Chapter 545

Liancheng hurried all the way back to Lianyun Kingdom. Before reaching the border of Lianyun, he saw the darkness in front of the gate of the border city from a distance, and a large number of well-trained troops rushed out of the city!The powerful formation made him very uneasy!

In front of the leader of the hundreds of thousands of troops were three middle-aged men wearing armor and riding war horses. The man in the middle riding a war horse was wearing black armor and holding a spear, and galloped towards Liancheng on a war horse.

"I will not meet His Royal Highness the Crown Prince." The man in armor got off his horse, ran to Liancheng's horse, knelt on one knee and clasped his fists in both hands and respectfully said, "I will wait for Your Highness the Crown Prince for a few days!"

Liancheng reined in the reins in his hand, the horse under him neighed towards the sky, galloped in the air, leaped several times on the ground, and finally stopped in front of the general in armor, "General Ouyang, what's going on? A war happened?"

General Ouyang looked up at Liancheng who was riding on the horse, and immediately stood up and took out a bright yellow imperial decree, "The emperor issued an decree to dispatch troops, His Royal Highness, please accept the decree!"

Liancheng frowned, looking at the dark army ahead, full of doubts, didn't the father's letter say that he was seriously ill and bedridden?Why did you suddenly order to send troops!

Are you sending troops to attack Beiteng?Why didn't his father discuss this matter before he went to the imperial court?

He immediately got off his horse, walked in front of Ouyang Kun, and received the imperial edict, "How is the father's health, can the imperial doctors treat it well?"

Ouyang Kun bowed his head and said respectfully: "The emperor is seriously ill on the couch, and he ordered that the general not wait for His Royal Highness here, but only wait for His Royal Highness to lead the army to fight, and return to the country triumphantly in a few days. Naturally, the emperor's illness will be cured without medicine! Cure all diseases!"

Liancheng frowned and opened the imperial decree. When he saw the content of the imperial decree, he couldn't believe his eyes, "General Ouyang, what's the matter with this imperial decree?"

He couldn't believe that the imperial edict issued by his father was to lead the army to fight against the dynasty!

Before leaving Lianyun to go to the dynasty, he thought that this trip to the dynasty might bring war to the two countries!

When he saw Lian Yue's marriage with the Dynasty was successful, he didn't think much about it, thinking that his father was very satisfied with the marriage and would not go to war with the Dynasty.

Unexpectedly, the thing he least wanted to happen, still happened!

Ouyang Kun glanced at the imperial decree in Liancheng's hand, then looked at Liancheng respectfully and said: "The emperor has issued an imperial decree, and the general who has not led the army out of the country is waiting here for His Royal Highness. Please His Royal Highness lead the troops to attack the imperial court and open up the land for Lianyun Kingdom." Jiangshan dominates the world!"

Liancheng put away the imperial decree, looked up at the army rushing forward, frowning deeply, looked up at the sky, and said: "Send the order immediately, the army will stop advancing, and camp in place!"

Ouyang Kun frowned slightly, and wanted to say something, but in the end he just clasped his fists and said: "The general is not ordered."

Immediately, he jumped on his horse and galloped towards the army running behind him, raised his long arms, and a thick and loud voice sounded: "His Royal Highness has ordered everyone to stop advancing and set up camp in place!"

After an order, the well-trained army stopped immediately, and the majestic and resonant voice resounded through the sky, "See Your Highness the Prince!"

Liancheng rode on horseback and rushed into the army. Hundreds of thousands of troops lined up and knelt on the ground in an orderly manner.

He walked in the army on horseback, looking down at the hundreds of thousands of troops, "Raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a while, you are all the best and most elite troops in my Lianyun country. This time I attack the dynasty, I will not let Lianyun down. At the time of triumph, the three armies will be rewarded, and their salaries will be doubled!"

With some fierce and majestic words, he used ten levels of skill to transmit a deterrent voice to every soldier's ears, hitting his heart.

"The Kingdom of Yun will surely win, if you don't break the dynasty, you won't return, if you don't break the dynasty, you won't return"

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers soared into the sky, waving their flags and shouting, and their momentum went straight to the sky.

Liancheng looked down at the hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and ordered to Ouyang Kun behind him: "General Ouyang will command the military affairs, and I will return to the city from the Prince's Palace!"

After finishing speaking, Liancheng galloped away on his horse, kicking up dust and wind and sand!

In the blink of an eye, amidst the dust, he was seen disappearing into the army.

Lianyunguo Imperial Palace

When entering the imperial city, it was already dusk, Liancheng hurriedly dismounted from his horse and hurried into the palace to face the saint. Before reaching the Qianhe Hall, an eunuch greeted him, "My servant sees His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

Liancheng frowned while running towards Qianhe Hall, and said, "Eunuch Hong, father is in Qianhe Hall!"

"His Royal Highness should be leading the troops at the border at this time. How could he rush back to the palace?" Eunuch Hong hurriedly followed, "His Royal Highness, please stay behind. The emperor has a word of mouth passed on to His Royal Highness."

"What metaphor?" Lian Cheng not only didn't stop, but sped up his pace, "The crown prince will go to see his father first, so I don't need any metaphors!"

"His Royal Highness, please stay." Seeing Liancheng quicken his pace, Eunuch Hong rushed forward to block Liancheng, "His Royal Highness, please stay, the emperor is seriously ill and needs to recuperate, and he has given an order to see no one.

The specially appointed servant passed on the word of mouth to His Highness the Crown Prince, hoping that His Highness the Crown Prince will live up to his expectations, and go to lead the troops to break through the border of the Dynasty, enter the Yanmen Pass, and take down the Dynasty in one fell swoop. The Emperor is waiting for His Highness the Crown Prince to return in triumph! "

Liancheng frowned, "Father, did you mention the princess? This trip, the princess and the pro-dynasty are for the sake of the bond between the two countries. Why did you ignore the princess' life and lead the army to attack!"

Eunuch Hong hurriedly said: "The emperor sent a letter, asking His Highness the Crown Prince not to worry. The princess's trip to get married is arranged by the Emperor. When the imperial court is attacked, and when the soldiers approach the city, Her Highness will escape safely. The eight guards of Xuantian will personally protect Her Highness. I won't hurt Her Royal Highness the slightest bit!"

Liancheng snorted coldly, pushed Eunuch Hong away in front of him, and ran straight to the Qianhe Hall. Since the father wanted to attack the Dynasty, why did he send Lian Yue to the Dynasty?

This is not to let Lian Yue go to the imperial court to die, he is clear about Long Chenyi's methods, if he leads troops to attack the Imperial Yanmen Pass, how can Long Chenyi let Lian Yue go!

"His Royal Highness, you can't go in!" The guards outside Qianhe Hall stopped Lian Cheng who was about to break into the hall, "The emperor has ordered that no one be seen, if it is His Royal Highness, the emperor ordered His Royal Highness to rush to the border immediately to lead troops to recover the great mountains and rivers! "

Liancheng's face was serious, the emperor said that the illness was a cover, and it was true that he was called back to the country to lead the army!

Father secretly conscripted troops five years ago, trained the troops to strengthen the elite army, and wanted to dominate the world!

He already knew in his heart that the battle between Lian Yun and the Dynasty must be fought, but he never thought that this battle would come so suddenly and so fast!

Now, the emperor said he was sick and did not see him, because he didn't want him to dissuade him, but also to give him a chance to conquer the world and make great achievements in the world!

As the prince of Lianyun Kingdom and the future heir, even if he doesn't want to, he will fight hard.

It's just that Lian Yue is in the royal palace, how could he let his sister become a victim of this war!

He knelt outside the Qianhe Hall and begged: "Father, my son, please see me!"

The Qianhe hall was silent, without any sound.

"His Royal Highness, the emperor is resting and seeing no one, you should hurry to Lianguan and live up to the emperor's expectations!"

Eunuch Hong followed quickly and persuaded Liancheng.

Liancheng was indifferent, and he knelt down and couldn't afford it!

After a long time, a murky but domineering voice came from the Qianhe Hall, "Chenger, the recovery of the world's rivers and mountains is just around the corner. I have a strong army with strong horses and elite soldiers. If you lead the army to break the dynasty, I will not let my father die." The emperor is disappointed, let's go!"


"Go, father is tired——"

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