Fortune Teller.

Chapter 119 Party

Chapter 119 Party
"Don't tell me I really forgot. If you really have something to say, please pass it on. Tell Xia Hua not to focus on her current achievements, but to continue to climb the peak. It's best to take over at Shimen before the Spring Festival. It's a big project." How could Shi De fail to guess Yue Qingying's small thoughts, so he only talked about work and not personal matters.

"Okay, you, Xia Hua is alone, do you want to exhaust her to death?" Yue Qingying complained, but there was a hint of sweetness in her words, "Then I'll go first, you are alone in Shancheng, and you are alone in Shancheng. Take care of yourself, and Biyou is not around, so don't mess around with your meal. By the way, do you want me to meet Biyou at Shimen?"

"No need for now, you probably won't see Biyou." Shi De hung up the phone, he can take care of himself alone, and there are a few friends in Shancheng, don't worry about eating or something, you can just go to a bowl Xiang is eating, Biyou is not around, he is the boss of Yiwanxiang.

But Biyou hasn't come back until now, and he feels dissatisfied in his heart. It's reasonable for Biyou to call back no matter what. It's been a few days, and it's fine if he doesn't come back. He doesn't make a phone call, not to make him worry what?And when he called, Biyou still didn't answer, which made Shi De angry.

Later, he simply stopped calling Biyou.

Yue Qingying said that he wanted to meet Biyou, which annoyed Shi De even more. He doesn't know where Biyou is in Shimen now, so why meet?Biyou is a very measured person, why is she so out of line this time, making people think she is hiding something on purpose?
In the evening, Shi De contacted Yue Guoliang. Yue Guoliang asked Shi De to come and meet him now. Shi De didn't think too much about it. Liang is not alone, but has several companions.

If it is reasonable to say that Li Sanjiang and secretary Wu Bodong are accompanying him, what Shi De did not expect is that Zhao Subo is also there!
I haven't seen each other for a few days, and I met Zhao Subo again, but it was at the dinner in Yueguoliang. After being taken aback for a while, he smiled slightly. Zhao Subo is really a wonderful person. From , to the irreversible relationship with Mu Jinnian, to getting closer to him step by step, and to today, becoming Yue Guoliang's guest again, Zhao Subo's behavior can be described as the impermanence of soldiers, the impermanence of water, and the shape of water.

Of course, Shi De's description is a positive description, save face, without irony.

However, from Zhao Subo's sudden transformation into Yue Guoliang's guest, one can draw a conclusion that the situation in the city has changed drastically. At least Yue Guoliang and Zhao Haiyang have reached a consensus.Otherwise, Zhao Subo wouldn't have sat down with Yue Guoliang, who belonged to different camps, to drink and have fun.

"Mr. Shi, we meet again. We are destined, really destined." Zhao Subo laughed and shook hands with Shi De, "Are you surprised to see me and Uncle Yue together?"

"That's not true, it's just that I have a new understanding of Mr. Zhao's ability to act." Shi De said cheerfully, secretly amused by the fact that Zhao Subo and Yue Guoliang are so close that they have already called him uncle, "It's easy to know someone. Recognizing a person is difficult and takes time."

"I would like more time for Mr. Shi to recognize me as a person. After a long time, you will know that I have many shortcomings and not many advantages. There is only one advantage. As long as we become friends, when we are close, Treat each other with sincerity, and when the relationship is not good, you will never give any bad words, and you will never betray your friends." Zhao Subo said meaningfully, looking directly into Shi De's eyes.

Shi De laughed: "Mr. Zhao's advantage is a huge advantage. When you say that, I'm half relieved."

Half of my heart is set aside, and when the other half is set aside, that's up to me.

The rest of the people knew each other well, so there wasn't much chatter. Shi De only shook hands with Yue Guoliang lightly and then let go. After making eye contact, he knew that today's dinner was a delicate one, which foreshadowed the direction of the single city. The big change has affected the reshuffle among the top management.

Li Sanjiang followed Shi De to the right, and said in a low voice: "Shi De, Zhao Subo can still cooperate."

Shi De nodded slightly imperceptibly, and when several people arrived in the room to take their seats, Yue Guoliang took the first seat without hesitation, Shi De was next to Yue Guoliang to accompany him, and on the right side of Yue Guoliang were Li Sanjiang, Zhao Subo and Wu Bodong Just sat down.

At the beginning of the dinner, Yue Guoliang toasted to celebrate together: "In this harvest season, today we sit together and toast to invite the bright moon. It is very poetic. Come, everyone, let's have a drink together, and we will share this moment together."

Yue Guoliang's toast seemed to have no theme, but in fact, after listening carefully, it was to celebrate the good situation in Shancheng, and several people toasted at the same time. Zhao Subo interjected: "I want to celebrate myself and sit with Shi De again."

"Haha." Yue Guoliang smiled heartily, "Okay, okay."

After a few people clinked glasses, the topic started slowly. It was said that the districts and counties under the jurisdiction of Shancheng should have a bumper harvest this year. It was a good year with good weather and grain production hit a new high. The transformation must be completed before heating in winter, otherwise it will affect the heating of residents.From the transformation of the old city of Fuyang District to the construction of the new city of Fuyang after the transformation, Li Sanjiang said something that made Shi De suddenly enlightened.

"The district preliminarily decided two major real estate companies to be in charge of the construction of Fuyang New City, one is Binsheng and the other is Huada. However, due to the planning of the district, many renovation projects are integrated commercial and residential, or large-scale living quarters As well as the construction of ancillary facilities at the same time, Binsheng has advantages in residential building construction, Huada has experience in commercial building construction, and the two companies need to work together..."

Shi De smiled knowingly. Seeing that the cooperation between Shimen and Binsheng might be hopeless for a while, Zhao Subo showed enough sincerity and turned to Shancheng to cooperate with Binsheng on the old city renovation project in Fuyang. Cooperation is a good thing , the even better thing is that he clearly threw Weihong aside.

According to Zhao Subo, he would not betray his friends, that is, he would not betray Fu Weiqiang's Weihong, and instead cooperate with Binsheng. Regarding the cooperation on the project in Fuyang District, it is not a breach of faith for him to start anew and join hands with Binsheng.

Shi De took the initiative to shake hands with Zhao Subo—it was also the first time he had taken the initiative to shake hands with Zhao Subo since he knew Zhao Subo—and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhao, I hope our first handshake will make this year's harvest even better."

Zhao Subo smiled and said: "It will definitely be better. I said before that if Binsheng needs support, as long as Huada can do what it can, it will definitely support it. And I am not afraid to tell Mr. Shi that Huada has changed its main attack direction. Developers focus on residential buildings, so they will spend less energy on residential buildings. If there are suitable projects in residential buildings that Huada can’t take care of, they can transfer them to Binsheng.”

To cast a peach is to reciprocate, and Shi De said: "There are commercial and residential projects that Binsheng cannot do in the future, and Huada can also complete them. It is mutually beneficial and win-win."

"Since the conversation is so speculative, I have to leave one." Li Sanjiang smiled and raised his wine glass at the side, "I'm here to offer a toast to Mr. Shi and Mr. Zhao. I hope that with the support of Binsheng and Huada, the old city in Fuyang District will be rebuilt. The project was successfully completed on schedule.”

The three clinked glasses together and laughed. Behind the laughter was a reshuffled party.

When Fu Weiqiang heard that Zhao Subo and Shi De had finally sat down to have a drink together, Fu Weiqiang threw his wine glass angrily.

"Wei Qiang, don't be angry. The alliance between Zhao Subo and Shi De is only a combination of interests. It's temporary and won't last long. Su Bo's personality is completely different from Shi De's, and he's not the same person." Mu Jinnian comforted Fu Weiqiang, Although he didn't even believe what he said, "It just so happens that you have taken a break recently to recharge your spirits. When your body recovers and the rumors have passed, there is still time to show off your grand plans. With Weihong's strength, even if you rest for a while In half a year, even a small Binsheng can't catch up with his horse."

Mu Jinnian and Fu Weiqiang had dinner together at the Lu Restaurant, and there was no one to accompany them except for the two of them, so the atmosphere was less lively when they ate together.But fortunately, the food is not for the atmosphere, but for discussing things.

Fu Weiqiang's face was haggard, and there was black air between his brows, which was the so-called darkening of Yintang.Mu Jinnian was secretly startled. Last time, when Fu Weiqiang's fortune was declining, he had just started his physiognomy. He couldn't tell how fast Fu Weiqiang's fortune was declining. He didn't expect Fu Weiqiang's current fortune. Like a free-falling shot put, it falls quickly.

In the past few days, for some unknown reason, Mu Jinnian felt that while his career was getting higher and higher, his physiognomy was also improving by leaps and bounds.Now when he looked at Fu Weiqiang again, he couldn't help admiring Shi De's physiognomy even more, it was indeed much better than him.At a glance, Fu Weiqiang's face was not only dark, his eyes were black, but also his energy and energy seemed to be exhausted, without a trace of vitality.Just like a piece of dead wood that is about to die, could it be said that Fu Weiqiang is really going to die?

Could it be that the improvement in physiognomy is due to the demolition of He Zitian's hut?Mu Jinnian secretly thought that after talking with Bi Wentian a few days ago, he put down the phone and took people to the ruins of King Zhao City. After burying and finishing everything, it was midnight, the autumn wind was blowing, and the air was heavy. He suddenly felt the cool wind entering his body and shivered. He caught a cold that night, and became seriously ill the next day. Chinese medicine is good for three days.

But after recovering from the illness, it seems that my ears and eyes are much clearer. Many judgments that I could not understand in physiognomy before can now be understood at once, which is really strange.But whether it's strange or not, Mu Jinnian is happy in his heart. After all, he has been trapped in the first gate of the phase master realm for too long, and has not made any progress. Now there are faint signs of reaching the middle gate.

(End of this chapter)

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