan's awe-inspiring aura and the internal strength she gave to Lian Yue before, it can be seen that He Yilan is a martial artist.

And her frankness, refusal to stick to small details, and her aggressive temperament made her look like a heroine among women.

A woman like her doesn't pretend at all, everything is written on her face, which can be seen at a glance.

It's just that she is fighting against Lianyue so much, is it really a sense of justice?

She didn't think that He Yilan would be so stupid as to collide with her and Long Chenyi for the sake of Lian Yue. This would only harm her who came here for marriage, but not benefit!

Unless, she has ulterior motives——

During the banquet, toasts and cups were mixed, the sound of silk and bamboo was heard, and the dancers also danced to the sound of silk and bamboo. The singing and dancing in the hall was peaceful and peaceful!

In the high hall, Long Chen's face was expressionless, his black eyes were cold, his whole body was like a perfect ice sculpture, and the air conditioner was blowing straight, making the temperature of the whole hall drop to zero, as cold as a winter night.

This made all the civil and military officials sitting below feel as if they were sitting on pins and needles, trembling with fear, looking forward to the early end of the banquet, so that they can leave the banquet and return to the palace as soon as possible!

For fear of offending Longyan, after He Yilan's incident, no one dared to mention what happened in front of the Jiuqing Palace, they all acted out of anger and dare not speak out, besides, today is to welcome Princess Beiteng, but they did it like this At this point, everyone still has the mind to drink and have fun.

"Drinking like this is really boring and not enjoyable enough. Why don't you order some drinking orders, empress, what do you think?"

Just as everyone raised their arms and whispered, a hearty voice sounded in the hall, successfully attracting everyone's attention.

Mu Tianxue drank the wine in her bosom, looked at the provocative He Yilan, smiled like a flower, and said: "Princess Yilan is a distinguished guest of the dynasty. If a distinguished guest proposes to add to the fun, wouldn't it be polite to follow her? The princess is a distinguished guest, and she wants to treat her with elegance Whether it is an order or a general order, it is up to the princess to decide—"

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