Chapter 536

"What are you arresting me for? As I said, I am very satisfied with my current life! Let me out!!"

Long Chenyun frowned and looked at Lan Yi and the two guards standing in front of him, his face was full of anger, what did Long Chen also mean by sending someone to arrest him and bring him back to Lianyang Palace?

If he wanted to imprison him here, in order to insult his personality and self-esteem, he would rather go back to his thatched hut and live an unfettered life.

"This is the emperor's intention, and we can only do so, please don't make things difficult for us." Lan Yi looked at the angry Long Chenyun and said, "The emperor has no other intentions, but simply wants to bring you back!"

Long Chenyun snorted, simply wanting to bring him back?When he was demoted to a commoner, did he ever think that the blood of the royal family also flows through his body.

Back then, when he was demoted to a commoner and driven out of the palace, his self-esteem and arrogance were also driven out.

Now, taking him back to the palace is to remind him of the humiliation he suffered back then?Let him laugh at his ignorance and stupidity, let him see that everything that belongs to him falls into the hands of Long Chenyi who has always been relentless?

He clenched his fists tightly, sat in front of the table, took a sip of water to suppress the resentment in his heart, "Take me to the emperor!"

Lan Yi took the breakfast from the servants and put it on the table, said: "You eat first, it's not time to meet the emperor yet, when the emperor calls, I will take you to see the emperor!"

Long Chenyun looked coldly at the sumptuous breakfast in front of him, and felt even more annoyed in his heart. For the past five years, he had been selling calligraphy and paintings for a living, and he only ate one meal a day. The sumptuous breakfast in front of him was enough for him to eat for several days.

In contrast, the shameful anger in his heart welled up, and he angrily waved away the breakfast in front of him, "Take it down, I won't eat it, take me to see the emperor! Don't wait for me to see him for a day, I will not eat for a day."

Lan Yi frowned, looked at Long Chenyun's face full of anger, and sighed helplessly: "Why do you have to make trouble with yourself, people are iron rice or steel, if you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry, you still eat Get something!"

"Go out, take out the food together" Long Chenyun said coldly, pointing outside with a livid face.

"The empress has arrived"

As soon as the communication sound came down, Mu Tianxue in white approached Lianyang Palace. Long Chenyun gave her a cold look and said, "You came just in time, what kind of tricks do you want to play?"

Mu Tianxue sat in front of the table, glanced at the breakfast on the table, and said, "Lan Yi, bring some more bowls and chopsticks, I didn't eat breakfast, am I hungry?"

Lan Yi glanced at the angry Long Chenyun, then looked at Mu Tianxue and said, "Yes, Master Xue!"

She hurried out of the hall and brought the bowls and chopsticks after a few breaths.

Mu Tianxue took the bowl and chopsticks and started to eat, brought a bowl of porridge to Long Chenyun, and said coldly: "You are a man, so don't do what women do!"

Long Chenyun frowned even deeper, staring at Mu Tianxue coldly with his starry eyes, and said with a sneer: "Tell me, what do you guys want to do after arresting me? If you think belittling me as a commoner is not enough to mitigate the crimes I committed, big You can kill me, cleanly, don't play these tricks!"

Mu Tianxue raised her eyes and looked at Long Chenyun mockingly, "You are not even afraid of death, why should you be afraid that we will play tricks? It seems that your restless temperament has not changed much. If one day you can calm down , don’t panic, I will let you out naturally!”

Long Chenyun stared at Mu Tianxue's beautiful face, "What on earth do you want to do? I'm just a commoner now, and I'm of no use to you. If you deliberately arrested me just to ridicule and insult me, then congratulations, you The goal has been achieved!"

While burying her head in the porridge, Mu Tianxue said coldly, "Childish—"

Long Chenyun couldn't breathe in his heart, he was extremely uncomfortable, seeing Mu Tianxue eating breakfast leisurely, without explaining why he came, he simply walked to the window, ignoring Mu Tianxue.

After Mu Tianxue had her breakfast, she got up and took a look around the Lianyang Palace. This was her first visit to the Lianyang Palace. It is rich and luxurious, with carved beams and painted buildings. Hundreds of night pearls are embedded on the flying dragon pillars in the palace, shining brightly in the palace. The ground is paved with white marble, carved with intricate statues of green dragons and white tigers.

Looking at the window, the sculptures on the window grilles are the Suzaku mythical beasts. Except for Xuanwu who does not look at each other, the three great beasts are all carved on the window lattice and the ground, looking majestic and imposing.

"Tell me, what is your reason for coming?" When Long Chenyun turned around, he saw that Mu Tianxue had finished her meal and was looking at the decorations in Lianyang Palace.

"How do you say, we are old friends too." Mu Tianxue glanced at Long Chenyun and said, "Could it be that I can't come to visit you!"

"Hehe, what a joke." Long Chenyun snorted and laughed, "Friend, in this world, even brothers can't be trusted, what are friends?"

Wasn't he framed by his own brother?

Wasn't he driven out of the palace by his own brother?

There is no family relationship between brothers, let alone friends who have no blood.

Mu Tianxue walked up to Long Chenyun, looked out of the window and said, "Only through experience and tempering can one grow. The so-called gaining wisdom through eating a ditch, in this world, as long as there is a human heart, there will be greed and greed. Everyone will make mistakes. , there are gains and losses, and there are those who are constantly wanting to get, but can't get!"

She withdrew her gaze and looked at Long Chenyun, and continued: "You were demoted to a commoner because of your fault, and your proud self-esteem was hurt. Have you thought about what kind of punishment you would face if the emperor didn't demote you to a commoner? Go to jail, don't you want?"

Looking at Mu Tianxue's calm and indifferent eyes, Long Chenyun had no words to refute for a while, and after a while, he said expressionlessly: "I don't know with my eyes, I made a mistake, I should bear it!"

Mu Tianxue let out a low laugh, went to the front of the mirror to get the mirror copper, handed it to Long Chenyun, and said, "Look at yourself in the mirror, how is it different from you five years ago, even if you are demoted As a commoner, you have lost your noble status, but haven't you gained anything from the experience of living as a commoner in the past five years?

You have experienced the hardships of being a commoner over the past few years. The tempering of time will leave marks on your face. It is your growth experience. Life beyond this prince!I don't even know what it means to have enough food and clothing by doing it yourself! "

Long Chenyun stared blankly at himself in the bronze mirror, his facial features were exquisite and angular, his black eyes were piercing like black ink, his face looked a little thin, but it added more wisdom and calmness, which he had never noticed before. of.

After a while, he put down the bronze mirror in his hand and looked at Mu Tianxue and said, "What do you want to express, do you want me to be honored by my life experience as a commoner over the past five years, or do you want me to be honored by what I have experienced in the past five years?" Thank you to the emperor for your kindness!"

Mu Tianxue raised the corners of her lips, "What I want to say is not important, what matters is how you understand it! Gains and losses are actually in balance!"

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