Chapter 547

On the dark and murderous night of the moon, the entire palace was filled with a gloomy and murderous atmosphere. Even though the palace was brightly lit, it was still difficult to illuminate the dark corners of the palace.

At this time, a melodious and melodious piano sound came from a palace in the imperial palace. The sound of the piano is beautiful!

Sometimes it is soothing like a stream, sometimes it is crisp like pearls falling on a jade plate, and sometimes it is whispered like a whisper, melodious and melodious, which is soul-stirring and unrestrained.

Suddenly, the sound of the piano is as soft as weeping, like a girl's lonely heart telling, with a trace of desolation!

It's like a sad girl is weeping softly, mellow and low, exciting!

The heart that made people look excited just a moment ago suddenly fell into the bottom of the valley of sorrow, and the feeling of sadness rose in the heart.

Mu Tianxue was lying on the roof of Nianxue Pavilion listening to the resentful piano sound from Shangyang Palace, and her heart was immersed in sadness along with the piano sound!

He didn't realize when there was another person behind him.

Long Chen also sat down next to her, lying on the glazed tile with his hands behind his head, looking at the crescent moon emitting a faint silver light in the night.

Tonight, the moonlight is too dark. Looking at the night sky above, you can only see the dark clouds covering the moon, and the stars hidden in the black clouds as black as brocade silk, which makes people feel dull and depressed.

Hearing the weeping and complaining sound of the zither again, a sense of desolation came out from nowhere, and Long Chen, who had always been as cold as ice, felt an unspeakable sadness in his heart.

He stretched out his arms to pillow Mu Tianxue's neck, gently embraced her in his arms with his elbows, and hugged her tightly, only then did he drive away the sadness in his heart.

"She is innocent and, unfortunately, about to be a victim between two countries!"

Mu Tianxue buried her head in Long Chenyi's arms and said softly, maybe she was infected by the sound of the piano, which made her words contain a little bit of sadness!

"This is her fate, a destiny that cannot be changed as a child of the royal family!"

Long Chen also looked down at her in his arms, and lowered his head to kiss her on the forehead.

"Are you going to kill her?"

Mu Tianxue felt sad for Lianyue from the bottom of her heart when she heard the sound of the piano crying softly like a girl.

Lian Yunguo led troops to attack the imperial dynasty. It can be seen that Lian Yunhuang has put Lian Yue's life and death aside, and has already planned to sacrifice her!

Poor her, she doesn't even know anything!

"Yes, even if I don't kill her, someone will kill her! She will never escape death!"

Long Chen also caressed the ink hair that was pouring all over her body, looked down at her exquisite and perfect facial features and her eyelashes trembling like butterfly wings, and there was a ripple in his heart, he didn't want to be separated from her for a moment.

Thinking that he was about to leave the capital and her side, his heart felt like a heavy stone was blocked, it was difficult to breathe, it was very uncomfortable.

Hearing Long Chenyi's words, Mu Tianxue raised her head to look at him, but met his shining starry eyes and two soft thin lips. As soon as she raised her head, her lips touched his kiss, and her heart burst into excitement. There was a thousand layers of waves, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

At that time, Lian Yue, who was sitting in front of the window in Shangyang Palace, gradually came to an end with the mournful and weeping piano sound, and the lingering sound lingered for three days, carrying infinite sadness and sadness.


Just as the sound of the piano came to an end, the strings under her fingers snapped. Lian Yue looked down at the blood flowing from her fingertips, and gradually became dazed.

"Princess, what's wrong with you, your hands are bleeding"

As soon as Xi'er entered the bedroom with the medicine, she heard the sound of strings breaking, and saw Lian Yue staring at the bleeding hand in a daze, she quickly put down the medicine, picked up the handkerchief and stepped forward to stop the bleeding from Lian Yue's fingers.

"It's just a small injury, it's fine"

Lian Yue regained her composure and looked at Xi'er with a faint smile.

"Princess, your old injury hasn't healed yet, how can you add a new injury?"

Xi'er's face was full of worry, and there were tears in her eyes, as if she was about to cry.

Since the emperor came to Shangyang Palace that day, he never came again, although the princess insisted on drinking medicine every day!

But the mood and person are getting thinner and thinner day by day. If this continues, the injury will heal, but the body will get worse and worse.

"No matter how serious the injury is, it will only hurt the flesh. It can be healed in the end, but the heart is hurt, but it hurts the soul. If you want to heal, you need heart medicine, but I will never get that heart medicine in this life!"

Lian Yue looked at the night outside the window with a wry smile, and her eyes fell on the falling flowers in front of the window, her face was full of sadness, "Flowers fall and the moon is short of people and getting thinner, lonely and deserted, who cherish each other, under the same night sky, Who watches the waning moon and keeps a thought, leaning against the window like me, playing the qin and weeping, enjoying the crescent moon alone, the string is broken, the thought is broken, but the love is not cut off!"

"Princess, let's go back to Lianyun Kingdom. There is the place where the princess grew up. There are emperors and princes who love the princess, and there are many happy times. The princess should not stay in the dynasty, it will only make the princess sad!"

Xi'er fetched the hemostatic medicine and medicine for external treatment, and while smearing and bandaging Lian Yue, she watched the caring persuasion of Lian Yue.

"This place makes me sad but also very happy. It is the closest place, under the same sky, the same country, and the same palace. It took me eight years to walk so close to him. , how can you leave?"

Lian Yue said lightly, with a smile on his face.

"But princess, isn't the matter about Xuantian's eight imperial guards implicated? If the emperor knew that the person in the portrait was the guard who protected the princess, and, moreover, might be the assassin who poisoned Princess Beiteng, the emperor would definitely Doubt about the purpose of the princess' marriage"

Xi'er's eyes were full of worry, and her little face was full of anxiety!

If the emperor suspects that the purpose of the princess' trip is to deal with the Beiteng country and provoke a war between the two countries, he will definitely not let the princess go.

"The matter has not been investigated yet, let's not jump to conclusions, I have already summoned the eight imperial guards with the sound of the piano, you go and send everyone!"

Lian Yue looked at the dark night outside the window with speculation in her eyes. After she came to the imperial court, she reached a consensus with the eight imperial guards.

Presumably, the Eight Great Imperial Guards will show up soon. Regarding Princess Beiteng's murder and her father's secret plan, she must ask clearly why her father wanted to provoke a war between the two countries.

After Xi'er left the palace, she sent all the maids and eunuchs to rest. There were only Liang Lianyue and Xi'er in the entire Shangyang Palace.

However, outside the tall palace of the imperial palace, a few black shadows flew to the palace wall to vigilantly explore the situation inside the palace, and waited to see a group of night training guards leave from under their noses.

A few figures jumped into the palace like elves in black clothes, and quickly wandered away like a dimly lit palace in the palace.

"See Her Royal Highness"

In the blink of an eye, several black shadows came to the inner hall of Shangyang Palace, kneeling respectfully in front of Lian Yue.

"Xuan Yuwei, why don't you see Xing Yuwei and Tian Yuwei?"

Seeing that the eight imperial guards were not present, Lian Yue squinted her eyes and asked sharply.

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