The black-bellied concubine is not favored

Chapter 549 Who is lying to her

Chapter 549 Who is lying to her

"You know him!"

His ice-cold voice made the chill in the hall even worse, and it also made Lian Yue's frightened heart almost jump out of her throat, trembling with fear, shaking continuously, as if the blood in her body was icy cold. The sound freezes into ice.

"The concubine doesn't know him—"

Lian Yue glanced at the man, and then looked away. The injury on the man's body really made her sigh, and made her feel terrified.

"Come here, let Princess Lianyue see clearly before drawing conclusions."

Long Chen Yijun's face was gloomy, and he ordered in a cold voice to the guards at the side.

After the two guards listened to the order, they pulled up the dying man who was in a coma, and moved them to Lian Yue, and turned the man's face to Lian Yue.

Lian Yue held her breath, the strong smell of blood on the man's body made her stomach churn!

She frowned, raised her eyes and carefully looked at the unconscious man in front of her!

After seeing the man's face clearly, she immediately opened her eyes wide in surprise, she couldn't believe her eyes!

She blinked a few times, looked carefully, and when she was sure that she was right, her heart sank to the bottom of the valley instantly.

Just now Xuan Yuwei said that Xing Yuwei and Tian Yuwei had returned to Lianyun Kingdom, so who is this tortured and tortured man in front of him?

This is clearly Xing Yuwei. Could it be that there are really two people who look exactly alike in the world?

Or, what Xuan Yuwei said before, were all lying to her?

"Princess Lianyue, do you recognize this person?"

Long Chen also had a panoramic view of Lian Yue's astonished expression, his cold handsome face was covered with a layer of frost, and his voice was even colder.

"Go back to the emperor, my concubine, I don't know this person!"

Lian Yue's face was already pale with fright, she lowered her head not daring to look at Long Chenyi's cold and handsome face, and there was a slight tremor in her voice.

She absolutely cannot say that she knows this person, otherwise, the lie she told Long Chenyi before will be self-defeating.

"You really don't know him!" Seeing that Lian Yue was still denying, Long Chen also shot a strong killing intent in his cold eyes, he raised his eyes to look outside the hall, and said coldly: "Bring him up!"

After the voice of the order fell, several dark guards escorted six men in black who were wounded by arrows into the inner hall, and pressed them to kneel in front of Long Chenyi, "My lord, all six were arrested."

Glancing at the few people brought in, Lian Yue's heart trembled, she clenched her fists tightly, her body trembling uncontrollably, and the fear gradually spread in her heart.

Sure enough, several imperial guards were captured by Long Chenyi's men, fortunately, Xing Yuwei was not among the several imperial guards.

Without waiting for Long Chen to ask, she raised her eyes to look at him, and said in horror: "Your Majesty, calm down, these few guards are by the side of my concubine to protect my concubine, they are definitely not assassins who broke into the palace!"

Long Chen also narrowed his eyes coldly, glanced at the six imperial guards, and said with a sneer: "The eight imperial guards of Xuantian have been cultivated around Emperor Lian Yun. In front of him, there are only seven imperial guards. Where is the other one?"

Hearing Long Chenyi's words, Lian Yue's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and her pale face turned pale again.

Could it be that Long Chen also recognized the eight imperial guards, and also knew that the dying guard in front of him was one of the eight imperial guards?

Her thin body swayed uncontrollably, and a strong sense of fear surrounded her tightly.

What exactly happened?

Why did Long Chen catch Xing Yuwei and torture him so horribly?

Why did Xuan Yuwei lie to her?

"Your Majesty, the concubine's father is seriously ill, and the other two guards have already returned to Lianyun Kingdom!"

Without knowing it, she could only tell Long Chen what Xuan Yuwei said before.

"Princess Lianyue means that the man in front of you is not a member of the Eight Imperial Guards!"

Long Chen also gripped the chair a little tighter, the matter was already in front of him, Lian Yue still gritted his teeth and refused to confess.

It's hard for him to believe that Lian Yue doesn't know about everything, even if she really doesn't know, but she has already reached this point, why should she put on an air of hypocrisy.

"Back to the emperor, the other two guards have indeed rushed back to Lianyun Kingdom. I was ordered to protect Her Royal Highness, and there is no malice. Please appease the emperor."

At this time, Xuan Yuwei, who was kneeling on the ground, held back the arrow wound on his body, and said in a rather respectful tone.

Long Chen also shrunk his pupils slightly, and his murderous intent suddenly rose. He raised his hand to Lan Yi who was beside him. Lan Yi immediately took out a dagger, walked up to Lian Yue, and handed the dagger, "This person is Hanguang Temple." The assassin who assassinated the emperor, Princess Lao Lianyue will share the responsibility for the emperor to solve this assassin."

Hearing this, Lian Yue's head exploded with a bang, and her consciousness was instantly shattered. Apart from shock, her face was full of disbelief. She couldn't believe what she heard.

She froze in a daze, was Xing Yuwei the assassin who was arrested for assassinating Long Chenyi in Hanguang Temple?

This, how is this possible, a few days ago, she had seen Xing Yuwei, at that time, Long Chen had already locked the assassin captured by Hanguang Temple on the ninth floor of the prison.

If the person in front of him is really the assassin who assassinated Long Chenyi, then he must not be Xing Yuwei.

"Why, Princess Lianyue doesn't want to share the burden for the emperor"

Seeing that Lianyue was stunned and didn't pick up the dagger for a long time, Lan Yi reminded in a cold voice.

"No, no, I, I didn't kill anyone"

When she came back to her senses, Lian Yue looked at the cold dagger in front of her, eyes full of fear.

She has never killed, let alone killed!

"Princess Lian Yue doesn't need to be afraid, just take a dagger and insert it into the pierced chest. The emperor was injured by this man. Doesn't Princess Lian Yue want to avenge the emperor?"

Seeing that Lian Yue didn't take the dagger, Lan Yi took the initiative to stuff the dagger into Lian Yue's hand, and pointed at the man in black's chest and said.

Lian Yue's hand holding the dagger trembled uncontrollably, and the cold light of the dagger looked even colder under the candlelight.

She looked at the chest of the man in black in fear, swallowing her saliva uncontrollably, her panicked heart was about to jump out of her throat.

Holding the dagger tremblingly, she walked up to the incomplete chest of the man in black, but she couldn't let go.

"Lan Yi, help Princess Lianyue and teach her how to kill"

Seeing that Lian Yue didn't dare to do anything, Long Chen squinted his cold eyes and gave Lan Yi instructions.

After Lan Yi took the order, she held Lianyue's trembling hand, moved it to the chest and heart of the man in black, and stabbed the dagger into the man's chest with force.


Lian Yue screamed in fright, seeing blood spurting from the chest of the man in black onto her hands, she threw off Lan Yi's hand holding her like a hot potato, and her trembling body staggered and fell on the ground. on the ground.

The man in black was woken up by the sharp pain in his chest, his face was twisted and hideous, and painful groans kept coming out of his throat.

He opened his eyes in pain, looked at the dagger stuck in his chest, and mechanically raised his head to look forward, "Princess, princess——"

Lian Yue looked at the man in black with wide eyes and tears streaming down her face, and was stunned. If this man called her princess, then he was Xing Yuwei.

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