Fortune Teller.

Chapter 117

Chapter 117

Social resources are limited, so one person can enjoy the happiness alone, but it will definitely be uncomfortable for another person to share or take most of it. Bi Wentian will not sit back and watch Shide develop and grow step by step, and wait for the day when Shide becomes a fortune-teller If he can break the fate of an official above the hall level, he will soar into the sky like a dragon out of water, unstoppable.

At that time, with Shi De's personality and methods, he will not be as calm and uncontested as He Zitian. He must want to get more benefits, and will definitely plunder the resources that originally belonged to Bi Wentian and squeeze his vastness. space.

Bi Wentian hadn't made up his mind to encircle Shi De every step of the way before. His strategy was that if Shi De blocked his way, he would find a way to push Shi De away; What to do with him, after all there is He Zitian behind Shi De, he dare not act rashly.

But now, after Shi De took another shot to destroy his carefully designed situation, after hearing that the situation in Shancheng was almost out of control and the previous operation was in vain, he who was far away in the capital was also angry, Shi De, boy Too much deception.

It happened that Mu Jinnian called. Bi Wentian was sitting with several high-ranking officials in the capital to talk about the general situation of the world. He didn't want to answer Mu Jinnian's call at first, but then he thought it must be for the affairs of the single city, so he hesitated and answered it .Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, his roots were in the capital, and he was chatting and laughing with countless high-ranking officials and dignitaries. In a not so important ancient city, Shancheng, but more than half of his thoughts were tied down, making him both annoyed and helpless.

Thinking about how many people look up to him when he travels across the world, how many officials at the department level want to see him but can't get it, and many senior officials above the vice-provincial level do everything possible to ask him for advice. One word is the holy decree!Such an imposing invisible head, but being restrained by a little-known stinky boy for most of his energy, and making him suffocate everywhere, is tolerable, what is unbearable!

"I'll go back to Shancheng in a few days, and then I'll discuss the next step in detail." Bi Wentian decided to solve Shi De's problem once and for all. In the capital, he cut off Shi De's way forward with one blow, so what's the use of He Zitian's desperate efforts to find him again?He couldn't hesitate any longer, otherwise it would be a serious problem, "Also, how is Hua Liunian recently?"

"Hua Liunian..." Mu Jinnian hesitated, originally wanted to report Hua Liunian's recent performance truthfully, but changed his mind in an instant, and said, "It's still the same, sometimes inappropriate, sometimes unreliable."

"Has she ever had contact with Shi De? You have to remember that she is the springboard before you become a trainer. You should know what the springboard means. After you skip it, it will be useless." Bi Wentian seemed to notice When it came to Mu Jinnian's compassion for Hua Liunian, he specially and solemnly reminded Mu Jinnian not to act emotionally.

But Mu Jinnian disappointed Bi Wentian. He couldn't be as hard-hearted as iron, and could abandon Hua Liunian as if he turned his back on him. Although he had always disliked Hua Liunian, and even felt somewhat disgusted with him, he got along with him for a long time. Well, he's not a cold-blooded animal, so he can't just kick Hua Liunian away like a passer-by. He really wanted to tell the truth, but he didn't say it: "No, she's taken a fancy to Zhao Subo recently, and she's going crazy."

"Okay, I'll talk about it when I get to Shancheng." Just as he was about to put the phone down, Bi Wentian thought of something again, and said suddenly, "Jinnian, you go to the ruins of King Zhaocheng tonight, and keep walking in. There is a hut on the road. Take a bulldozer and a few people there, tear down the hut, and leave nothing behind.”

"What's going on here?" Mu Jinnian was quite surprised.

"Ask less and do more, just do it, it's definitely right." Bi Wentian said impatiently, and hung up the phone.

Of course, Mu Jinnian didn't know what Bi Wentian was thinking. The thatched hut at the Zhaowangcheng ruins was He Zitian's hiding place. If you sleep in a hut for one night, you will get twice the result with half the effort.After destroying He Zitian's thatched hut, he would not be afraid to confront He Zitian head-on.In case of injury at that time, he can use his huge financial resources to buy the most valuable medicinal materials and supplements in the world to recover quickly, but He Zitian cannot.Then under the ups and downs of one another, He Zitian will undoubtedly lose.

Everything is ready, Bi Wentian will wait for the affairs of the capital, and then he will go south to Dancheng to deal with Shi De himself.

Shi De was unaware of the imminent danger. After sending Zhao Subo and Hua Liu away in the world, he did not stay, but drove back to the city with Yue Qingying.

Biyou was not in Taohuaju, Shi De went back to Fangwaiju directly, Yue Qingying didn't say anything, let him go and left.The reason why Shi De came back in a hurry was because he wanted to practice the method of breathing in the dead of night.

Although he didn't know Bi Wentian's plan behind the scenes, he could guess that Bi Wentian would definitely not give up. Bi Wentian fell short on Liu Bao's affairs, and encountered a major setback on Fu Rui's issue. No wonder he didn't become angry from embarrassment.

Before Master He came back, Shi De could only do everything possible to protect himself.Although he doesn't know what miracles will happen after combining the method of breathing and taijiquan, he believes that what Master He said is right. Now that the Shimen project has not started, all kinds of conflicts in the single city will explode when they gather together. Before he erupted, Huang Susu had already gone to Xiajiang, Biyou went to Shimen, he seemed to be much more relaxed, and had a lot of time to practice the method of breathing.

Physiognomy is now trapped in the realm of physiognomy, and there is no breakthrough method for the time being, let alone the method of Taijiquan and the method of breathing.Standing in the middle of Fang Waiju's courtyard, Shi De felt the cool autumn night breeze blowing on his face instead of feeling cold, on the contrary he felt refreshed all over his body.He first calmed down and performed Taijiquan in a soothing and moderate manner. After withdrawing the boxing, he practiced the method of breathing and breathing again, and then repeated it again.

After several repetitions, Shi De entered a state of ecstasy. He couldn't tell whether he was practicing Taijiquan or the method of breathing. He only felt that the sky and the earth were clear and the moon was white. In the night sky, it is as if it is an illusion.

Yi has Tai Chi, which is to produce two appearances, two appearances to produce four images, four images to produce eight trigrams, both movement and stillness are suitable, open and close, open, like a big roc spreading its wings, and close, like embracing heaven and earth.

A boundless and wonderful feeling pervades the whole body, not to mention that Fang Waiju is invisible in Shi De's feeling, the world is also in chaos, he can't tell where is the sky and where is the earth, immersed in a wonderful feeling that he has never had before Among them, Shi De has long been unable to distinguish between the posture of the fist and his breathing, and only vaguely knows where he is. Every time he punches or withdraws a punch, there is a wind of heaven and earth moving with him, from the first slight wind to the last. The whistling wind, even if it is just a movement of the sleeves, can also induce the wind of heaven and earth coming from nowhere.

Is it a hallucination or a dream?Shi De couldn't tell the difference.After he retracted his punches, he opened his eyes and was shocked. At this time, the east was turning white, and a red sun was about to rise. Ah, he actually fought all night with a set of boxing techniques.

Looking at the messy footprints in the courtyard again, a Tai Chi pattern can be seen faintly.At this time, Shi De was secretly amazed, the wisdom of the ancients is really outstanding, when a set of boxing skills is mastered, even the steps can imply the principles of heaven and earth, no wonder it is called Taijiquan.And the reason why Master He taught him Taijiquan is probably because Taijiquan is peaceful and peaceful, implying the principle of balance between heaven and earth.

But what made Shi De wonder was that he practiced Tai Chi all night, and he was so absorbed in it that he forgot whether the method of breathing and Tai Chi was combined!
Shi De was slightly frustrated, turned around and went into the house, but he didn't notice that the fallen leaves on the ground seemed to be arranged together very regularly. If you observe carefully, the fallen leaves are divided into two rows, one long and one short, just like human breathing.

Two days later, the matter of Binsheng's loan took shape. Not surprisingly, the first loan of 1000 million yuan was approved within a week.The reason why things went so smoothly was due to Li Sanjiang's promotion.When Li Sanjiang was the deputy director of the district government office, although he had little real power, he liked to socialize and had many friends in various fields.It can even be said that in the whole of Fuyang, no matter what kind of business he is in, there are almost no people he doesn't know.

Li Sanjiang was so enthusiastic about Binsheng's affairs, not because of Yue Qingying's face, nor to please Yue Guoliang, but to repay the favor he received.Now in Li Sanjiang's eyes, Shi De, who has no official position, has a bit more weight than Yue Guoliang.Although Yue Guoliang is the executive deputy mayor, there are always times when he will step down or call a curtain call. Shi De has no official position, but he has inexhaustible connections and unfathomable skills. In his mind, the ranking is lower, and even Huang Zixuan is not as high as Shi De.

A few days later, under the impetus of Shi De, Li Sanjiang finally took the most critical step in his life - sitting on the sofa of the highest power center in Shancheng as a deputy district head - in the city. The senior official's office personally reported to Huang Zixuan the work of the old city renovation project in Fuyang District.

Under normal circumstances, the district mayor has to make an appointment in advance if he wants to see the city's senior officials, and it may not be possible to meet him. Li Sanjiang is just an ordinary deputy district mayor. What an honor it is to sit in the office of a senior city official.And he was also clear that what he reported to Huang Zixuan was not work, but getting closer and showing loyalty.

With Li Sanjiang's political wisdom, he knew very clearly that if his report was approved by Huang Zixuan, then he would become Huang Zixuan's confidant in the near future. Sometimes, under the tension and excitement, my hands are shaking, and I have been trying to suppress the excitement and anxiety in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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